I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Hearing Su Lu's words, even people like Chu Yu felt a little comfortable, and felt very wise about the act of buying a outfit for himself yesterday.

Chu Yu looked at Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin.

Su Lu's words didn't seem to have changed much from before, and the whole person still looked more nervous, but it was a pity that the face was so good-looking, but he followed a master with some sand sculptures.

And Zhao Qinyin is very different from before. First of all, he has grown taller, and then the previously immature face has now evolved into a big beautiful face.

Even people are still so thin, and their faces are relatively pale.

The three of them looked at each other and felt that each other was a little strange in their hearts, but the strangeness soon disappeared and replaced by a sense of familiarity.

Although everyone's appearance has changed a little, and they have had their own fortunes in the past two years after separation, at least the emotions in their eyes are still the same.

"Okay, okay, don't you three stare at me here, isn't it just to meet?"

Behind Chu Yu, Li Xi's voice came.

Only then did Chu Yu realize that the door of this box was blocked by him, and Li Xi behind him could not get in.

Chu Yu quickly moved aside and took four seats.

As before, as soon as Chu Yu took the seat, Su Lu took out a few bottles of sake from under the table.

"Well, do as you live in the countryside. I'm not used to drinking beer on the islands of Japan. In comparison, it is more in line with the taste." Su Lu said while filling all four of them with wine.

Chu Yu looked at Su Lu's pouring posture with a bitter expression, and his glass of wine was almost full immediately, the kind of fullness that the surface tension of the water couldn't save.

"Okay, okay, have a drink and feel good... Drinking and hurting your body!" Chu Yu hurriedly stopped Su Lu, "I have enough!"

"Just one cup is enough for you? What's a joke?" Su Lu glanced at Chu Yu.

"I'm different from you, I drink a little."

Chu Yu said this calmly in front of the three girls, without any embarrassment.

Although this kind of thing is not reconciled, it is also a fact, this thing Chu Yu could not decide to come.

Chu Yu's drink volume is not good, but it is also higher than that of ordinary people. Su Lu's words, from previous experience, are half the amount of his drink, and Li Xi... although he knew it from the beginning. When she said she didn't drink.

But looking at it for so long, she just doesn't like drinking. She really needs to stabilize her when she drinks it. This was when she was still in Hokkaido a few days ago. It's obvious that you can get up to soak in the hot springs and then rest.

As for Zhao Qinyin...

Chu Yu looked at her, and while he was wandering here, she had already taken a sip of Zhao Qinyin's glass of wine, and about one-third of it was gone.

Although the alcohol level in Japan is not high, it is only ten or twenty degrees, but looking like Zhao Qinyin, it is purely used by four people to eat barbecue after sitting in a seat to relieve the tiredness..... a true monster.

Haha...Chu Yu felt that if the four people were ranked in a quasi-physical combat power, from top to bottom, there would be Siberian tigers, cheetahs, hyenas, and domestic cats.

"Still as timid as before, really a boring man." Su Lu mumbled.

"I don't know when I will see you impulsively, try to be able to."

"This is not timid...this is prudent!" Chu Yu corrected it in due course.

Su Lu also ignored him, and turned his eyes directly to Li Xi.

"Sister Li Xi, why do you want to go to Tokyo on the island of Japan this time? Didn't you see me for a long time, do you miss me?"

"Didn't I tell you? I came here to travel as a guest of Chu Yu." Li Xi was also hungry and put the vegetables directly on the baking tray.

In the following words, both sides talked about some short things in the parents.

You don't need to go into details about Chu Yu's experience. It's a famous cartoonist like him. If you want to search for his news, you just need to use your heart. Both Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin can see a lot on the Internet, but that's all. They are not very clear about many real situations.

Although the island of Japan is under the jurisdiction of Ryukoku, it is also regarded as a national autonomous region. In many respects, the local power has a great say, and it is still very different from the inland.

As far as the comics industry is concerned, just as the animation companies on the island of Japan were squeezed by the inland companies and did not allow them to enter the inland, similarly, the seven so-called sales channels of the magic city spread all over the country. The island of Japan is also empty here. Basically, the market was squeezed by local companies on the island of Japan, and sales channels have been slow to expand.

Therefore, Chu Yu includes the works of many famous cartoonists in the Long Kingdom. They are all small works on the island of Japan. Some people see it, and some people know... But this group of people accounts for a small proportion. After all, the copyright protection of the island of Japan Even more stringent, you can also see pirated comics taken by mobile phones in some online forums in the interior. Here, it is impossible to catch people who will be detained and fined, and law enforcement is quite strict. This is also a local policy.

Chu Yu's small group of fans on the island of Japan watched his comics. They were not available on the island of Japan. They were all delivered by air express from the inland. The price was much higher and the audience was naturally smaller.

Of course, Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu have been following and paying attention to Chu Yu's comics for the past two years.

To be honest, Chu Yu's achievements in the past two years have made them blindfolded. They know that Chu Yu is talented, and they believe that Chu Yu will definitely be able to make a difference in the magic city, but they imagined that Chu Yu will achieve this. It takes at least ten years or even less for one step, and now it is only two or three years...everything feels unreal.

Especially Chu Yu was able to create works like Natsume's Friends Account. Su Lu found it incredible. She knew how dull the real Chu Yu was. Where did the dull but touching emotions in the work come from?

There is also the recent magical girl Madoka, which can be called a classic of dark and gloomy and curiosity animation. Su Lu can't figure out why these tragic plots are created in Chu Yu's brain.

On the contrary, it was Zhao Qinyin. Facing these unreasonableness, Chu Yu was always a genius to explain... It made Su Lu think that the guy's IQ would only decrease at this time.

"I heard that you jumped from Xuangui Comics to Tianji... Is this true?" Zhao Qinyin suddenly said, looking at Chu Yu.

"Yes!" Chu Yu nodded.

Su Lu looked at Li Xi, but also shook his head. Judging from the good relationship between the two people, even so Chu Yu left Xuangui. It was naturally related to the situation in the comics club.

But this kind of problem can only be tasted briefly, and it is not good to discuss it in depth~www.mtlnovel.com~ but Zhao Qinyin feels a little disappointed.

She still remembered what she said to Chu Yu at the airport.

It's just that now that Chu Yu has developed so well in the magic city, there is no need to come here.

"By the way, how about you? How about being here for more than two years?" Chu Yu asked curiously.

When Su Lu heard this, his expression immediately became triumphant.

"You don't know this!"

"I work in a comics club called HG Comics in Tokyo, and now I finally become the mainstay of the company. As for Zhao Qinyin...After being rejected seven or eight times, he is also now. After going to school and finishing school, he also serialized comics in this comic company."

"By the way, her manga editor is also Miss Ben!"

"Really? Has Zhao Qinyin also serialized comics?" Chu Yu suddenly became interested.