I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Could it be said that this year's Dragon Country animation market will be Shui Xin doing solo show again?

The rebellious Lelouch only aired the third episode. Under the influence of various factors, the average broadcast volume of the episode reached 5.3 million. According to this situation, the animation is not unexpected and the average broadcast volume of the later episode exceeds 1,000. No problem.

At first glance, it seems to be nothing strange. After all, he was the screenwriter of the annual popular animation of the Dragon Kingdom last year. It is normal for his new work to have this kind of performance, but after thinking about it, I will feel that.......this It's totally abnormal.

Most practitioners in the animation industry have peaks and troughs. Even for top producers and animation screenwriters, it is normal for one work to become popular and the second to flee.

But the guy Shui Xin, since his debut, whether in the animation industry or in the comics industry, he has only been on the street in one work. It is said to be a comic he conceived when he was in junior high school, and Jojo's bizarre adventure prequel.

After all, it is a young work. The plot is not normal. If you have feelings for it and want to serialize it forcibly, it is not difficult to understand that it is stubborn to fall out with Xuangui for this kind of thing.

But among the other works, Shui Xin's works are really better than each one. Until now, no one knows how many things Shui Xin still has in the head of this young man.

Anyway, looking at the steadily rising popularity of the rebellious Lulu Xiu's work, Chu Yu's fans are chasing animation in full swing, and the practitioners in the animation industry feel very abnormal... this person.

But just when they thought that Shui Xin's abnormality was indescribable, early in the morning, both Shui Xin's large Weibo and the animation studio's Weibo both released a message at the same time.

"Shuixin screenwriter, producer Huang Mingren's new romantic comedy animated White Album 2 and Miss Hui Ye want me to confess, the geniuses' love and brain warfare, the production decision! Will relax this fall!"

This news instantly became a big news in the Longguo animation industry today.

At this moment, the employees of major companies in the animation industry have deeply felt what is real abnormality. This rebellious Lelouch only broadcasted three episodes. You Shui Xin has two more animations to be produced. Are you a human? Even a cow will know how tired you are. How did you achieve such a high yield and the quality of the plot?

And Chu Yu's animation fans instantly reveled after seeing the news.

"Really? Teacher Shuixin is too fierce!"

"White Album 2, what the **** is this and the long list of animations behind the name? I feel inexplicable when I hear this name, love comedy animation, can Teacher Shui Xinxin write this animation well? Don't be pitted, I would rather Teacher Shui Xin not create works, than he creates boring animations like Jojo's comics."

"Upstairs, is the jojo comics boring? You don't know how to appreciate it! Anyway, I see Joseph's various acts of hooligans in the new plot, and I am very happy, and according to the news, it is said that Mr. Shui Xin's work is prequel. It's just a transition, the main story doesn't lose the initial D, don't you make a conclusion so early, okay?"

"If you don't lose the initial D, who did you listen to? The prequels are so boring, how can the main story be better? Isn't it just another protagonist to learn ripples and then fight monsters, to be honest, it's the setting of ripples qigong, His upper limit is like this. It's boring, and the plot won't be so good? Anyway, I don't report expectations for Teacher Shuixin's Jojo comics. I only hope that he can see Jojo's flaws as soon as possible and take the initiative to conceive a new comic!"

"Forget it, here is the discussion of Teacher Shuixin's new animation, don't think about comics so much!"

"Seriously, I'm really curious about what kind of love animation of Mr. Shuixin will look like? Speaking of Mr. Shuixin's past works, the treatment of romance is all ending in tragedy. His love comedy animation ....I'm curious!"

"Curious about what, do you believe what Mr. Shuixin said? Love animation is love animation. The word comedy can be ignored directly. In the style of Mrs. Shuixin, maybe it is two love green hat animations."

"When you said that above, my passion was gone. It seems that Teacher Shuixin is really the one who can do this kind of thing!"

"Probably not. After all, Mr. Shuixin is also in love now. It is normal to create two romance animations with feelings! Don't think too much about it. When will Mrs. Shuixin fall out of love? Have such doubts!"

"Brother, don't help Teacher Shuixin wash, your words should have fully exposed your doubts about Teacher Shuixin!"


With Chu Yu's reputation now, the news that he has two new animations about to be released soon spread in the Longguo animation industry.

And Chu Yu didn't pay too much attention to those at this time. After all, he had communicated with the developer in the past few days, and the two parties had initially reached an intention to buy a house.

Although it is easy to save trouble, Chu Yu bought a renovated house, but there are many things that need to be changed. Huang Ming also helplessly accompany Chu Yu around the Magic City Furniture City.

At night, Chu Yu saw the message from Gu Yan to him.

Basically, they are also blessings for his new animation to burst into popularity, and finally let Chu Yu not get too tired. After all, while serializing two comics a week, he also went to make three animations with Huang Ming. .

After the production of the two new animations was officially launched, Gu Yan could hardly imagine how busy Chu Yu would be.

But Chu Yu thought it was okay. For the two animations of White Album 2 and Miss Hui Ye, Chu Yu had nothing to worry about.

It's White Album 2 because after all, it's an animation linked to music. The various songs in it must be packaged to Huang Ming as a set. As for Miss Hui Ye's animation, it's not difficult to make, and it's a daily unit. Chu Yu doesn't have to worry about drama animation.

However, some people's concern made him feel relieved for a while, and now he just wanted to quickly get the real estate certificate, and then call Gu Yan to live together, what kind of Weixin the two people in the province would use to chat for a day, it was simply unnecessary.

After all, the house I bought is a certain distance away from the school. Although there are fewer classes now, it is not impossible. I still have to come to school two days a week. Chu Yu is also going to buy a car after clearing the house. It's much more convenient when you come to school for class~www.mtlnovel.com~ After all, the driver's license has been in hand for a long time, and the certification that has taken so much time should be used as much as possible.

Chu Yu thinks this way, he is about to be a young man with a car, a house, and a girlfriend in Moyou, a qualitative change from the Sanwu youth who was only rich a few months ago.

So why others say that women are the easiest to change a man, Chu Yu used to disagree, but now it does make sense to think about it, at least Chu Yu feels that after interacting with Gu Yan, many of his thoughts have changed.

"Forget it, I don't want to do that much, I'm going to draw comics!" Chu Yu shook his head.

For the next whole year, Chu Yu should focus on these four works.

Now at the end of April, at the current serialization speed of comics, the second part of jojo will end in July, when the third part of jojo is born in this world.

At that time, Lulu Xiu's plot was also completely rolled out, and it was broadcast to the ** part. At this time, plus two new animations, Chu Yu calculated that he was serializing four animes at the same time. Although he doesn't feel much, he feels that his work is rich. I have plenty of room, but just in case I still draw more and save some drafts now!