I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

After Chu Yu and Gu Yan went through this night, both felt that their relationship was changing drastically.

In the previous words, although the relationship was established, it was still a bit unsuitable for the change, but now... Gu Yan will not say it. Chu Yu can clearly feel that when she looks at Gu Yan, even when she looks at Gu Yan. When I thought of her, the feeling that came up in my heart was completely different from the friendship I had with Gu Yan before.

Today's itinerary is still set by Huang Ming. A group of people came to Tokyo. Naturally, they would not be here for sightseeing. Food and drink are important, but more importantly, they come here to shop.

So I went to eat the so-called luxury seafood dishes again, but Chu Yu felt that this thing was a bunch of raw meat without any special features. It was not as delicious as the traditional cuisine of Longguo... and it was expensive.

Next, the group decisively went to the major commercial streets.....Huang Ming and Chu Yu made so much, naturally they were not stingy. Everyone gave a certain amount of shopping, which was reimbursed by Huang Ming and Chu Yu. .

Although this is Tokyo, Japan, it is governed by the Dragon Kingdom after all. Although the prices are not cheap, they are much better than the Japanese island in the parallel world.

So after a group of people came out of these commercial districts, everyone was a big bag.

Some boys bought game consoles, various popular animation works on Japanese islands, and some people bought jewelry and special gifts for their family in Longguo. For girls... it was basically cosmetics and bags. Bags and clothing.

After all, Chu Yu is going to see a friend tomorrow, and he also bought some decent clothes for himself, and even arranged a haircut for himself by the way.

Changed the popular T-shirt and sweatpants on her body, and made a look like Chu Yu. The sense of ordinaryness disappeared completely, the whole person was completely renewed, and there was a tendency to look back on the road.

The ancients said that people rely on clothes and clothes are indeed correct.

As for Gu Yan, she just bought some specialty foods casually, saying that she was going back to bring her cousin, Chu Yu's classmate, to eat, and then she didn't buy anything.

Chu Yu was a little puzzled.

"Gu Yan, you haven't used up the shopping quota mentioned by Huang Ming...Are you not interested in the items in this area?"

"No... nothing I want to buy."

"If you eat, you can eat with the group. If you play, everyone is playing together. As for gifts, jewelry, cosmetics, and bags, I don't like them very much. Rather than buying some unused things to waste, it's better to just do it. Right! After all, the money saved will not disappear, it's all in your body!" Gu Yan looked at Chu Yu and said with a smile.

Well, are you embarrassed to use my money?

Chu Yu blinked, thought for a while, and directly took Gu Yan's hand and walked toward the commercial street.

Isn't it a joke to come and go back empty-handed? She doesn't buy it, so I just take her around.

I ran to the shops in this commercial street. He didn't understand cosmetics anyway, and Gu Yan didn't make up much, but he has his own taste for clothes that look good, so he went to some clothing stores. Anyway, these shops are so beautifully decorated. Many people still ask foreigners to advertise on TV about a century-old store, a family of artists, and the quality is not too bad.

Although Chu Yu is not a particularly wealthy person, nor does he have the mentality of a wealthy upstart, he really doesn't care about the one-person shopping limit of about 10,000 to 20,000. If it is to save this little money, he will go to Japan. What is the island doing? Chu Yu's income from drawing two cartoons at home is much higher than this.

After all, looking back at the whole year of last year, including the initial D, Natsume's account of friends, five centimeters per second, the voice of the stars, the leaflets of these works, after the animation, and the surroundings, copyright fees have brought Chu Yu 60 million in income. The Magical Girl Madoka in the second half of the year also brought Chu Yu almost 60 million in income... and these works will also bring him income for a long time in the future.

Let's not talk about those first, to be honest, Chu Yu's income last year exceeded hundreds of millions of Dragon National Coins, and Chu Yu's daily income was more than 300,000 Dragon National Coins.

Calculating the time cost alone, the cost for Chu Yu to travel here for a week is more than two million Dragon National Currency.

But a group of more than 20 people came here to travel and have not even spent a million.

Chu Yu actually felt that his party was a bit luxurious on this trip, with a variety of food, various scenic spots, and shopping, but helplessly, the prices on the island of Japan do not seem to be high, at least cheaper than the prices in the parallel world, Japan. A lot of it, and the purchasing power of the Dragon National Currency is also very strong.

Therefore, the money spent on this trip was not half as high as the time cost of Chu Yu's downtime.

Sometimes when Chu Yu saw the money on his account, he felt that he was only five or six zero more than the ordinary people in Longguo. He didn't think there was anything, but let him really spend the money.

Don't buy luxury goods, don't be taken advantage of, don't gamble, you will find out how many materials these numbers represent.

And now... Gu Yan is thinking about saving this little money... Okay, Chu Yu feels a little bloated. Gu Yan is right, saving is a good quality.

But at least it's not easy to get out of the order. Chu Yuzhen doesn't want his girlfriend to come over and buy nothing, just to save himself the money he can make in less than an hour, he has to sit here and back for an hour. Car, this is really nothing to save.

So the next afternoon, Chu Yu took Gu Yan to various shops to buy clothes. Anyway, Gu Yan said that they are good-looking, he must have bought them, and that which he thinks are good-looking, naturally bought them.

He even gave Gu Yan his own set of procedures, shopping, changing clothes, and getting a haircut.

Hmm... I have to say that the same process also depends on people.

Chu Yu spent time and money, but only to make himself look a little handsome.

And Gu Yan...changed into fashion clothes with white trousers in Tsing Yi, the whole person looked youthful and intellectual. Before, he felt like a gentle girl, but now he is like an urban beauty.

Anyway, there were twice as many people chatting along the way as in the morning, and even a scout came to ask Gu Yan if he had any intention of becoming a star, and that person was directly driven away by Chu Yu's black face.

In the end, when everyone was about to walk around, Chu Yu and Gu Yan joined everyone with many bags of clothes.

Chu Yu didn't calculate how much money he spent on buying these things. Anyway, it should be less than his income for a day, but it was very tiring to mention it.

And Gu Yan's new outfit made the studio's eyes shine.

It's just that she herself was a little nervous, she was thinking of helping Chu Yu save money, but in the end Chu Yu took her around for an afternoon, and several times the money was spent.

Although Gu Yan is now a well-known animated voice actor in the Long Kingdom, his salary may be a dozen levels worse than that of Chu Yu... Although he knows that Chu Yu doesn't care about this, in fact, in his heart Noodles are a little embarrassed.

She liked the things that Chu Yu gave, but it was not because of the value of the things, but because they were given by Chu Yu.

But if Chu Yu buys a rag doll, she will like it even more by giving her a doll or something.

Because she can still afford those things, and these... Gu Yan looked at the dozen or so bags in his hand, always feeling heavy.

But she also knows that... this kind of mentality is just being hypocritical. She has a huge difference in the ability to earn money from Chu Yu. She knew this before she chased Chu Yu. , It makes no sense to ask Chu Yu to change his habits now.

I can only persuade Chu Yu to give some gifts at a reasonable price in the future.

In the car, Huang Ming said.

"Tomorrow, how about I go to a temple in Tokyo to pray for a while? Come here, just take a look at the famous temples in the Tokyo area like?"

"Yes, I agree!"

"Although I prefer Taoism, Buddha can also worship. Tomorrow, I will pray to leave the order and see if the temples on the Japanese island are not working well and whether there are high monks in them. If they are good, I will believe in Buddha in the future!"

"Take off the single...what's the use of asking God to worship Buddha?"

"Moreover, there is a big difference between the temples on the island of Japan and the Dragon Kingdom. The monks here are basically regarded as a kind of profession. Those who can get married and have children are not necessarily the eminent monks, but you can see if you can recognize one of the abbot's daughters! "

The atmosphere in the car is more lively.

After all, everyone has bought a lot of things they like, and also repays public funds, so I feel happy in my heart.

"Uh, that...I won't go!" At this moment, Chu Yu looked at Huang Ming.

"Brother Chu, you are the leader! Are you not going?"

Huang Ming thought that Chu Yu was suffering from lazy disease again, and wanted to stay in the hotel to sleep and play games.

"I have something tomorrow." Chu Yu said calmly.


"I'm going to see a friend tomorrow!"

"Friend? Do you have friends in Tokyo, Japan?" Huang Ming looked puzzled, but then immediately realized something.

Chu Yu has few friends, Huang Ming knows this, but there is also very little news about Chu Yu.

Although Chu Yu only met him after college, there are things on the Internet about Chu Yu during his high school period, which can be said to have accompanied his rise and spread more and more.

As Chu Yu's partner, Huang Ming naturally went back to learn about the news.

The friend from Japan Island that Chuyu will meet tomorrow?

Is it his former comic editor, or the rumored former comic assistant and ex-girlfriend?

Huang Ming looked at Gu Yan, but did not speak for a while.

And Huang Ming could guess the news, but Gu Yan couldn't guess the possibility.

Although Chu Yu once told him that the rumors on the Internet were false, the relationship between him and the former manga assistant was really the relationship between the manga assistant and the manga artist.

However, there is always something in case, what if things are not like that?

Her expression was a little pale for a moment... But a few seconds later, she also returned to normal.

No matter what the situation is, at least Chu Yu said this in front of so many people, which means that Chu Yu did not intend to conceal her. This is the respect and trust that Chu Yu gave her, and she also has to trust Chu Yu.

Even if Chu Yu and the former manga assistant had something back then, so what, I am his girlfriend now...at least with Chu Yu as a person, he would not do anything extraordinary.

Chu Yu didn't know that his words caused a group of people to be confused.

But he is the leader of this team. His words are only statements, not anyone's consent. Huang Ming also understands this very well, and he didn't want to add chaos to Chu Yu, so he didn't discuss this issue in depth.

And then, when Li Xi also proposed to follow Chu Yu to meet friends.

Huang Ming and Gu Yan are determined.

It's hard to tell if Chu Yu went alone, but if Li Xi went together, it would be fine.

All in all, the matter was settled in this way.


The next day, Chu Yu, Li Xi and Zhao Qinyin Su Lu were scheduled to make an appointment at two o'clock in the afternoon, but on this afternoon, it rained heavily in Tokyo, and Chu Yu also told Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin to change the time. at night.

They also got their consent.

Chu Yu looked at the heavy rain outside the window, and was a little worried whether Gu Yan would be showered.

The rain fell all night and stopped at seven o'clock in the afternoon.

In this city, Chu Yu greeted Li Xi, Su Lu pulled Zhao Qinyin, and the four set off together when the rain stopped.

The location was chosen by Su Lu. It was the same place where the three met for the first time. It was a Japanese barbecue restaurant.

This store is neither luxurious nor high-end, but Chu Yu feels an inexplicable nostalgia for coming to this place.

Chu Yu and Li Xi opened the curtain, and two waiters inside immediately bowed slightly.


Chu Yu looked around and caught a red shadow in a certain box at a glance.

Although he hadn't seen him for more than two years, Chu Yu recognized that it was Su Lu's back at a glance.

And that guy is the same as before, but he eats by himself if he is not crowded.

"Sister Su, you just started to eat like this, and it won't be okay for Chu Yu to come over and watch!"

"Oh, what are you panicking! It's not an outsider, why are you so polite? He just adds vegetables when he comes. He hasn't eaten until the rain stops. It's eight o'clock now, I'm almost starving to death!" The female voice doesn't matter.

"I didn't even speak because of low blood sugar, you are starving to death here!" Another clear female voice said helplessly.

But at the same time, the half-screen curtain of the box was opened, and a boy walked in.

"It's okay... I'm used to her impoliteness."

Chu Yu walked in and looked at the situation in the box.

There were two people sitting inside, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, a woman in a red dress staring at the meat on the baking tray, her beautiful eyes widened, and her beautiful face full of longing.

The hair of another girl in a black dress hangs down, her body is a little thin, her pupils are clear and dark, her expression is cold, her white and clean face looks delicate and quiet, but her eyes are soft and helpless when she looks at the woman in red.

"This voice?" The woman in the red group was stunned with her back to Chu Yu.

"Chu...Chu Yu, you...come!" The woman in the black dress stared at Chu Yu motionlessly.

"You are still wearing skirts in such cold weather. It is really a girl from Luo Province, who has first-class cold tolerance." Chu Yu smiled and looked at the two of them.

The woman in the red dress is naturally Su Lu, and the woman in the black dress is Zhao Qinyin.

Su Lu turned his head, looked at Chu Yu, gave him a few eyes carefully, then stood up and punched Chu Yu.

"I'll go, your kid hasn't seen you for more than two years. He has grown taller and seems to be a little more handsome!"