I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Must catch up! firework festival!

   Finally, after the taxi drove through the undersea tunnel...

   Appeared in front of Huiye's group of people and the animation audience, is the sky full of fireworks!

   Soothing music sounded, and everyone in the animation stared at the fireworks outside the car window.

   Everyone in the student union, let's watch the fireworks and achieve the achievement together!


   Xu Ning took a long sigh of relief, and sure enough, this is another happy  end!

   However, here, the story of the candy is not over yet.

   Everyone in the taxi is watching the fireworks outside the window.

  Only Shigiya Kaguya, although she cried and said that she wanted to watch the fireworks with everyone, but at this time, her gaze was straight, and Bai Yin Yuxing stared at the fireworks's face.

   "Everyone's eyes are on the fireworks...but, I'm sorry...I can't look away from this side of the face!"

  At this moment, the animation bgm completely disappeared, leaving only the inner monologue of Shigiya Kaguya!

   But this kind of animation processing has completely immersed all animation fans, including Xu Ning, in the plot, looking forward to what Shinomiya Kaguya will say next!

   Looking at Shigin Yuxing's Shigiya Kaguya, he thought to himself.

   "The sound of the heart is too loud.......Even the sound of fireworks......I can't hear it!"


   At this moment, the image of Shinomiya Kaguya seemed to be sublimated again.

   moved, in addition to being moved or moved!

   Many animation fans, including Xu Ning, have never thought that it is obviously a sugar animation, but it makes them feel this kind of emotion.

   "Old man's girly heart, teacher Shui Xin, you pay back my tears!"

"Can I say that I always cry when I watch Mr. Shuixin's works? Looking at his past works, I feel condolences and tears because of the sadistic plots of the characters in the animation, but now... I actually shed tears by the innocent, ridiculously silly, but sincere feelings of Si Gong Huiye and Bai Yin Yuxing!"

   "I really want a wife like Kaguya Shimiya! If any girl likes me like she likes Shirogane Yuyuki, then I'm willing to lose ten years of life!"

   "Forget it, what kind of feelings are you talking about? You are not greedy for other people's body, lowly!"

   "I'm really gluttonous Huiye, I'm a mean, what about you? If you don't even think about this kind of girl, is it your eunuch?"

"Moved! Damn it, it's the last word. Teacher Shui Xin is still giving out dog food like this. I feel so uncomfortable! After tonight, I won't see Miss Huiye's animation... I haven't had enough dog food yet!"

   "I don't understand why Shui Xin can create such a sweet love animation, but he always has to go deeper and deeper on the road to depression!"

"what does it mean!"

"You don't pay attention to the animation studio of the copier! The animation studio founded by Teacher Shuixin, just now, its official Weibo account issued a message that it will be soon after the end of the first season of White Album 2 next week. Start the production of the second season!"

   "What about the second season of Miss Kaguya? The two animations were released two days apart, and the production of the second season of White Album 2 was decided. Does Miss Kaguya have it?"

   "I haven't seen the announcement for the time being. If it is not released, it must be no more!"

   "White Album 2 has a second season? It's funny, the results are so bad, there is still a second season?"

"Is it bad? It doesn't count. It's just that the results are very poor compared to the previous works of Shui Xin. In fact, it was taken out separately. The top 15 animations so far this year can be ranked... .... And it is only calculated based on the current broadcast data. After all, its data is still on the upward trend. This animation has two more words before the first season ends. When the first season ends, it may enter the top ten. Maybe, from the point of view of profit anyway, I have returned and made a small profit. It is only natural to produce the second season!"

"Of course I know what you said, but in any case, which work by Miss Huiye and the rebellious Lulu Xiu is not better than White Album 2. If Ms. Shuixin is trying to make money, he should quickly take all his experiences and make it. Isn't the second season of these two animations more logical? What is Teacher Shui Xin thinking?"

   "So... Mr. Shui Xin will make the broadcast decision of the second season of White Album 2 so quickly, then he must not be so simple to make money!"

   "What is that for?"

   "You think, what is the biggest difference between White Album 2 and Miss Hui Ye?"

   "emmm......Although they are all love animations, one is for melancholy and the other is for healing!"

"That's right... Teacher Shui Xin must be unable to control his own evil tastes. After the eleventh chapter of the White Album 2 revealed his true colors last week, he is finally going to return to his righteous cause, too. He is returning to his job as a warrior of love again! Therefore, even if the profit is not the biggest, but the reason why he has to quickly start the second season of White Album 2 is that... he wants to be Scolding! That's right... Teacher Shui Xin is just a joke. We have scolded him for so many years. The reason why he still wants to get Yu Animation is because he is complimented by fans and makes his whole body uncomfortable. !"

"Um... Regardless of whether you are telling the truth or not, but it is true...I want to scold Mr. Shuixin now! I feel I have to not scold Mr. Shuixin I feel sick all over! I think this disease may not be cured!"


   is different from the scene in which Chuyu imagined Miss Hui Ye ended, the fans all over the net cheered and sprinkled flowers.

   On the night that Miss Hui Ye ended, the news of the second season production decision of White Album 2 was released, and Chu Yu was sprayed by fans all over the network again.

   He has a black face for an instant, what sin did I do?

   was scolded when he pulled out the animation for gloom, and finally finished a comedy romance animation, also be scolded? What am I going to do, you fans will praise me!

   Chuyu suppressed the unhappiness in his heart and looked at the people in the animation studio around him.

   Now that Miss Hui Ye has finished reading the words, everyone's party tonight will officially begin.

   For this party, he didn't even eat lunch, his stomach was already hungry!

   And the staff of the studio, although many people know the plot of Miss Hui Ye's ending, they still have a lot of feelings after watching it together.

   And the deepest feeling among them is......Why don't you have a lot of words, and often seem to be in a daze, would an extremely straight boss think of this kind of work?

   In his life, he is dumb and unsmiling, but his works are so sweet...Of course, there is nothing to say about the depression!

   This is too unreasonable...

   However, people always have a variety of brains, and there are not a few people who have different thoughts. Everyone will help him round all the unreasonable things in Chu Yu's body, and at the end of the round, unity becomes a sentence!

   How else can someone be the boss and make so much money? This... is a genius!


  In the hotel that Huang Ming had packaged in advance, the food and everything had been prepared in advance. Of course, everyone basically went to all kinds of seafood. Who is going to eat is not a waste. Today, I must eat the boss distressed!

Of course, there are less than a hundred people in total. Judging from the profitability of these works, even if one of them eats ten catties, they will not feel sorry for Chu Yu... The bonus is a drop in the bucket compared to the money earned!

   During the dinner, many people came up to Chu Yu to toast.

   "The boss is so handsome tonight, come and have a drink!"

   "Celebrate Miss Hui Ye's end and spread flowers, the boss comes to have a drink!"

   "If the boss has a new idea, let us know!"

   "Boss, you have dinner tonight, don't you call the lady boss?"


   At the dinner table, Chu Yu started to feel dizzy after three or two cups!

   In short, he didn't eat a few bites of the big meal he was looking forward to, and he didn't know how he finally got back.

   It was only in the middle of the night, when he woke up because of thirsty, he realized that Gu Yan had been taking care of him all the time.

   After being sober-minded, she was very hungry. At night, Gu Yan also fiddled with her unfamiliar cooking skills and brought Chu Yu a bowl of congee.

   "You hurry up and rest! It's three o'clock, I will take care of these things by myself!" Chu Yu was a little embarrassed!

   "You can't drink, don't drink, I was stunned when Huang Ming sent you here!" Gu Yan let out a sigh of relief after seeing Chu Yu finally sober.

   "Who said I can't drink, it is because they have too many people......that's why I..." After Chu Yu said a few words, he stopped.

   After all, people say this because they care about him, and there is no need to argue about it!

"Next time...If there is such a dinner, try to drink less! Tonight...Thank you!" Chu Yu held back for a long time~www.mtlnovel .com~ also suffocated this sentence!

   He doesn't like to drink either. The main thing is that he is all his own at the party. If he goes to the party of other organizations, he won't drink so much!

   Gu Yan glanced at him, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he didn't say much. He took off his coat and slept next to him, covered with a quilt!

   "Good night, I'm going to bed, I have been busy with work during the day, and the night is still up to now, I have to get up early tomorrow! After you drink the porridge, go to bed as soon as possible!"

   After a few minutes, the sound of her breathing became very even, and she even turned over and hugged Chu Yu's arm directly, seemingly completely asleep!

   looked at Gu Yan's cute face in his sleep, Chu couldn't help lowering his head and kissed him, drank the porridge in one mouthful, and turned off the light to sleep.

Inexplicably, Chu Yu felt at ease in his heart. When he was alone before, he always felt that life alone was carefree, but now the two are living together......like this He was touched when he came home drunk and taken care of.

  In the eyes of outsiders, he is a man of the Dragon Kingdom animation industry.

   But at this moment......he felt that he was just an ordinary person.

   Draw comics and engage in animation one day, and after returning home, someone will accompany him to brag, chat and play games, but in this way, Chu Yu already feels the meaning of his life and feels that life is not wasted!

   When a salted fish......It's so cool!