I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

"Hey, get up!"

"Get up, Chu Yu, don't go to sleep. You must not sleep when you asked you to go to bed last night. Now I wake up and you can't afford it!"

Early in the morning, the curtains were opened, eyes shone in, Chu Yu frowned, and covered his face with the quilt.

Later, the quilt was also torn apart, and another person kept shaking Chu Yu's body.

Finally.... I can't sleep anymore!

By the window, Gu Yan, who had finished washing, glanced at the looming muscle lines on Chu Yu's naked body with an unnatural expression, and cast aside her eyes.

"It's already nine o'clock in the morning, are you still up?"

"It's only nine o'clock in the morning! I didn't go to bed until three o'clock in the middle of the night last night. I was sleepy. It's the same for you. Why aren't you sleepy?" Chu Yu yawned and looked at Gu Yan curiously. .

Then quickly found a set of clean clothes from the cabinet by the window and put on them.

On the table, Gu Yan got up early in the morning and ordered breakfast takeaway.

Although she can make her own, but the taste is not satisfactory, and Chu Yu...Although his craftsmanship is good, after all, people are busy doing things in the industry all day, unless sometimes the interest comes. Otherwise, he wouldn't cook by himself.

During the past three years in Laimodu, Chu Yu spent all his life eating takeaways.

However, when the funds were not rich in the past, I ate ordinary box lunches. Now I have money. I order all kinds of high-end restaurants and restaurants. Although it is not particularly luxurious, there are thousands of takeout money for a day... ...I counted tens of thousands of Dragon National Coins spent on eating for a month.

But compared to Chu Yu's ability to make money, this amount of money is just a fraction of the price. After all, Chu Yu's average monthly profit rate of 20 million in the past year, spending tens of thousands of dollars a month on food, is really not worth mentioning. Converted to the Engel coefficient, it is only one-thousandth.

But Gu Yan's ordering is not so luxurious. After all, her income is not the same as Chu Yu's. For a breakfast of tens of yuan, 90% of the things ordered were eaten by Chu Yu.

She can do it with half a bowl of porridge, an egg, and half a cup of milk!

"Are you so full?" Chu Yu drank a bowl of egg drop soup and swallowed a piece of meatloaf by the way.

"I don't want to be full, just to eat the necessary food without affecting my health!" Gu Yan gathered his hair together and drank a glass of water.

"I'm not like you. I eat so many meals without getting fat, and my physical strength is so good! If I eat your average appetite, you will not see me now, but a big fat lady. Say it!" Gu Yan said with a sigh.

"I've been like this since I was a child, but it's not that I can't eat fat. If I work hard, I can grow two or three catties a month, and... I like you too!

Chu Yu looked serious, but he looked at Gu Yan's chest by the way and asked curiously.

"If you gain weight, will other places that are already fat continue to gain weight?"

Gu Yan was full of joy when he heard Chu Yu's previous sentence, but when he saw where Chu Yu's eyes were and what he asked, he blushed.

"Hurry up and eat, and go to work after eating! I'm going to go to the dubbing room as soon as possible, where a group of colleagues are waiting for me!"

Unconsciously, the two have been living together for almost half a month. During this period, Chu Yu's knowledge and exploration of Gu Yan has been fresh from the beginning to now. Anyway, it seems that the more we get along, the more cute she feels. Chu Yu basically drags her to play games late at night. In most cases, she plays the canyon, but if the canyon tour is more depressing, she will definitely play other games.

Maybe.... This is the man!

Anyway, now, Chu Yu feels that this kind of two people living together without light bulbs is a game high!

I drove Gu Yan to the dubbing room. After I hugged her in the car for a few minutes before I left, I waited until Gu Yan was hypoxic before letting her leave.

Then Chu Yu turned around and rushed to his comics studio, which is the house where he originally rented.

Although I changed houses, I'm used to staying here after all, and it's close to school. Chu Yu has a high probability that Chu Yu will not return the house here until he graduates, and if necessary, he will buy the house directly at that time. It is not impossible to modify it as a special comic salary room.

But the time was approaching mid-July, and Chu Yu also bid farewell to his junior career a week ago and went on holiday.

During the summer vacation, his classmates all went to the internship unit for internship. After all, they had to submit the internship report stamped by the unit to the school next semester, otherwise they would not be able to finish their senior year.

On the other hand, Chu Yu gave his internship report to the personnel of his animation studio and stamped it. Naturally, there is no need to practice any practice. After all, he is the boss.

However, for Chu Yu, the biggest problem for his graduation is not his graduation thesis. After all, he studied animation. If he doesn't understand this stuff, Huang Ming can be clear, whether it is ability or practical experience, it is better than many teachers in his school. The level is much higher, Chu Yu really doesn't know how to ask him to come over and give him some pointers. If you want to come and graduate, it is easy.

In addition to finishing his daily manga and animation work, Chu Yu is studying seven or eight subjects such as high mathematics, English, probability theory, linear algebra, etc. I can only postpone graduation.

As for Gu Yan, a top student's girlfriend, although she has graduated, it is obvious that none of these courses have been left. She is temporarily serving as his make-up teacher during this time. Of course, because these courses are too boring, make up the lessons. The teacher was too tempting. The two of them often made up the supplementary lessons and then went to the room. This also made Gu Yan doubt the true purpose of Chu Yu's supplementary lessons.

All in all, the cohabitation life of Chu Yu and Gu Yan is neither boring nor boring, on the contrary, it is very fulfilling.

Therefore, during this period of time, Chu Yu has also become much more cheerful, and a lot of smiles have appeared on the calm, wooden face before.

And in this case, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure prequel, that is, the comic content of Jojo's first and second titles is finally coming to an end.

The battle between Joseph and the leader of Juman Kaz has also become fierce...

The popularity of jojo's prequel comics has also been serialized for more than half a year with more than 50 words. From the beginning, it has been questioned, and now it has been praised continuously. The jojo fans who can basically persist until now can gradually feel this. The interesting part of this work, although it is not as good as Chu Yu's previous manga works such as the initial D, but at least much better than the manga works of most middle-level manga artists on the Longguo market.

These accumulated jojo fans can be regarded as true and pure jojo first-generation fans, and they are very curious and looking forward to the serialization of jojo's main story two weeks later.

Fortunately, the Tianji Comics Club is also very effective. Although it is said that there are no publicity resources for the top cartoonists of Chuyu Tianji Comics, the large and medium-sized bookstores of the Long Kingdom have publicity posters for the comic jojo.

And the weird style of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure main story scared off many journal fans of Xuanjing Periodicals and Chu Yu's comic fans, but there is no doubt that this style of painting is too unique and constitutes a system of its own, so identify The degree is extremely high, which also made many passersby impressed by the propaganda newspaper of Jojo's bizarre adventure comics.

The broadcast time of Chu Yu's two new animations has also been set, "Miss Hui Ye wants me to confess, the geniuses' love and mind battles!" Huang Ming will directly set the file on August 1st, 8pm on Tuesday evening. The first episode premiered, and the arrangement for "White Album 2" was set for the premiere on Wednesday, August 2 after Miss Huiye. Huang Ming's arrangement made sense, after all, on Tuesday, Chu Chu Yu's animation fans watched Miss Huiye taste the sweetness, and then let White Album 2 wake them up on Wednesday, and strive to make the foundations get the greatest touch.

Because of the production cycle, the two works did not premiere in the four animations of 1, 4, 7, and 10 in the big month. However, in the Long Country animation industry because of Chu Yu's past record, it is too brilliant, even if the two animations are only It was broadcast in August, but the company behind an animation broadcast in the fall was also under pressure.

Calculated in this way, after July, Chuyu has four works active in the Longguo animation market at the same time.

Jojo of the comics, Lelouch of the animation, White Album 2, Miss Huiye, and the main story of Jojo's bizarre adventure are still serialized on the sky at the speed of two episodes a week.

So the industry insiders who knew the details of Shuixin's next work~www.mtlnovel.com~, after experiencing some silence and shock, finally couldn't stand it. Shouting Shuixin is really a pervert, and she is not a person at all!

Shui Xin, wouldn't you be tired from creating works? Four works of colleagues are broadcast serially, won't you be schizophrenic because of the plot?

After all, they are all people in the industry. Those animation screenwriters recalled that they had all taken off their hair when they conceived the plot of the animation, but they were still mentally retarded by the audience spraying the animation plot. Now they are compared with the water heart... A lot of fans rated Lelouch's work as high as 9.7.......People are really more angry than people!

Therefore, after Chu Yu became known as the warrior of love, the name of Shui Xin's sow in the animation industry quickly spread...

For Chu Yu's fans, his high-yield behavior like a sow undoubtedly made them feel extremely happy.

But for those companies and groups that have competed with Chu Yu's works, they just want to say, my last name is not Fu.......

Chu Yu is undoubtedly like a mountain. Do you think you bypassed him this season? But the next animation quarter...

He laughed and walked and said, he didn't expect it!

Then he rubbed you under your body!

But what's the solution?

Chuyu's family of animation production workshops that seem to be too amateurish in other animation companies are all masterpieces produced. What can you do with him?

Facing the two animation broadcast information released by the copyer's animation studio, the animation production companies of Longguo sighed helplessly!

Which **** is born quickly, rub the damned guy Shui Xin on the ground!

If this continues, wouldn't the Dragon Kingdom animation market become his own personal show?