I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

The first picture that comes out is a small town in the dark.

Then joyous music sounded, and a monster appeared.

Just when Song Xi felt inexplicable, Xiaoyuan suddenly showed her face and pointed her pink longbow at the monster.

Later in the process of chasing the monster, Sayaka also appeared again.

Song Xi became excited all at once, and the plot really had something to watch.

At the end of the animation, Madoka becomes a god, Sayaka becomes a witch, and will be purified by Madoka.

It is impossible for these two people to appear again anyway, but now it is just an opening scene, and these two people have emerged. Needless to say, this is definitely a big foreshadowing of the theater version.

Then, a scene flashed, and Madoka woke up from her sleep.

Greeting my father and mother, the two brushed their teeth together and discussed various things.

Song Xi frowned. Isn't this the plot when Madoka wakes up in the first episode of the Magical Girl Madoka Magica?

How is this going?

Could it be said that this so-called rebellious story of the Magic Circle theater version is a two-hour total episode?

No, this is too bad!

Many animation companies in Longguo will have this kind of operation, saying that it is an ova theater version or something, in fact, it is to put the main story of the work into a total episode, and then add a little plot that is not in the main story to attract fans to pay. Circle money.

And many fans are really willing to pay to watch the plot that is not in the main story, and they are smashed by the animation production company.

If this were the case, Song Xi felt a little heartache.

It's not the Eight Dragon National Coins spent in heartache, but heartache that I have been looking forward to over the past few months. After waiting for a few months, I will wait for a theater version of this nature. What does it mean?

But soon, the subsequent changes in the plot let Song Xi relax.

As soon as Madoka went to school, Kyoko and Sayaka joined her. Obviously, judging from the point that Kyoko became Madoka's classmates, the following plot can never be a total episode.

But after class, the transfer student was Xiao Miyan... This is nothing unusual.

But the point is, what's the matter with Xiao Meiyan's braid and glasses?

Isn't this Xiao Mi Homura's outfit before she became a magical girl?

In the main part of the animation, after Xiao Mi Homura makes a wish to save Madoka from becoming a magical girl, she uses magical power to cure her myopia, and her braids are also loosened and turned into a black long straight goddess.

But now she is dressed like this?

Could it be that... This rebellious story is about the world-line plot of a certain Samsara in Akomi Homura, and it is the story of the Samsara before the main animation?

After all, after the main animation, Madoka became a **** and changed the laws of the world, so Xiao Mi Yan lost the ability to reincarnate.

At the same time, in all world lines, the existence of Madoka disappears directly, turning into the rules of the principle of circles.

If it's such a plot... then it would be boring!

Song Xi sighed, she didn't want to see this!

What she wanted to see was that Madoka who became a **** finally found a way to return to the world to live as a human being, and the story of the two people who have been together with Xiao Mi Homura.

Although disappointed in her heart, Song Xi continued to watch it. After all, it was quite interesting to see Sakura Kyoko flirting with Sayaka in this timeline.

But continue to read, the enemy of the magical girl mentioned in the plot...Nightmare...


Isn't it a witch?

Song Xiren is already dizzy, what's the matter?

If the rebellious story is the world of reincarnation before Madoka Magica becomes a **** in the main story of Puella Magi Madoka, then the enemy of Puella Magi Madoka is the witch.

And if this time is the timeline after Madoka became a god, because the witch was wiped out by Madoka's incarnation of the ring before her birth, the distortion of the world has also become a new monster... World of Warcraft!

But nightmare? What is this, can it be eaten?

What the **** this rebellious story is talking about!

But... Doubts belong to doubts.

Madoka and Xiao Mi Yan in the new world became best friends. They sat and talked and chatted together. Only this ordinary picture made Xiao Mi Yan's loyal fans cry.

But in the following plot, the witch who was eaten by her senior sister Bamamei in the main story, the witch in the form of a red puppet was actually kept at home by Bamamei as a pet... and was named. Babe.

Well, the magical girl and the witch at the turn of the neck live peacefully together.

Song Xi blinked, and she found that her knowledge and understanding of Puella Magi Madoka Magica's animation was completely shattered by this theater version.

But with many years of experience in watching animation, she understands that the more such unreasonable phenomena appear in the animation, it also means that...the next plot must have a big turn.

Since there are so many unreasonable plots at the beginning of the theater version, then the following plot must be around these unreasonable and explain these unreasonable to serve.

Continue to read, Madoka and Sayaka's good friends, the green-haired girl Hitomi became depressed because Kamijou refused her invitation, so she created a monster named Nightmare in her spirit, which attracted the five-color magical girl team, fans Mao Xiaoyuan, Black Mao Xiaomeiyan, Red Haired Apricot, Blue Hair Sayaka, Huang Maoba Mami went to crusade

In the animation, it took two minutes for the five-person magic girl to transform into a close-up......everyone was even more than a poss, and finally they said all together.

"Magic Girl Divine Quintet..."

It feels like... Song Xi is really watching the healing and joy type magical girl animation.

Song Xi is about to throw up, the magical girl Madoka she imagined is not this kind of animation, it is the kind of animation that is darker, more curious, bloodier, and more melancholic...

But the ballads sung at the next five-person roundtable in the animation destroyed this atmosphere completely.

An atmosphere of evil and horror is spreading...

After repelling the nightmare, Xiaomeiyan was puzzled amidst laughter.

Our fight... Is this all right?

The music of the variation suddenly made Song Xi's spirit beat up.

This feeling, is it about to enter the formal plot?

In the subsequent screens, everyone in the entire town...except for the five-color magical girl team.

Everyone's faces were red, dull, and puppet-like faces.

There seems to be a problem in this world.

Except for Xiao Meiyan, no one else seemed to notice this.

Xiao Meiyan had doubts about the world and their lives.

Finally, she invited Kyoko to go to the next town with her...

But the two found that no matter how they went, they could not get out of this town.

Whether it is walking or taking a car, when a certain distance is exceeded, it will return to the original place.

And when Xiao Miyan's suspicion of this world reached its limit, she finally remembered...what the real world is like.

Shikameyuan became a **** and created a new world. Everyone has forgotten her. Only Xiao Miyan remembered her.

Seeing this, Song Xi was all excited.

Although it is not clear what happened, at least these few scenes told her that the timeline of the story now is after the main story.

And Xiao Meiyan in the story directly speculates that the world the five people live in is the world transformed by the enchantment of the witch, and the purpose is to attract the five people in and kill them.

So naturally, Xiao Meiyan suspected the pet next to Mami who once ate her head... Beibei.

When Xiaomeiyan captured Beibei, Bamamei decisively fought with her.

The whole battle lasted for several minutes...The whole process was high-powered and handsome.

The subsequent battle between Xiao Mi Yan and Sayaka made Xiao Mi Yan even more puzzled.

Sayaka did not change to appear in this world, and Sayaka in this world also knew about the existence of the witch.

And Madoka...It is absolutely impossible for her to appear in this world as a human being.

But Xiao Meiyan knew in her heart that whether it was Sayaka or Madoka, they weren't hallucinations in the witch enchantment, they were genuine existence.

"There are three impossible people here."

"One is the witch who laid down this barrier!"

Because in the new world, the witch will not be born, so how can there be a witch enchantment.

"Secondly, Beibei who is still a witch!"

"Third, it's you until the witch exists!" Xiao Meiyan looked at Sayaka.

Xiao Meiyan's doubts were also those of Song Xi and the others who saw the magic circle fans here.

What exactly is this theatrical version talking about? Indeed, this is too strange.

In the next battle, Sayexiang turned into a witch and let Song Xi be stunned. This work won't collapse.

The main story did not collapse, and then the theater version collapsed the plot. If it is so, it would be really beautiful!

The witch was originally an unconscious monster, but Sayaka, who was obviously conscious, could be transformed into a witch, which was not in line with the main story.

Later, in the conversation between Madoka and Akemi Homura, when Madoka told Akomi Homura that if she became the Queen of God as Akomi Homura assumed, she would cry a lot by herself.

Xiao Miyan's eyes changed directly...

She thought that becoming a **** was Madoka's choice, but she never thought that becoming a **** would also make Madoka miserable.

At this moment, the suspicion and speculation about this world made Xiao Meiyan make a decision.

She put her soul gem somewhere and left by bus.

But even if the bus has left a long way...Xiaomeiyan didn't react to any discomfort.

Xiao Meiyan finally understood where the so-called witch enchantment came from.

Along with the fluctuations in Xiao Meiyan's heart, the world ignited and began to collapse.

She smashed her soul gem, but she didn't react at all.

"In other words, am I not even a magical girl anymore?"

"I am... When did I become a witch?"

Xiao Meiyan's painful voice instantly made all the audience feel the scriptwriter's malice.

Co-authored the theater version we watched for so long? Madoka, who wants to watch, has returned to a human mentality. You Shui Xin turned the most painful Xiao Meiyan in the main story into a witch in the theater version. Did we come here to watch this kind of plot?

At this moment, the tens of thousands of Magical Girl Madoka fans in the Dragon Kingdom began to feel depressed by the water heart after a few months.

What the hell!

Magical Girl Madoka's main story Madoka became a god, and all of her existence disappeared. She became an idea that prevented the birth of a witch and existed in the universe, while Xiao Mi Homura was alone in the new world with her thoughts and memories of Madoka. Fight alone.

He even thought that his memory about Madoka was something he had imagined~www.mtlnovel.com~ Actually, there is no witch or Madoka in this world. I just have a mental problem.

Xiao Meiyan was miserable enough, but Shui Xin felt that she was not miserable enough, so she turned her into a witch in the theater version...

Very good, this is very water heart!

The plot continues to develop, and a snow-white and cute little beast, Chubby, paces out.

Came to Xiao Miyan's side...

Seeing this cub, Song Xi burst into flames. The main story is the tragedy of this guy who made a magical girl for what universe.

In the theater version, it seemed that it had been silent and wanted to ignore it, but now it ran out to talk to Xiao Meiyan, needless to say, these outrageous things must have its share.

Sure enough, Chobe must die!

Sure enough, Chubby in the animation directly began to reveal what was going on like Akomi Homura.