I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

And in the next few minutes, Song Xi also knew from Chobe's mouth and she had all the doubts about this theatrical version.

The story of the rebellious story happened because of the foreshadowing of Madoka Puella Magi's main story. At the end of Madoka Magica's main story, Akomi Homura told Chobe about the witches in the original world in a new world where Madoka rewrote the rules.

Xiao Mi Homura had a conjecture about the magical girl, which aroused the curiosity of this species.

Chubby, who tried to spy on the principle of the circle, and Xiaomei Yan, who fought alone in the new world, finally fell into despair. When the soul gem was completely contaminated and was about to be wiped out by Madoka's incarnation of the circle, the tipping point, A group of Chobes appeared to isolate Xiao Mi Yan and her soul gem from the outside world...

In this case, Xiao Meiyan's existence becomes extremely special. In external circumstances, she has not become a witch, but from the inside, she has constructed a world in her soul gem, a witch's enchantment. .....And, this enchantment can only enter into it if she agrees to the existence of expectation.

So... the world seen so far in Puella Magi Madoka Magica movie is actually just the world created by the witch-shaped Akomi Homura in her soul gem.

Sayaka, Madoka, Kyoko, and Bamami were induced by her witch enchantment to be captured into this world, and their memory was tampered with to live in this world forever.

This also explains why Akomi Homura and Sakura Kyoko can't get out of this small town, because the world is only the size of this small town, not endless.

Seeing this, Song Xi already felt a bit brain-burning.

The amount of information is too much, but so much information can be made clear in a minute.

But...why did the Chobes engage in these actions?

Then Chobe took the initiative to speak out his purpose.

They are very interested in the principle of the circle, and at the same time, they are very interested in what Xiaomei Homura said about the magical girl in the previous world that would become a witch.

"You want to... dominate Madoka, right?"

After Xiao Mi Yan, who was desperate, guessed Chubby's intentions, her tone was filled with endless anger.

Song Xi's brain also became clear. Seeing this, all the plots were connected.

In order to confirm Madoka's existence, Kewpies made this battle and turned her into a witch in their soul gem. The principle of the circle is the rule that exists to eradicate the witch, and in order to transform Akomi Homura into a witch. Elimination, Madoka, the incarnation of the principle of the circle, will also enter the world created in Xiaomeiyan's soul gem, and indeed in Chubby's observation, there are more impossibility in Xiaomeiyan's soul gem. The existence... Madoka, Sayaka, Beibei.

"I don't deny that this is our ultimate goal.... If you can observe, you can interfere, and if you can interfere, you can control." Chobe said while avoiding Xiaomei Homura's attack.

Xiao Meiyan was angry all over.

Seeing this scene, Song Xi had a thought in her mind...The wife-protecting demon awakened.

"Magic girl really has infinite possibilities, you should become witches to realize your own value." Chubby's voice was soft and cute.

But when he saw here, Song Xi wanted to get into the computer screen and kill Chobe. This thing was too bad. Not only did he want to control Madoka, but he also wanted to restore the world to its original state, so that the magical girls continued to despair. Become a witch and complete its energy recovery indicators.

Song Xi really didn't expect that she thought she had finished telling the story, and Madoka Magica, who didn't have much plot development space, actually used Akomi Homura's witch as the carrier of the story in the theater version, involving a series of events and plots. .

Moreover, there are so many details everywhere in this theatrical version that there are so many explosions, and the plot also unfolds with various gods. Compared with the quality of Puella Magi Madoka's main story animation, it is not inferior or even more than that!

Song Xi let out a long sigh. She is now sorry for the question she questioned Shui Xin an hour ago.

At this moment, not only Song Xi, but also the animation fans everywhere in the Long Kingdom are basically a little confused. The quality of this theater version is too good to be a little outrageous.

Not to mention, don't make this pile of plots so compact. If you expand it a little bit, it can be broadcast as the second season of Puella Magi Madokazu, and it's not watery at all.

Song Xi continued to watch.

After Xiao Mi Yan knew Chu Bi's purpose, she became a witch directly in her soul gem space...

Rather than putting Madoka in danger for her own sake and being exposed to the threat of Chobe, Akemi Homura was determined to completely degenerate into a witch and be annihilated in the world she created.

When Xiao Meiyan made this choice, the eyes of the fans of the magic circle became hot.

And in the next picture, Xiao Meiyan's imagination, she beats her past selves one by one, which implies that she denies her past self.

Obviously it was to save Madoka from becoming a magical girl, but in the end Madoka disappeared into this world alone, always as a rule to carry the despair of the magical girl, and to destroy the witch forever. No one knows that no one is hers. Companion is just one person.

For Akomi Homura... Madoka saved all the magical girls, but Madoka, was she rescued by herself? Even being spied by Chobe now may be dangerous in the future.

And these feelings gradually settled to the extreme moment...In the picture, a huge witch was born.

His mouth was sealed, he wore a huge hat that looked like a compact disc on his head, and his hands were handcuffed by shackles.

In the CD hat on her head, there are memories of her and Madoka, but in the next second, the hat fell off with half of her head, and she smashed it with one foot... She personally turned off the one she hugged Madoka. door.

The witch in Akomi Homura's incarnation, with her most sincere love for Madoka.......In order to prevent her from being used by Chubby to be disadvantageous to Madoka, Akomi Homura's incarnation is The witch who would execute herself, at first, lost half of her head, and then her teeth fell.

She would curse herself in this way until she died. As long as she incarnates a witch in her soul gem and executes herself, the principle of the small circle will not be revealed, and she will not be caught by Chubby's flaws.

"This is... my despair!"

"Madooka, thank you for coming to meet me in a place like this!"

The last obsession of the witch-shaped Xiao Meiyan sounded.

Song Xi felt distressed and stomachache, what kind of plot is this!

Shui Xin is a big hole than ~www.mtlnovel.com~ I thought he would be better to Madoka and Xiao Mei Yan in the theater version, but what is this!

The other witches were desperate and turned into witches, but Xiao Meiyan was desperate with the kindness to Madoka in her heart, and the only obsession of the incarnation witch was to execute herself.

This plot is really...too watery.

But in the following plot, Xiao Meiyan's four classmates unanimously blocked the self-execution of the witch in Xiao Meiyan's incarnation.

Sayaka's long sword pierced her heart, using the heart as bait, she hung out her witch transformed into a witch...the mermaid witch, and fought with the nutcracker witch transformed into a witch Xiaomeiyan, blocking it. She walked to the execution platform to execute herself.

And Madoka shot the sky with an arrow, shattering the world...that is, the shell of Xiaomeiyan's soul gem.

Outside the shell....... From the eyes of the people in the world of gems, the eyes of the Chubies who looked huge and crimson.

Observing them in the shell very carefully.