I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

After the fourteenth episode of the rebellious Lelouch was broadcast, the Xia Lu party of this work was heartbroken.

If Shui Xin directly made Lelouch a little colder and killed Xia Li for his own benefit, then perhaps most Xia Lu parties would just spray the Shui Xin and then abandon the drama.

But this kind of Lelouch directly uses the power of Geass to make Xia Li forget him, how can this be played like this?

Using this ability to manipulate Xia Li's memory would be too despicable, Lelouch, are you worthy of Xia Li's feelings for you?

But anger goes to anger, and animation fans who have calmed down can't think of a better way than this kind of operation.

At least, Lelouch's secret is kept, and Xia Li doesn't have to struggle painfully in revenge and love for Lelouch.

Moreover, Lelouch should be the most painful thing in this matter! Not only did she hurt Xia Li, but she also completely lost Xia Li.

"It's over, I feel bad now, don't know what to do?"

"Brother, do you know what poison is used to fight poison? When you are depressed, find something more depressing to do, then your previous depression will appear trivial! For example, at this time, you go to review magic Maiden Madoka, unheard of a flower name, five centimeters per second, Rurouni Kenshin... Wait for the healing masterpiece of Teacher Shui Xin, believe me, you will feel that the current depression is nothing! "

"Upper, are you the devil?"

"Oh, I should not believe in Teacher Shuixin Yo! I thought he was modified, but the plot of this sentence directly rubbed me on the ground! I can only say that Ms. Shuixin is still the soldier of love, and I thought I no longer The previous Xiao Mengxin has evolved into a strong-willed anti-depression animation master, but I was wrong...I want to ask now, what does the end of this sentence mean? Xia Li's role is gone?"

"I want to know too! It's so uncomfortable. If Xia Li really lost the plot like this, it would be too pitiful! I now think Xia Li and Lelouch are in love and killing each other is much better than this. !"

"Yes, I thought it would be the cruelest thing for a "couple" to have a good opinion of each other, but now I feel that forgetting each other is even more cruel than this!"

"Didn't Mrs. Shui Xin have a girlfriend? Why is he still so bad! How many girls have he ever been hit so that every work is so unfriendly to lovers? So is Rurouni Kenshin, and so is the initial D, seconds Fifth, the Voice of the Stars......even the rebellious Lelouch of a war-like animation does not have a couple with a better ending in his works?"

"This is the biggest puzzle of Shui Xin's debut so far."

"Anyway, I don't care, I want to protest, I want to show my anger at the bottom of Teacher Shuixin Weibo!"


Under Chu Yu's Weibo, a group of Xia Lu Dang seriously protested that the plot in Chapter 14 was too sadistic, and asked Chu Yu to restore Xia Li's memory in the follow-up plot, and before the relationship with Lulu Xiu returned... ....

Seeing these fans' requests, Chu Yu felt that they were not too much. After all, these people's requests were actually the direction of the follow-up development of Lulu Xiu and Xia Li.

In the following plot, Xia Li did restore her memory, but... the entanglement between Xia Li and Lelouch in that plot, compared to what it is now, Xia Li just lost the memory of Lelouch. The plot is too much to be abused!

Chu Yu Xingzhi came, and immediately picked a person's comment and replied.

"Don't worry, there will be something behind Xia Li's plot, she won't disappear inexplicably..."

At the end, Chu Yu attached a smiling face!

After Chu Yu edited it and sent it out, this comment was discovered immediately, and was topped by enthusiastic fans.

Anyway, you can make the fans happy first, after all, the main part of Xia Li's follow-up will go to the second season.

"Damn, teacher Shui Xin is finally willing to bubbling?"

"Is what Mr. Shui Xin said is true? Xia Li's follow-up story? So, will Xia Li's plot take up a larger proportion! Could it be that Ms. Shui Xin is going to straighten Xia Li and become the first female football player? Now? If this is the case, I will give my full support. Although CC is very attractive, I prefer the gentle and virtuous Xia Li!"

"Is there any story behind Xia Li? It's interesting, but Xia Li has already forgotten Lelouch, what else can she have with Lelouch? Could it be that she joined the Britanian army behind and became Brittany? Sub-pilot, like Shuquemu Suzaku, has become a double roadblock on Zero's path forward?"

"No, a Suzaku Suzaku is annoying enough. If such a good Xia Li is arranged by Teacher Shui Xin like this, I would rather her stay hidden in the plot later!"

"I think if your hypothesis is true, maybe Shui Xin Da Keng Bi will let Xia Li and Suzaku meet in the Britanian army, and then go together because of the idea of ​​fighting against zero. Finally, the two Maybe they are still in love... After the last two are together... Xia Li recovers her memory, and then she loves Lelouch in the past and Suzaku on the other. Feelings, and then hatred for zero, brotherhood, and green hat are intertwined...emmm, isn't it a bit messy!"

"The buddy upstairs, you are a talent. I guess Teacher Shui Xin couldn't think that the plot of Lulu Xiu's animation could go like this... But the plot is really exciting. Brothers can draw if they know how to draw. The cost of creation will come out. If you trust me in private, thank you very much!"

"But when you think about it carefully, it seems that this guy's plot hypothesis fits the style of Teacher Shuixin! Doesn't Mrs. Shuixin like this kind of tauren plot? But honestly, as a green hat plot, I'm pretty pretty. People who like to watch this kind of plot animation, like the plot of Natsuki's appearance in the initial D, I automatically substitute Natsuki's father's perspective, so Takumi is silly and cute! Finally, you must have a book... .. Selfishness, thank you very much!"

"Go away, the above group of heretics, you are too perverted...but...I like it! If you want to create a real cost, please be sure to send me a private message, double thank you !"


Chu Yu looked at the comments casually, and could only sigh that the fans were all talented.

However, it can also be seen how popular the rebellious Lelouch's animation is. It has become the hottest animated Lelouch in the summer and autumn of this year. After the fourteenth episode is broadcast, the average number of episodes has been played. Under the influence of the super high reputation and discussion enthusiasm, it came to 9.7 million, and I am afraid that before the 15th episode is broadcast, it will break through the 10 million mark and become the first of the whole year in 2023. An animation with an average playback volume of over 10 million.

This achievement is among the speculations of many insiders in Longguo, but when the rebellious Lulu Xiu's animation has reached this point, the insiders in the Longguo animation industry can deeply feel that it is rumored to be still in college. In the limited video data, the handsome boy is terrible.

Within half a year, the two consecutively created animation episodes have both played more than 10 million. This is unprecedented in the history of Longguo animation industry, and it is estimated that it will be difficult for anyone to come!

If the rebellious Lelouch can finally reach the height of Madoka Puella Magi, then only in the role of an animation screenwriter, Shui Xin may be ranked as one of the world's dragon animation industry in the past two decades by any standard. Top twenty.

Perhaps some people think that this kind of performance is a bit low in the top 20, but after careful consideration, the last two decades of Long Guo have been the twenty years of the dynamic development of the Long Guo animation industry, and also the twenty years of the formalization of the animation market. In a period of time, I don't know how many ghost writers have gained fame, and I don't know how many animation masterpieces have been born.

Fu Yang, an veteran of Long Guo animation screenwriter, has participated in the creation of more than 50 animations in his life. Three animations have won the reputation of Long Guo's annual popular animation. The entire network of six animations has exceeded 10 million... .... But it is too old and retired!

Another example is Yu Canghai. His strong point is not in serial long-form animations, but in the animation film industry. The children's animation film "Reflection" he created was directly evaluated by the Dragon Kingdom official and the Dragon Animation Association as the most suitable for children to watch. The animation film for youth, the youth love film Baihe is the love enlightenment animation of countless Longguo animation fans in the student era, and his animation film also broke the gap of no awards in the major international animation awards in the Longland animation industry in 2009. In one fell swoop, it defeated the animation nominated by the Japanese island region of Longguo. As the highest level of animation film that truly represented the Long Kingdom, it went to the international awards, and it was very rewarding, allowing the international animation industry to represent the Japanese island animation level on the Longguo animation industry. The highest level of cognition has changed a bit! However, although this person did not officially announce his retirement, he did not have a work for seven years. Basically, everyone recognized that he was in a semi-retired state.

At this time, some people think that Shui Xin's achievements in the animation industry can be compared with these people, and it is undoubtedly a very high recognition of Shui Xin.

After all, a person's status in the Long Country animation industry depends not only on the quality of your work, but also on the precipitation of time.

Just talk about the quality of animation works~www.mtlnovel.com~ These animation works of Chu Yu already represent the first-rate level of Longguo animation industry, but he is still very young after all, that is, the so-called lack of qualifications, so in the eyes of many people, Chu Yu There is still a certain gap with those older generations.

Of course, there are also many people on the Internet criticizing Chu Yu's animations for catering to the present. No one will remember it over time, especially Lelouch's animation, which has many fans and many sunspots.

Many sunspots think that Lelouch's animation structure is too big. A high school student wants to conquer the world, but he feels nonsense....Even if he has the ability of geass and is a high IQ genius, But it is still hard to imagine, so these people generally think that the follow-up plot of the rebellious Lelouch will collapse.

Some people even think that Xia Li, the female character who has laid so many scenes in the early stage, hastily finished in the fourteenth chapter, is a sign of the collapse of the animation plot.

However, Chu Yu feels a bit funny about these views. After all, the experience of these animations in the parallel world has given the answer. They are all excellent animations that can withstand the test of time, even in the past ten years or more. Someone remembers the classic animation.

Moreover, now the rebellious Lelouch has only broadcast a quarter of the total length. After this work is completely broadcast, Chu Yu believes that the rebellious Lelouch's enthusiasm in the Long Kingdom will be even more enthusiastic. At that time, he believed that those people should be unable to speak words that questioned Lelouch...

You know, the reason why the rebellious Lelouch's animation can set off such a big craze in the parallel world is not based on its interesting opening story, but on its late ending story. ..