I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

It was a bright morning, and Chu Yu was sleeping late when Huang Ming's phone called suddenly.

   Generally speaking, Huang Ming would never call him that morning if he had something to do. He would discuss anything with Chu Yu in advance, so...it must be something urgent.

   Chuyu got up and dressed while answering the phone.

   "Hey, Brother Huang, what's the matter?"

   "The animation studio needs you to come here, just now!" Huang Ming's voice was a little serious.

   Chu Yu heard it, and his heart shuddered. After being with him for a long time, Huang Ming's tone made Chu Yu feel that it shouldn't be something wrong with animation production, but something else, something troublesome.

   "Okay, I'll come right now!"

   Washed his face and rinsed his mouth for three minutes, and Chu Yu finished neatly tidying up his hands and feet.

   Then drove directly to the animation studio.

   As soon as I entered, everyone in the studio was dealing with their animation production normally. After seeing Chu Yu, everyone asked questions.

   After Chu Yu nodded, he rushed into Huang Ming's office.

  As soon as he entered, Chu Yu's eyes were frozen. In addition to Huang Ming, there were two men and one woman inside.

   One of the women, wearing a professional ol suit, wearing a pair of golden eyes, with a high face value, and a capable and shrewd look.

   Another man, a burly figure, at least 1.9 meters tall, wearing a suit, and Chu Yu knows at first glance that he must be a bodyguard.

   Both of them were standing around a man. Although there were many extra chairs in the room, neither of them sat down!

   The man was about 30 years old, and he was quite handsome, and he kept scrutinizing him after Chu Yu entered the door.

   "The Lord is finally here, but it's a wait!"

   Chu Yu looked at Huang Ming with a look of confusion.

   Huang Ming looked helpless, his eyes revealed apology.

   "Let me introduce, brother Chu, this is the chairman of Tianxing Animation Company, Yin Tian!" Huang Ming got up, took a deep breath and said.

   Skystar animation?

   Chuyu instantly remembered, isn't this the company that Huang Ming had mentioned at the beginning, and that he has always been interested in his animation studio and wanted to acquire the studio?

   "Hello, my name is Yin Tian!" Yin Tian got up and stretched out his hand towards Chu Yu.

   "Hello, Chu Yu!" Chu Yu shook his hand.

   Chu Yu understands what the situation is like today.

   He couldn't imagine that the chairman of an animation company with a market value of over tens of billions would come here in person.

   "Looking at Chu Yu, you seem to be surprised at my arrival, but your eyes are not confused. I'm afraid you already know what I'm here for!" Yin Tian looked at Chu Yu with a smile on his face.

   Chuyu was silent for a few seconds before finally speaking out.

   "I have heard that Huang Ge mentioned before, it seems that your company wants to acquire our copier animation studio!"

   "That's right!"

   "And the condition proposed is 600 million yuan, but I and your company are required to sign a 15-year cooperation contract! During the period, the copyright of all my works belongs to your company!"

   "That's right, and during this period you will have a salary, and you will be entitled to a 20% dividend right for the income from the work!" Yin Tian added.

   "To be honest, with your animation studio with less than a hundred people, 600 million yuan, cash, and one-time payment to you, why are you hesitating?"

   "But why should I merge into your company?" Chu Yu asked.

   "I think our studio is small, but everything is developing smoothly. There is no problem at all!"

   "There is no problem now, it doesn't mean that there will be no problem in the future!" Yin Tian smiled.

   "After all, Longguo's economic growth is slowing down. Small businesses and companies are not so mixed together. It would be a wise choice to find a large company as a backer!"

   "I don't think it is necessary!" Chu Yu sighed, and didn't bother to say anything to him.

  600 million, fifteen years...This condition is obviously the lion's open mouth. If it weren't for Huang Ming to say that this guy has a close relationship with the government behind, Chu Yu wouldn't bother to talk to him so much.

   "Do you know how much I earned from last year to the present?" Chu Yu said directly.

   "More than 400 million yuan, and Chairman Yin wants to buy me for 15 years with 600 million yuan, it seems too cheap!"

   "This can't be counted like that." Yin Tian said with a smile.

"After all, you can't create so many excellent works every year. People always have peaks and troughs. After signing this contract, even if you fall directly into the trough of life in the future, you will have 600 million in income. If you create excellent works, you will get a 20% dividend. Isn't this much better than the business model of your small animation studio?"

   "But, I don't think this year... is my peak!" Chu Yu looked at Yin Tian.

Yin Tian's pupils shrunk slightly. He could feel the confidence in Chu Yu's words, which made him even more excited. Chu Yu has confidence to have value. A person who doesn't have confidence in himself, how can others have confidence in him? .

   "Understood... it's the price, right? How much do you want?" Yin Tian asked back.

   Chu Yu took a deep breath, feeling like playing the piano to a cow.

   "Then ten billion!" Chu Yu looked at Yin Tian.

   Chuyu knew that he couldn't afford it, and he couldn't pay the price.

   Skystar animation is worth less than 20 billion in total. How could it be possible to get such a price?

   Chu Yu basically told him that he had no interest in the acquisition.

   To be honest, Chu Yu is very annoying to these people. He came to the door for some reason, and asked some conditions inexplicably, thinking that they would definitely accept the conditions he offered. It was really funny.

   "Ten billion?" Yin Tian's smile narrowed on his face.

   Chu Yu can understand his own value, and Yin Tian also understands that 600 million is just a bargaining space for Chu Yu, as for 10 billion, that is pure nonsense!

   "How about eight billion!"

   "Chairman Yoon, please come back!"

   "Nine hundred million!"

   "Chairman Yin! I think I have made it very clear!" The polite smile on Chu Yu's face disappeared.

   "This is the limit!" Yin Tian looked at Chu Yu.

   "This price is also a big bet on our Tianxing...It can't be higher!"

   Chuyu didn't speak, but just looked at him silently, the meaning was obvious, the words were not too speculative...

"I understand. It seems that Brother Chuyu has not considered it clearly because of the short time. I am abrupt. But I hope Brother Chuyu will think about it. After all, in the animation industry, multiple friends are always better than multiple friends. !"

   "I also have confidence in the strength of the Chu Yu brothers to come so presumptuously. After all, this year's Dragon Kingdom animation market, our company is full of confidence "The summoned magic boy! "I was ruthlessly crushed by Lelouch. Now even the second pick is not necessarily safe. It depends on the performance of the next few words. If the performance is not good, you may lose to Miss Huiye, and can only be ranked in this year's popularity. The third place in the animation!"

   "I won't give up easily, so I still hope Brother Chuyu will think about it!" Yin Tian said with a smile, and got up.

   "Awu, Li Er, let's go!"

   "Then I will retire first!" Yin Tian said with a smile, then turned and left.


   In the office, Chu Yu and Huang Ming looked at each other. It was indeed too sudden.

   The chairman of Tianxing Animation came to negotiate the acquisition in person, which really surprised them.

   "Brother Chu, what do you think about this?" Huang Ming hadn't said anything before. After all, Chu Yu was in charge of the studio. No matter what decision Chu Yu made, he expressed his understanding and support.

   "What else can I say, I'm not interested in acquisitions and cooperation, I would rather make less money, and will not let my work be controlled by others." Chu Yu said calmly.

   "However, this may not mean making less money! You should understand what he said too!" Huang Ming said solemnly.

"Before he left, he mentioned the "Summoned Magic Boy". To be honest, if we didn't have our studio, this year's popular animation must belong to the work produced by Tianxing Animation Company. It can be said that we have actually been with them. It's a little grudge!"

   "This can also be counted as an enemy? Then isn't his Tianxing Animation the enemy of Manlong?"

"You are right to say that, after all, peers are enemies! For two companies with similar strengths, the first battle is called competition, and in terms of the size and network resources of our studio and Tianxing Company, Lu Lu Xiu's annual popularity number one is to grab food from the tiger's mouth! It took away the honor that belonged to their company!"

   "That's his words of friends and enemies! Cooperation with him is a friend...otherwise, it is an enemy!" Huang Ming sighed.

   "The enemy is the enemy, it's nothing!" Chu Yu said.

"It's not the same. At most, other companies just oppress us through commercial means, but it's actually useless. After all, you have so many fans and such high popularity. Conventional means cannot completely limit our works. At most, it is only to a certain extent. Affected, but Yin Tian just now is different. I told you before. His official background is very strong. Conventional methods do not do much to us, but he is afraid of dimensionality reduction!" Huang Ming shook his head.

   "What kind of background is it?" Chu Yu asked.

"It is the current leader of the Bureau of Culture and Entertainment that I told you. He is the founder of the Tianxing Animation Company and the brother of Grandpa Yin Tian! You see, although that guy retired within a few years, but I'm still in office now, or else so many animation companies in the industry shy away from Skystar Animation Company? Of course, there are many such things in the industry. For example, in this bureau, the most powerful competitor for the next leadership is the current deputy director, he His wife is also the chairman of an animation production company!"

   "It feels so messy?" Chu Yu shook his head.

"This is normal. After all, starting a company is not the same as a personal creator. It doesn't matter who is in the official department of a large animation company in Longguo, so relatively speaking, everyone has this relationship, but it is a negative offset. In the end, Everyone's competition depends on their own strength... But for us... we are just pure entrepreneurs, the only competitiveness is the work, and we have not developed so much. The contacts came out, so..." Huang Ming didn't say it too clearly, as long as Chu Yu understood it.

   "What else should I do?"

   "Sell yourself cheaply? So what nine hundred million fifteen years, it is true!" Chu Yu sneered.

   From Chu Yu's point of view, he can earn 500 million yuan in two years from the beginning of his career, and 900 million yuan in 15 years. It must be a bad contract.

"Then it will be the case for the time being anyway, Yin Tian himself must also understand that this kind of thing will not be fixed in a few months, even if he wants to play tricks, he will have to wait a few months before talking...Anyway, if you I really don't agree, so let him make any moves!" Huang Ming's frowned brow eased.

   "I don't care about him for the time being, anyway, our attitude is rejected, but we don't have to offend him too much. I still don't believe how much his relationship can do to us? After all, it is the relationship of the cultural department!" Huang Ming said.

   Chu Yu thought for a while, and nodded.

It's really not good to be an enemy with such a person, but compared to another option, working for him and being bound by one paper for fifteen years, Chu Yu is even more unacceptable. Don't look at Yin Tian's good words, what is 900 million. A hundred million, if there are no invisible conditions **** in it, Chu Yu absolutely does not believe it, otherwise he picks up the money and spends fifteen years, then Yin Tian will not lose blood!

   And for Chu Yu, if he were to be restrained for so long, then he might as well just retire. Anyway, he has a few hundred million worth of net worth to use his grandson. The generation is still a rich man, why should he be controlled by others?

   After thinking about this, the two of them simply reached an unanimous decision.


   Yin Tian, ​​bodyguard Wu Ming and secretary Li He drove on the road after leaving the studio.

   "Chairman, this matter today..." Li He said.

   "Needless to say, I know it!" Yin Tian said with a smile.

"After all, young people, after a long time, they may change their minds, and...Although the animation industry has spread him very gods, but there are so many gods, maybe he is only two at his peak. Years of genius, now it's just over the peak period....Several billions of business, which is so sloppy, today is just coming to meet him, he does not have two animation sequels ready to be released Is it? And the animation sequel is the best candidate for the ability of a creator. How many popular sequels are scolded by fans!"

"Let's take a look at the follow-up performance of these two works... If you rush one, it proves that he is not so godly, but the genius name is worthy of... If he fought two...to be honest, he wouldn't be worthy of the energy and time I spent!"

   "What if his two sequels not only didn't hit ~www.mtlnovel.com~, but also became more popular than the previous one?" Secretary Li He asked.

"Does that still need to be said? Naturally, he was dragged into our camp by unscrupulous means. A genius who has been rare in decades and has no background. Is there such a good thing in this world? Don't talk about us at that time, Long Other animation companies in the country must have spared no effort to win him over!"

   "What if he disagrees?" Li He asked.

"It's not so good to divide the cake! Although he is a genius, he cannot be used by us animation giants. It is just a huge threat to try to share the cake in the existing market. The more genius he is, the better he will be. It attracted everyone's unanimous sense of crisis! And...I really lost it. The hopeful animation "Summoned Magic Boy" was the title of the most popular animation of the year, but his rebellious Lulu After repairing it, without this fame bonus, the sales of peripherals will definitely be much lower, the selling price of the broadcast copyright will also be lower, and the promotion cost of adapting the game will also increase a lot. He cooperates with me, and I am natural to my friends. Magnanimous...if you don't want to..."

"Forget it, you'll know then. For me, he has already exposed a weakness! It's only a few months anyway. Let's take a look at his rebellious Lelouch and White Album 2 works. How about the results of the second season! If it is another fallen genius...it makes no sense to talk too much now!"

   In the car, Yin Tian stopped talking afterwards!