I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

This evening, many of Chu Yu's fans stayed up all night to talk about him and Madoka Magical Girl's plot. Discussions about Madoka Magical Girl on major forums have sprung up.

On Weibo's hot search, the eighth chapter of Puella Magi Madoka, how to eat Chobe, and the warrior of love, Shui Xin, all broke into the top 30 of Weibo's hot search.

It can be seen that the truth of the magical girl revealed in Chapter 8 of Puella Magi Madoka has an impact on the fans of this animation, especially those otaku otaku who love the theme of magical girl, psychologically affected after watching the eighth episode. With a strong blow, the magical girl in Madoka has a conflict with the magical girl they used to know. When many people look at other magical girl's works, they always think of Madoka's settings and see those in those works. Cute pets, always think of the lovely face of Chubby in Madoka.

And many elementary school students and junior high school students who insisted on seeing the eighth chapter of this work have suffered a strong psychological blow. This kind of melancholic and dark work has undoubtedly a huge impact on their souls, but even so, this film The work still attracts many fans to continue chasing, although Madoka is now recognized by many fans as another melancholy work by Shui Xin...but it can't stand the good looks of this animation. ! Regardless of whether he is depressed or not, I will read it first before talking.

Many practitioners in the animation industry in the Dragon Kingdom, especially the animation screenwriters, also went to review the plot of Puella Magi Madokazu's animation this evening.

Everyone is not stupid, after all, the current animation trend of Puella Magi Madoka Magica is very similar to that of Chu Yu's previous works.

The same drive low and high move, the same sudden popularity exploded.

Could it be said that Puella Magi Madoka Magica is going to completely replicate the history of Shui Xin's previous works and win the title of Winter's Best Animation?

But most people still think that the possibility is not very big.

Puella Magi Madoka Magica's opponent is different from Shui Xin's previous competitors, but it is a new work by Xia Yin, the producer of last year's popular animation winner.

Similarly, only the eighth episode has been serialized, and the average number of episodes has reached 7.7 million.

Judging from the trend of this performance, the average broadcast data of this episode can exceed 10 million before the end of the work, and when the last few words of an animation work are broadcast, the number of fans will increase very rapidly. After all, there are enough words in the works, and many people who like to raise works should also be slaughtered. In this way, no one can say the final results of the brave who fell into the abyss.... The average number of episodes exceeded 10 million. I'm sure, but it can reach more than a thousand. Whether it can exceed the speed of five centimeters per second and the results set in the first half of the year still depends on how the work ends.

But in any case, the gap between the two million episode averages of Madoka Magica and the Hero Who Fallen into the Abyss is real.

Only the next day, after the new grades of Puella Magi Madoka were released, those who had such thoughts also fell into a huge confusion.

After the eighth episode of Magical Girl Madoka was broadcast, the average volume of the episodes directly increased by nearly 1.1 million, to 6.6 million...

Many people think that they are dazzled, but after repeated confirmations, they believe that this is true.

Suddenly, this matter was being discussed everywhere in the magic city animation industry.

After all, this data is simply terrifying... You must know that the average broadcast volume is not so easy to increase.

In the case of Madoka Magica, it has now broadcast a total of eight episodes, and the average number of episodes has increased by one million, which is equivalent to an increase in the total number of plays of the entire work by eight million, still in one day... ....

This is basically the increase in the number of broadcasts of each animation of the hero who fell into the abyss one week after it was broadcast.

Nowadays, the hero who has fallen into the abyss, basically every week, the average number of episodes increases by about one million, and the magical girl Madoka, only one day......

But if you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem to be that difficult to accept.

After all, after the eighth episode was broadcast, for a whole day now, the animation circles on the Internet are full of spontaneous propaganda fans of Puella Magi Madoka Magica. The behavior of these people will bring huge new fans to Madoka Puella Magi. pit.

More importantly, the spontaneous propaganda behavior of these fans will also let many fans who like Shui Xin's previous works know that this guy has also produced a gloomy animation...

This point is more important than the previous point.

After all, it is undoubtedly easier to attract the animation fans of passers-by who know nothing about the work itself, the situation of the screenwriter Shui Xin, and it is undoubtedly easier to attract animation fans of Shui Xin's other works.

Speaking of Shuixin's magical girl-themed animation, many fans of his previous works don't catch a cold, so they are not interested in learning about it! Many fans even said that they would not watch Puella Magi Madoka Magica's work as an episode.

But now, on the Internet, there are overwhelming crusades against the heart of water, shouting Saye Xiang's pity, and the return of the loving warrior's posts broke out. These people don't understand that Puella Magi Madoka is a typical melancholy work selling dog meat with a sheep's head ?

They are not interested in magical girl animation, but are these fans not interested in Shui Xin's melancholy work?

At the beginning, they were so attracted to water because of this guy's depression deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!

And the number of this group of people... It is difficult to estimate, anyway, there are many, if there are not too many, it will not create an average playback volume of more than 12 million at a speed of 5 centimeters per second.

The combination of various factors also resulted in a daily episode of the eighth episode of Puella Magi Madoka Magica with an average broadcast volume of 6.6 million. The overall score directly came to the second in the animation broadcast in October, only for the brave who fell into the abyss. under.

However, it is impossible for this kind of situation to increase so much broadcast volume every day. This is just the result of many potential fans being attracted on this day and focusing on chasing animation in one day.

The following words...Magic Girl Madoka's play volume increase should be on the same level as that of Brave.

Therefore, the market situation of winter animation is very obvious.

There are a total of three echelons, the third echelon is a group of cannon fodder animations, and the second echelon is three major production animations such as Killing Forest. Anyway, it has basically withdrawn from the list of the best animation competition in winter.

In the first tier, there are only two works, Madoka Magical Girl and Brave Falling into the Abyss.

Anyway, today's Madoka is catching up, but the gap of only one million views in the collection...It seems that it is not that big.

Regarding this current situation, Huang Ming and the members of his animation studio suddenly seemed to be beaten up.

Previously, the animation results were tepid, and everyone was more Buddha-natured and salted fish, but now Madoka has achieved such results, and she has the opportunity to win the title of the best animation in winter. Why not?

This has also caused many studio staff to not supervise Huang Ming during this period, and their spontaneous work attitude has become serious and meticulous about the work at hand. The flaws in some of the previous animation clips, everyone thought it was that way. Anyway, Xiaobai audiences basically can't see the disadvantages of these places, but now they all start to modify and process them spontaneously.

And this situation also appeared in the Brave animation production team led by Xia Yin, who worked hard to produce this animation for nearly a year. After the animation began in October, the performance of the Brave animation has overwhelmed all works until now. No one wants to be at the last minute. The work of an animation studio full of guerrillas and scattered generals was defeated, and everyone was holding a sigh of relief.

During this time, Xia Yin couldn't sleep at night, thinking about how she could end the movie of Brave better. Now she finally felt the pressure brought by Madoka Magica.

As for Gu Yan, seeing Madoka Magical Girl's grades soaring is a tangled heart.

On the one hand, the better the performance of the brave, the happier she is naturally, after all, she is the voice of the protagonist of this animation.

But she is also very happy about the success of Magical Girl Madoka, after all, it is Chu Yu's work.

It can only be said that she should be the happiest of the two animation staff, she has a happy smile on her face when she comes to work during this time, and there is no pressure at all. After all, no one else has double happiness like her! If Xia Yin knew her true thoughts, she would definitely complain about her elbows facing out.

But to say who is the easiest person among the members of the animation production team on both sides, UU Reading www.uukānshu.com is undoubtedly Chu Yu.

I was also interested in inviting Huang Ming to have coffee, and chatted with Huang Ming on some irrelevant topics for two hours.

It made Huang Ming impatient. After all, it's a critical period for Madoka. He is still needed in the studio. There is a big can of coffee in the studio, so why bother to come here to drink?

Seeing Huang Ming's anxious expression, Chu Yu also sighed.

He saw Huang Ming was too nervous during this time and he stayed up late and worked overtime at any time before inviting him to come out and relax, but this guy was obviously focused on work, and there was no feeling of relaxation at all, which made Chu Yu a little embarrassed. .

So decisively entered the topic.

"Actually, apart from bringing you here to chat, there are other things I want to discuss with you." Chu Yu said.

"Other things?" Huang Ming's expression relaxed.

"You said it! What's the matter?"