I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

The next day, Chu Yu was awakened by the slightly dazzling sunlight.

   After all, I drank alcohol yesterday. Although I woke up in the middle of the night and had something to eat, Chu Yu still slept until nearly eleven o'clock with the remaining alcohol energy.

   This is also after the rebellious Lulu Xiu and Miss Hui Ye want me to confess, Chu Yu can sleep so comfortably.

Although Chu Yu is a half-handed shopkeeper on the animation production side, Huang Ming is handling the specific operations, but as the actual owner of this animation studio and the screenwriter of its produced works, you can't really do everything. Can be handed over to others.

   For example, Chu Yu will definitely go when the contract is signed for the broadcast revenue of the works put on the major website channels. Then, if there is any effect on the production of these works, Chu Yu should also give appropriate opinions and pay attention to it in real time.

After all, Chu Yu himself knows very well that although their animation studio has produced several famous animations and has absorbed many capable people in the animation industry to join, it is always...Chu Yu Neng's work is definitely an animation produced by excellent animation teams in the parallel world. In terms of production ability alone, it must be that the production level of the original work is better.

In fact, animation production is the same as making movies and TV series. The same person in charge with different scripts produces completely different effects, just like the martial arts work of Master Jin in the parallel world. There are so many editions, one edition is more than one edition. Rotten... The same script produced a completely different effect, so compared to technical updates, whether a work can make the audience feel good depends mainly on the level of the person in charge!

   So on the premise that these extracted animation works have been successful in the parallel world, Chu Yu will not make excessive changes to them.

   To restore the essence of the original work to this world, Chu Yu must spend a lot of effort and Huang Ming and the members of the studio to articulate their ideas.

   These things are undoubtedly very time-consuming, but well... it turns out that the broadcast effect is unexpectedly good!

Therefore, in the eyes of everyone in the studio, although Chu Yu is relatively innocent in technology, and as the boss, he does not need to understand technical things, but the decision on the general direction is indeed vicious, although I don't understand why Chu Yu has such vision and consciousness, but in the end it is still the old saying that the group of people affected by Dihua's thinking, the result of self-refilling is the word genius!

   In this case, everyone in the studio was very convinced of Chu Yu.

I have money to invest, and I can do my own screenwriting. I can also make constructive suggestions on the general direction of animation production. And the post-mortem verification is indeed very effective. Leading a group of non-top people in the industry frequently produces top-notch works in the industry. This kind of boss changes Who is dissatisfied?

Of course... Chu Yu didn't know their thoughts. In his own opinion, he just copied the advantages of the original work, and then tried to improve the shortcomings of the original work in the parallel world that were criticized by others. That's it. At this point, Chu Yu is still very humble!

   Of course, now that the second season of Lelouch is scheduled to be broadcast for more than two months after Miss Hui Ye is over, this period of time will undoubtedly be much easier for Chu Yu than before.

   After getting up and washing slowly, Gu Yan ordered Chu Yu's breakfast in the microwave before going out to work, and posted a note on the dining table to remind Chu Yu that Chu Yu didn't eat after heating it for two minutes.

   Then check your own situation daily.

   As expected, after the end of the twelfth episode of Miss Hui Ye last night, the system quickly distributed the work award to Chu Yu.

   After all, as the second-best performance in the Long Guo animation market this year, Miss Hui Ye's performance in the autumn animation market is beyond doubt.

For the time being, the second-ranked game-changed animation "Kingdom Explorer!" in the autumn aired in the autumn has been blessed by many fans of the original game, but the average broadcast volume has just exceeded 7 million, and it is the first of Miss Hui Ye. One and a half million is not a grade.

   After all, in terms of the average play volume data, after exceeding 7 million, the data did not rise by 1 million, and the difficulty increased geometrically.

   is like an exam. Among the three people in the test of eighty-five, ninety, and ninety-five, although the scores of these three people are only five points different from each other, the difficulty of crossing is completely different!

This is why the average broadcast of Miss Hui Ye's episode exceeds 10 million, which can only be regarded as a highly popular animation in the eyes of the industry, but the rebellious Lelouch's first season episode has an average of more than 14 million broadcasts, but almost It is considered by everyone to be a god!

   Crossing the gap of 4 million results in the middle is much more difficult than making five or six episodes with an average of over 10 million views.

   Of course, having said that, since the animation of Kingdom Explorers has been completed for a month, the results have basically not changed. Whether it can maintain its second place in the autumn animation market is another question.

After all, there are still two episodes to end in White Album 2, which has an average number of viewers of 5.5 million. Judging from the popularity of episode 11, wait until White Album 2 and 13 have two episodes. After the broadcast, Chu Yu's achievement of surpassing the Kingdom Explorers was a high probability event.

   So it is only natural for the system to issue rewards so decisively this time. This guy is basically not very rigid, and will operate flexibly based on market conditions!

   Of course, for the current Chu Yu, after receiving this autumn's popular animation reward, his system reward has also come to the number of 1S3A.

   But in the eyes of Chu Yu, who has no intention of new work for the time being, this reward didn't make his emotions fluctuate much, and he could only continue to press the bottom of the box! After all, life is a long way, and there is always some inventory...Of course, the main reason is that after living with Gu Yan, he became a little lazy than before. In the past, he worked all day. Playing games with Chu Yu occasionally feels great!

Now...Although I feel fulfilled at work, I don't want to be too tired at night, and I want to come to Gu Yan to play games... He has never forgotten that cos. clothing store!

Now, let's first clarify the works that have been extracted. Don't talk about too much greed and chew, and work too much. He doesn't want to make headlines in the major newspapers of the Long Kingdom after his sudden death... .....

   "Chu Yu, a genius cartoonist, animation screenwriter, and animation investor, unfortunately belches because of his enthusiasm for working in Japan. This is a big loss for Longguo animation industry..."

   At the end, a group of fans came crying to their graves and mourning!

That's really stupid. I have so much money and such a beautiful girlfriend. I still have to think about my body. Not to mention living to the world record of 120 or 30 years old, but I can't work hard for the goal of living to 100 years old. Divide it!

   Thinking of this, Chu Yu quickly ate breakfast, and by the way, he pretended to lie in bed and did ten sit-ups. Finally, feeling a little tired, he decided to go to the studio to draw comics!

   But shortly after leaving the house ~www.mtlnovel.com~Chu Yu only met once a week, and talked for two minutes at a time just to get the manga manuscript. Zhang Jing, the manga editor with a very low sense of existence, called him.

   "Hey, Brother Zhang, what's the matter? I should have already submitted the manga for this week, right?"

   "Oh, Mr. Shuixin, I'm not looking for you for these things. I'm looking for you for other things. I'm waiting for you at your comics studio. Can you come over if it's convenient?"

wait for me?

   Chuyu was puzzled, but didn't talk much, after all, it is not good to be distracted while driving.

   "Then you wait for me for twenty minutes, I was on my way there too!"



   Chuyu hung up the phone, speeding up slightly.

   Once there, Zhang Jing was sitting in the room drinking tea, and Chu Yu's assistants were there to complete their work by themselves.

   After all, Chu Yu also trusted the two assistants, and the room key was given to them.

   "Teacher Shuixin, you are finally here!" Zhang Jing smiled.

   Chuyu didn't treat him too much, and asked what was wrong.

   Finally, he took out an invitation card from his briefcase!

   "The 40th Anniversary Celebration of the Founding of Tianji Comics...Inviter, Chu Yu!" Chu Yu casually glanced, and the key information came into view!

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