I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

"this is...."

   "It means literally!" Zhang Jing said with a smile.

"After all, it's the 40th anniversary of its founding. People who are slightly influential in the Tianji Comics Club will participate. Of course, this thing is not forced. If you want to go, go, and it doesn't matter if you don't want to go... However, if you can go, you should go as far as possible! The meeting is not only the people of our comics club, but many influential people in the Dragon Kingdom animation industry will also participate. Anyway, you can just meet people in the same industry!"


Chu Yu glanced at the invitation. He was not interested in this kind of activity, but he was not repulsive. If he went, he was afraid of trouble. If he didn't go, Zhang Jing came here to send this thing, as if he was a little sorry for him. Moreover, Zhang Jing came over. I am afraid that the editor-in-chief Qin Bei also means behind.

   "Well, let me think about it. In terms of time, it will be two weeks later, right. If I have nothing else at that time, then..."

   "Yes, it's no problem at all! Teacher Shuixin can think about it slowly, just let me know whether you go or not!" Zhang Jing said.

After all, Chu Yu is a well-known house in the comics circle. In addition to daily work, other cartoonists will always interact with colleagues, but Chu Yu... is right about this. There is no interest in planting things at all. Even though Zhang Jing has mentioned many times that he can introduce other cartoonists from Tianji Comics to know Chu Yu, Chu Yu is completely unmoved.

This time Chu Yu was invited to participate in the celebration of Tianji Comics, and the editor-in-chief Qin Bei asked him to come. In any case, Chu Yu was also invited to join Tianji, but it has been more than half a year. In addition to drawing comics, Chu Yu was bored. , And didn't care about the internal affairs of the comics club, Qin Bei just found a reason to meet with Chu Yu, and exchanged their thoughts by the way!

   "Then I will leave first, so I won't disturb your work!"

   Chuyu exchanged a few words with him, and finally drove him away personally.

   "Celebration?" Chu Yu looked at the invitation card in his hand.

   "Never mind, you can just go to the meeting and eat and drink!"

   Thinking like this, Chu Yu received the invitation card and kept it in the cabinet!


   Soon, the busy day ended. The two assistants left early to accompany their girlfriends, knowing that Chu Yu did not intend to work overtime today.

  Chuyu decisively left here after finishing finishing the drawings completed today.

   drove around on the road, strolling all the way, and bought some snacks from the roadside stalls and put them in the car, ready to wait for the afternoon meal when I returned home.

   Smoothly, Chu Yu also ran to the flower shop and bought a large bunch of lilies on the car, and then ran to a shopping building to buy some skirts that she thought looked good.

Then I walked into a luxury bag shop. Chu Yu, who is not good in English, could not even pronounce the shop name accurately, but even his trend idiot often saw this brand in various short videos, and it was in front of him. In the past few years, there was news that a boy sold kidneys in order to send a low-profile bag to his beloved girlfriend, which impressed Chu Yu, but these were digressions. After entering the store, even though Chu Yu did not dress up. It feels like a rich man, but when you enter the store, the waiter does not look down on people in the novel, but is rather polite!

   Chuyu asked the waiter what style is more suitable for sending his girlfriend.

   Sure enough, the styles recommended by the waiter to Chu Yu are selling well, but the price is much higher than the so-called regular price that Chu Yu understands.

Chu Yu bought these things for Gu Yan for the first time anyway. She didn't know what style she liked, so she chose three of the styles recommended by the waiter, according to Gu Yan's usual style. !

Then I went to a bunch of makeup shops with English names. Following the recommendations of the shopping guide, I chose some items such as lipsticks, eye shadows, and various cosmetic liquids that Chu Yu didn't know what their effects were. It was also left with large bags and small bags.

In the end, Chu Yu ran to the cos clothing store in the commercial street nearby. As expected, there were a lot more styles in the store, but Chu Yu also bought a set of what she liked... .. After all, I'm afraid of scaring Gu Yan, and it's too much. It's not good if my girlfriend treats herself as a pervert!

   After all this was done, it was almost seven o'clock in the evening.

On the experience of spending less than 200,000 in just two hours, Chu Yu can only say that it doesn't feel much. After all, dozens of people in the studio last night had a seafood dinner and drank red wine and spent more, but Chu Yu Except for spitting the valuable wine in the trash bin at home, I didn't get the big meal or anything. Instead, I woke up in the middle of the night and drank Gu Yan's porridge... It was a blood loss!

   In comparison, after the money was spent today, at least a little real thing appeared.

So......in the end, when Chu Yu came home with a large bunch of flowers and eight or nine bags, she had already returned home from get off work and was waiting for the arrival at eight o'clock in the evening, watching the white album 2 twelfth She was a little at a loss...

   At first, I saw a bunch of lilies that Chu Yu was holding. Gu Yan was not stupid. Of course, he knew that it must be given to her. A red cloud floated under his white face.

   But there was some embarrassment in her eyes. She didn't know if she should take the flowers with a surprised expression to make Chu Yu happy, or if she should pretend to take it calmly. Chu Yu, the province, felt that she was not reserved.

   But after seeing the brand logos on the surface of several other shopping bags by Chu Yu, I became at a loss.

Because she's not stupid, she naturally knows that Chu Yu, a person who doesn't have any interest except for playing games and likes to let her change various costumes to play games... will never be interested in them. I am interested in tens of thousands of clothes and accessories at every turn. I must buy these things that are not men's styles... I must also buy them for her.

and so.......

   "Lilies for you!"

"And here are some skirts and clothes I bought when I went to the mall. Here are a few bags that I looked pretty good. You must look good when you carry them..." Chu Yu saw Gu Yan Then speak directly.

   After all, he knows Gu Yan's mind and he gladly accepts ordinary gifts, but after a certain limit, he refuses whether he likes it or not.

In the previous words, Gu Yan said that Chu Yu is fine, after all, he is not hypocritical, but last night Gu Yan took care of him all night, and also got up and went to work in the morning, so in a somewhat embarrassed mood... .... It is also rare for Chu Yu to buy some gifts to make his girlfriend happy! Anyway, if you ask Gu Yan if you want it, she definitely doesn't want it, but if you buy it all, she can never not want it!

   "How much did you spend......money?" Gu Yan asked.

"Not much. Anyway, I don't know what you like. I just bought some. If you don't like them, you can give them to your friends if you don't like them... we can tomorrow How about going to the store and picking what you like!"

   "I'm crazy, I only give a friend, I'm not a rich woman, a few hundred yuan is okay, hundreds of thousands of things can be given away!"

Gu Yan's tone was high, and she gave Chu Yu a blank glance, and she was too lazy to continue to ask, after all, she understood these things better than Chu Yu, and she estimated the value after just a few glances. After sighing, she spit out Chu Yu's prodigal queen. , And happily accepted.

Chu Yu asked her if she wanted to buy a gift for her. Gu Yan said it shouldn't be out of the girl's self-love and reservedness, but Chu Yuzhen bought it for her privately. If she still picks it up or refuses it. The gesture of welcoming is too hypocritical!


   "Do you also buy this green lipstick? What is your taste?"

"The shopping guide asked me, if he didn't know what color code my girlfriend liked, he recommended this lipstick set, saying that most of the color codes are available... you just throw it away if you don't like it. Okay, or give it away!"

   "What about this one? This suit is too revealing! The slits are open to my hips... You want me to go out to meet people in this suit?"

   "No......you can just pass this thing to me. If you go out, you should dress more tightly to avoid catching a cold!"

   "Then what is this set? A pile of iron chains and hoops on the clothes! Is there a whip attached? Which brand of fashion clothing is this, so strange!" Gu Yan looked at Chu Yu suspiciously.

   "Little Devil Suit......Uh, in this case, it's a suit!"

   "You...perverted!" Gu Yan blushed suddenly.

But in the end, she happily picked up the bunch of lilies. After all, it was the first time that Chu Yu gave her flowers. It is not easy to have this kind of enlightenment in people like Chu Yu. Therefore, this bunch of flowers The weight of the representative is undoubtedly heavier.

   Gu Yan took a deep breath, stood on tiptoe and kissed Chu Yu, a sweet fragrance and tenderness poured in between Chu Yu's mouth, and two minutes later, Gu Yan blushed and stepped back, looking at Chu Yu!

   "This bunch of flowers......I like it very much!"

   I like......really?

   Chu Yu's heart was filled with joy all of a sudden, and instantly felt that the money was made with blood!

   spent more than the so-called big meal of hundreds of thousands last night!

"Thank you for sending me these, but if you want to give me a gift next time, just continue to send flowers.....Others, forget it! You gave me too expensive things... ...I have nothing to give you back!" Gu Yan took a deep breath.

   "Uh...can you give me a few more kisses as a reward?" Chu Yu said with a shameless face.

   "You come here less..."

   "Okay, let's not talk about that, the time is almost up, and Chapter 12 of White Album 2 will be broadcast soon!"

   "Why are you so interested in White Album 2! I haven't seen you so interested in my other animations!" Chu Yu asked in confusion.

   "Of course, I want to calculate your author's love view from the psychology of the male protagonist Kitayuan Haruki in White Album 2...."

   "Has that been calculated?" Chu Yu asked curiously~www.mtlnovel.com~ Gu Yan can only infer the psychology of the original author Maruto Shiming from the work. What does it have to do with Chu Yu?

   Guess as you like, guess as you like, I lose if I am accurate!

   "Let's look at it now... the scumbag can't run away! Those who are in a hurry, eating a bowl and looking at the pot, are talking about this kind of person!" Gu Yan filled with indignation!

"is it?"

   "Are you still smiling? I can tell you, you can't be a scumbag! Otherwise I..."

"How are you?"

   A dangerous look appeared in Gu Yan's eyes, his fingers were compared to scissors, and he kept opening and closing!

"Cough cough cough...you think too much, my beautiful lady Gu, from White Album 2, you can infer that the original author has a tendency to scumbags, so why don't you start from Rurouni Kenshin? Do you guess my inner state with the speed of five centimeters per second? Then I am not an infatuated man!" Even though he knew that Gu Yan was joking, Chu Yu still felt a little palpitating!

   "People can change, it's just your previous works!" Gu Yan said in an angry voice.

   "What about Miss Kaguya? White Album 2 works in the same period, maybe I am a lover man like Bai Yin Yuxing?"

"Ha ha...."

   The noisy comedy of the two little lovers did not last too long. In the end, at 8 o'clock, the White Album 2 Chapter 12 went online on time...
