I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Two days later, night.

Thousands of fans are eagerly awaiting the start of the eighth episode of Madoka Magica.

Everyone in Chu Yu's major fan groups became active.

Finally, when it was eight o'clock, the link to play the eighth episode appeared, and a group of people all clicked in to watch the eighth episode.

For Liao Bin, he also got off work late, and went home half an hour later than usual, so it was nearly 8:30 before he opened Madoka Magica Chapter 8 to watch.

But just a little bit in, the barrage at the beginning of the animation is like raindrops pouring out.

"This episode made Lao Tzu a stomachache, this screenwriter is crazy!"

"I, Nima, want to take a knife to talk to the screenwriter."

"All units pay attention to this episode of high energy, this episode of Teacher Shuixin will once again show his malice towards the audience."

"It's worthy of being Shuixin teacher. It's still a pit as always. I won't say more. To follow the words that Shuixin teacher once said, you can click on the eighth episode of the new generations. Now it is too late to go. The warrior of love has to work hard. It's..."

Liao Bin decisively turned off the barrage function to prevent spoilers.

But just a few cursory glances at the barrage left him a lot of doubts.

What is the warrior of love?

Who is Shui Xin?

As a person who only pays attention to the work itself and is not interested in the creators of the work, he naturally does not know the situation.

But one thing he understands is that the plot of this episode seems to have a hot spot, otherwise it would not have been only half an hour after the broadcast that there will be so many barrage at the beginning of the animation with high-energy warning.

As soon as the animation entered the plot to connect with the scene when Sayaka defeated the witch, after paying a huge price to kill the witch, Sayaka actually gave Kyoko the Seed of Lament.

Coupled with her expression, it is obvious that the whole person has been blackened.

Madoka worried that Sayaka persuaded her not to fight in the same way as before to hurt herself.

But in exchange for Sayaka's indifferent words.

"Then you come to fight..."

"I heard from Chobe, you are actually more talented than everyone else... If you want to say for my sake, just stand in the same position as me and try."

"Of course it's impossible..." Sayaka's tone became cold.

"It is impossible to give up being human because of sympathy!"

"You can do everything, but you can do nothing..."

Sayaka's remarks made Madoka silly.

Similarly, Liao Bin felt very uncomfortable.

This is completely blackened! The psychology is completely broken.

Otherwise, I won't say this to my good friends.

In the rain, Sayaka ran, crying and regretting why she had to say these hurtful things to Madoka, obviously it had nothing to do with Madoka.

Along with it, the filth in Sayaka's soul gem is even more.

Later, in the conversation of Chobe, Kyoko, and Akomi Yan, it was also mentioned that if the filth in Sayaka's soul gem is not dealt with, the development of the situation will be uncontrollable...

What happens if the soul gem is completely filthy?

Will it die?

That's right, the soul gem is the magical girl itself, and being completely filthy and disappointed because of the exhaustion of magic power should also be the destination, so it is necessary to hunt the witch to purify the soul gem.

Just don't. Does this screenwriter have a head? She just lit a person to abuse her, Sayexiang didn't do anything bad, why this screenwriter always treats her badly, so she looks at her heartily.

Liao Bin kept complaining while watching the animation.

In the following plot, Sayexiang blackened all the way, still fighting, fighting, fighting regardless of life and death!

The soul gem continued to turn black, even if Xiao Meiyan gave her the Seed of Lament, she did not use it.

During the conversation between the two, Xiao Meiyan also stated her purpose.

"If you refuse me here, you are also a dead end. Rather than let Madoka see your destruction, it's better to be here with my own hands...Kill you"

Obviously, Xiao Meiyan is about to take action against Sayaka, but at this time... it was an unexpected person who saved Sayaka.

In the later plot, the atmosphere is more depressing and heavy.

Hearing a group of scum talking on the tram, Sayaka kept wondering why she became a magical girl?

To protect this kind of scum?

Madoka is also constantly denying herself, she wants to find a way to save Sayaka, but Chobe just keeps tempting her to become a magical girl.

"Madooka, if you want to, maybe you can become an almighty god!"

This is Kubi's affirmation of Madoka Magical Girl's potential.

"If I sign a wish with you, can Sayaka return to normal?" Madoka asked Chubby.

"If this wish is worthy of your soul..."

But in the next second, Chobe was directly beaten into a sieve.

Xiao Meiyan prevented Chubby's MLM.

I go, so violent? This guy died so easily?

Liao Bin was puzzled.

But immediately, after Madoka left, another Chubby appeared, with red eyes that looked like a devil, and swallowed the beaten Chubby in front of Xiaomeiyan.

Xiao Meiyan's conversation with Chubby about time magic and time axis Liao Bin didn't understand at all.

After all, there has not been an anime about parallel time-space or multiverse themes in the Dragon Kingdom before, and it is naturally impossible to associate the truth of the matter from a few words.

But one thing he can be sure of is... Xiaomei Yan is really not easy.

The screen turned around and came to Sayaka sitting on the street.

Kyoko found Sayaka again and started talking with her.

Seeing this, Liao Bin felt that these two people should be a pair.

Although both of them were hostile at the beginning, Kyoko obviously has a deeper affection for Sayaka because of the similar fate of the two, so she will help Sayaka again and again later.

"Indeed, I saved a lot of people before, but I accumulated the same amount of resentment and jealousy in my heart, and hurt my most important friend..." Sayaka's expression became broken.

The background music has also become sad.

Liao Bin felt uncomfortable looking at the completely dark soul gem in Sayexiang's hand. This screenwriter must be a mentally distorted guy. Are you going to let her die with such a good girl?

"Pray for someone to be happy, but have to curse others in equal measure. This is a magical girl."

In the next scene, Sayexiang's eyes were full of regret and despair, tears remained, and said with a smile.

"I...what a fool!"

Liao Bin feels a little stomachache. Is it necessary to abuse Sayaka like this? What a nice girl!

Become a creature like a magical girl, the person he likes is still robbed by a good friend, and the best friend is hurt by himself, so he has been blaming himself. Now the whole person is desperate, but there is no friend beside him. Kyoko, the former enemy, was comforting her.

Sayaka's tears fell on the soul gem, and the whole gem became pitch black.

The surrounding scenes change in the animation, and horror and weirdness emerge.

It's like a witch has descended...

Wait, the witch descends.

Liao Bin suddenly seemed to realize something, his eyes widened and watched the animation.

Isn't it this kind of setting?

The fateful music of bgm seemed to play Sayaka's mood.

The soul gem shattered, and with it was the birth of the Lamenting Seed.

Kyoko was bounced away by a force, and where Sayaka was, the enchantment of the witch surrounded her.

"Saya Xiang..."

At this time, only Kyoko worried about Sayaka's safety.

As the screen turned, Chobe's narration sounded.

"This country will call the growing women a girl!"

"In the end, you who will become witches should be called magic girls!"

Chapter 8...This is the end!

Liao Bin opened his mouth and his brain hadn't reacted yet.

Is this the magic girl?

My Nima, what kind of a ghost setting, this is too dark!

Liao Bin opened the barrage and replayed the episode where Sayaka collapsed and transformed into a witch.

The whole screen, the barrage directly swipes the screen.

Distressed Sayaka!

Catch Chobe to eat, catch the heart of water to castrate!

Water heart is frantic! This is the first time I have seen someone define a magical girl like this in my life!

Tears, Sayexiang don't want it! This work likes this girl.

Although Shui Xin has long been known to be a pit, but still can't bear it, this guy is really poisonous, can't Sayyxiang have a good ending?

Nima, the magical girl's soul gem became a witch after being filthy, this setting is too ironic! Obviously, the magical girl was born to fight with witches to protect humans. At least Sayaka became a magical girl for this purpose!


This plot is too nonsense!

Liao Bin, who had never been influenced by the three combos of Water Heart and Depression before, suddenly felt empty in his heart.

Suddenly he felt that Sayaka was too miserable, and became a magical girl in order to fight the witch, but in the end he became a creature like a witch.

Then why does she keep working hard for?

It's not terrible to fight for your ideals and sacrifice. The terrible thing is that everything you fight for is false.

Sayaka has become a magical girl with all her achievements, but this is the end in the end.

Fuck it! Sayexiang, who has been working hard, was deceived by Chobe like a fool! It is too tragic.


"It turns out...is this kind of work?" Xia Yin looked away from the ed in Chapter 8 of the Magical Girl.

She has watched this episode three times, from her perspective.

Although the plot of this episode is very fucking, it is undoubtedly that the plot and setting of Puella Magi Madoka Magica suddenly increased the level and depth of this work.

She felt a little frustrated in her heart, thinking of Chu Yu's face.

"Why can a guy like that create such a work? Does it depend on talent to come up with such a plot?"

Xia Yin can understand that after the broadcast of this episode, Madoka Magica's work will definitely explode in discussion, and there will definitely be a large number of new viewers in the pit.

Although Madoka Magical Girl Chapter 8 has not yet come out, Xia Yin already recognizes in her heart that Madoka will soon threaten her status in the work.

The battle for popular animation this winter has only begun.


On the Internet, as Xia Yin expected, after the broadcast of Magical Girl Madoka, the entire public opinion environment exploded.

Basically everyone feels distressed and tears for Sayaka, and a group of people are also attacking the screenwriter Shui Xin on the Internet. It is simply not a human being.

For Chu Yu's fans, it is a warrior who has a more profound understanding of what a gangster is.

Sure enough, the style of the work is very loving...

Even Chu Yu happened to have a class the next day~www.mtlnovel.com~, when I went to class, I heard people in the school pointing at him, saying that he killed Sayaka, a girl who abused the mad Shui Xin. ....

But in any case, the broadcast of the eighth episode thoroughly revealed the worldview of this work.

At this time, everyone remembered Shui Xin's original sentence, Puella Magi Madoka Magica is an animation that subverts the theme of Puella Magi.

At that time, many people thought it was a gimmick. After all, magical girl-themed animations. Isn't it about transforming into monsters?

But at this time, people who have seen Madoka Magica have a different understanding.

Sure enough, Shui Xin was right. This guy turned the warm and lovely magical girl-themed animation directly into a dark curious and gloomy animation. Is this not enough to subvert?

Why is this guy Shui Xin preparing to go to the dark on the road to depression?

I used to think that he was too naive to change his evil spirits.

This guy...has been playing with the feelings of fans!