I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Time flies, and soon, April passed, and the magic city ushered in a hotter May.

In a blink of an eye, Jojo's bizarre adventure comics have been serialized for three months, and the rebellious Lelouch has been broadcast for a month.

By now, Chu Yu's fans have basically accepted the reality that Chu Yu's current work center is on animation.

After all, Chu Yu's comic is just a popular one, and it is still jojo serialized in Fenglan Comics, a secondary periodical of Tianji Comics.

As for the animation, not to mention the popular and rebellious Lelouch who is now broadcasting the popular and rebellious Lelouch, there are also White Album 2 which will be broadcast in the fall, and Miss Hui Ye who wants me to confess two works.

This makes those loyal comic fans who have always liked Chu Yu a little bit uncomfortable. Although Chu Yu's animations are very interesting, they still hope that Chu Yu can put more of his mind on comics. Compared with Chu Yu's boom in the animation industry, they I hope that Chu Yu's influence in the comics industry will be more prosperous.

Nowadays, the popularity of Ye Chun's new comic Shadow Sword, which has been dug by Xuangui Comics Club, has been steadily rising. It is basically in the top three in popularity in the Shuiyuan periodical, and occasionally a few episodes of the plot can still be in the **. Ranked first.

Although the achievement of such an achievement is related to Xuan Gui's propaganda power that is twice as strong as that of supporting Chu Yu at the beginning, it can also be seen that Ye Chun is indeed a very capable cartoonist.

If there is no Chu Yu in the Long Kingdom comics industry, perhaps the most powerful person in the young generation of Long Kingdom cartoonists is him, Tang Xin, and Tan Zheng of Water The Hedgehog.

But now, after April has passed, because of something, basically the title of the first young cartoonist in the Long Kingdom has been determined...It is Chu Yu.

This is not so or so who is qualified to judge it, it is entirely judged by the performance of these people's comics.

Among them, the most important indicator is the sales volume of comic books.

And the reason why Chu Yu can be worthy of this name is entirely because of his own comic performance.

In the famous young comics families under 30 years old in Longguo, their comic book sales figures are basically below 3 million volumes.

For example, Tang Xin's Dream World has been serialized for four or five years, and the average volume has only reached 2.65 million volumes until now, and it has been maintained at this data for more than a year, and there is no upward trend. , There is no downward trend. After the new pamphlet is issued, it will decline for a while, but it will return to this range after a long time. From experience, this work has a high probability of maintaining this performance. Works.

The sales performance of Ye Chun's predecessor, "Light Guard", is similar to Tang Xin's Dream World, and even worse. It has been over several months now, and the average sales volume of the single volume is only 2.61 million. Basically, there will not be much room for growth.

Then there is Tan Zheng, the 26-year-old cartoonist of Water Hedgehog, whose best-performing work, Moxin Comics, has sold 2.57 million single-line volumes.

As for the Dragon Kingdom, although there are several other cartoonists who are under the age of 30 and have an average sales volume of more than two million in single comics, they are not as good as the above three, let alone.

Originally, before the initial D animation was broadcast, the pattern of the young generation of cartoonists in Long Country was like this. Chu Yu was also among the top cartoonists of the young generation, but this situation completely changed after the Chinese New Year.. .....

Affected by the broadcast of the initial D animation, the sales of initial D comic booklets have increased significantly, far exceeding the expectations of Xuangui and the outside world.

The animation was broadcast for just a few months, and the initial D became popular throughout the animation circle, and a lot of new animation fans entered the pit. I look forward to the update of the initial D every week, and I was directly fascinated by the boy who gave tofu from the famous autumn mountain , A group of Takumi little fans and little fans on the Internet are also born at a rapid pace!

From this trend, the initial D is the kind of rare comics and animation works that are more popular.

There are very few such works. Most of the manga works are adapted from animation and the popularity of manga is equal. Even if the manga is modified, it will only increase the sales of comic book books to a certain extent, and the animation results may not be as popular. . What's more, the original comics are very popular, and there are also many examples of making big jumps after adapting the animation.

But like the initial D, the popularity of comics can only be said to barely reach the top ranks of the Dragon Kingdom, but there are too few examples of the popularity of animation directly after taking off.

Affected by animation, the sales of single-line comics with initial D have directly exceeded the three million mark, and now it has reached an average volume of 3.08 million sales, and it is still showing an upward trend.

After the initial D comics achieved this result in April, Chu Yu became the only cartoonist whose comic book volume exceeded 3 million in the comics family under the age of 30 in the Dragon Kingdom. The results have directly changed Chu Yu's position in the Dragon Kingdom comics industry from the top cartoonist of the young generation of Long Kingdom to the leading cartoonist of the young generation of Long Kingdom!

This phenomenon directly made those Chu Yu's enemies feel very uncomfortable, such as Ye Chun, followed by Liu Ling.

A few months have passed, and now, the comics industry has a basic conclusion about who made and lost the action of the important comics of Xuangui and Tianji Comics a few months ago.

On the surface, it seems that Xuangui has made a profit. After all, Ye Chun's new comic book Shadow Sword is far superior to Shui Xin, but in the long run... many people think Xuangui has made a step forward. Smelly chess, exchanged the superior Ma Chuyu for a medium horse Yechun!

After all, people don't believe that Shui Xin will collapse after jojo and can't create other excellent works.

Many people think that Shui Xin is obviously not lacking the ability to create comics, but that he has put too much energy on the animation business. Jojo's rush should be the result of his own lack of energy to take care of so many works.

From the beginning of 2023 to the present May, a little and a half of 2023 has passed. The only animation that can compete with the initial D animation is the "Magic Girl Madoka Magica" theatrical version of "The Rebellious Zone Story", who also served as the screenwriter for Chu Yu, and Two works by the rebellious Lelouch.

Of course, the competition here is the competition of potential rather than the competition of actual broadcast data nowadays.

Among the three works, because of the rebellious story, Madoka Puella Magi has the huge popularity blessings of the main story. Although it is only an animation that will be broadcast in March, it is the best work of the Dragon Kingdom from 2023 to the present. All in one sentence Nowadays, the amount of data played on the entire network is as high as 12.3 million.

The second is the initial D. The animation has been broadcast to the nineteenth episode. The average number of the animation episodes is 9.11 million. Although it is below the magical girl Madoka, it is still serialized after all. The volume data is still on the rise, and it is especially unknown who will die in the future.

Then there is only one month of airing, and the rebellious Lelouch, whose performance has steadily risen, has an average broadcast volume of 5.3 million. In the summer animation market, he is alone in the summer animation market. The second place in the summer animation is related to it. There is no more than half of it. Perhaps its enemy is only two brother and sister animations from the same source.

These three works are all original works by Chu Yu, and they are also the three best-performing animations so far in 2023.

In addition, following this trend, there is a high probability that the three animations will exceed the 10 million mark in the average playback volume.

Regarding the achievements of Shui Xin's three works, people in both the animation and manga circles are silent. What else can they do? Who can make a sound? You need to use works to make sounds!

I thought that Shui Xin's performance in the animation industry last year was his peak, how come this year, that seems to be the beginning!

And Xia Yin, who was able to wrestle with Shuixin last year, also became the producer of the initial D animation this year, and the two are considered to be fit to some extent.

The veterans of the Dragon Kingdom have not heard of any masterpiece animations that will be released for the time being. It is expected that the popular animations produced by various animation companies this year will basically be broadcast in the winter animation market in October. It is only summer, away from winter. It's still far! And even if those so-called popular masterpieces come over with the initial D, Lelouch, and Madoka Magica, it is estimated that these three works will not have a guilty conscience.

In addition, the white album in the Water Heart Project and Miss Hui Ye want me to confess two animations...

Will this year's animation industry become a solo show for the guy Shui Xin?

Many people have doubts in their hearts!

In this situation, the failure of jojo comics will no longer be said that the genius has become a mortal. Obviously, people mainly focus on the animation industry, so the comics are casually engaged. .


Of course ~www.mtlnovel.com~ As usual, Chu Yu doesn't care much about these reputations from the outside world. After all, these things can't get system rewards.

After entering May, Chu Yu often called two assistants to work overtime because of various workaholic conditions in the past few months. Although it was only in early May, Chu Yu estimated that at most two or three weeks, jojo He can completely draw the content of the second comic.

When Fenglan Comics fully serializes Jojo's second comic content in July, Jojo's third comic will be officially born in this world...

Chu Yu was very excited about this situation, and was passionate about drawing comics in these two days.

Of course, this is not because he is excited about unlocking the third story of Jojo in two or three months, but the story goes on like this. If he can finish drawing the content of the second comic of jojo throughout May, continue. In the coming June and most of July, he will be extremely relaxed.

After all, there are no classes in the school. Huang Ming is in charge of animation, and the cartoon is temporarily finished. He will have more than a month of vacation time. This is the direct reason for his excitement, and he can play with his girlfriend, Canyon.. ...