I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

When the time entered mid-December, the weather became cold, and Chu Yu began to put on thick clothes.

  Of course, the same is true for his little girlfriend, which makes him very disappointed. After all, for men, all women in winter wear thick clothes, at least the benefits that the eyes can see are less than half.

   In two weeks, Chu Yu returned to his previous working state very well.

   But gradually, work is getting busy. After all, the second season of White Album 2 will be broadcast soon, just tomorrow!

   The second season of the rebellious Lelouch is only two weeks away.

   Regarding Yin Tian's arrival, Chu Yu and Huang Ming didn't bother to think about it so much after a few days. After all, they were more concerned about the upcoming works than a smiling viper that might be shot in the future.

   Of course, the main experience is still placed on the propaganda of the rebellious Lelouch in the second season.

With the arrival of the premiere time of the second season of Lelouch, the major video playback apps of Long Country will enter the animation section. The first thing that pops up is the promotional page of the second season of Lelouch. At various subway stations, bus shells , In the exhibition hall, you can see the character posters of Lelouch's animation everywhere.

   And various animation critics and commentary programs, or some recent programs that promote painting, the name of the rebellious Lelouch's second season is also mentioned.

   After all, Chu Yu is not short of money now, and he is not stingy in the promotion of his own work. After investing a million in the promotion, the final profit may be returned several times.

For fans, it has been months since the rebellious Lelouch's second season was broadcast, and this wave of propaganda from the studio basically made the old fans of the first season clearly aware of the second season. After the message was broadcast, various missing fans returned quickly.

For the Long Kingdom animation industry, practitioners are also watching this work with anxious eyes. After all, judging from the popularity of Lelouch's first season, if the second season's plot can maintain the level of the first season, There is no doubt that the fans accumulated in the first season and the serialization period of the second season will definitely attract a group of people into the pit. What will the final result be achieved in the second season of this work?

But on the other hand, there are also many people who hate Chu Yu cursing his rebellious Lelouch on the street in the second season and ruining his reputation. After all, judging from the history of the Dragon Kingdom animation industry, the second season of most popular anime... ..... Often it is not satisfactory.

   Especially when the rebellious Lelouch is so good in the first season, can Shui Xin guarantee that this work will not collapse in the second season? Everyone is professional and understands how difficult it is for the rebellious Lelouch to create this type of animation.

In the short 25 episodes of the first season, it tells the story of Lelouch's step-by-step formation of his power from a ruined prince, and eventually his power swept the whole of Japan. The rhythm can be said to be extremely compact, and most importantly, the audience Looking at it, we did not feel that the plot was far-fetched, and a series of impressive characters were created in the process, CC, Lelouch, Suzaku, Euphemia, Mao, Conelia... .. The fact that this ability to control the plot is true makes people in the industry amazed.

   But on the other hand, at the end of the first season of Lelouch, the foreshadowing was buried, and the ending is also very appetizing, but the question is, how to bury the hole? It's cool for a while, but if the holes are not filled well, the anger of the fans will not be easily bearable, and the plot of the second season is obvious. Lelouch's road to hegemony is definitely not limited to Japan, let alone Those Chuyu's sunspots, even some fans of Lelouch are actually looking forward to the second season of Lelouch in a mood of anticipation and anxiety. After all, such a masterpiece, if Teacher Shui Xin can't control it. It's a shame to live in the plot and let the story collapse in the second season!

In contrast, the attention of White Album 2 is a bit smaller, but after all, this work is also a work with an average broadcast volume of over 9 million. Today, the second season is only one day away. At the point of world borrowing, a group of Xue Cai Party and Dong Ma Party under Chu Yu's Weibo who had been dying for a while began to tear up again.

   The sight of tens of thousands of people spraying each other under Weibo is probably rare in the entire Dragon Kingdom.

  At the same time, in the second season of White Album 2, Dongma Hessa and Ogizeng Yukina appeared in the top 30 searches on Weibo almost all day.


   The next day, December 20th, Wednesday!

   Chuyu got up early in the morning.

  , after all, is the first broadcast day of the second season of White Album 2, no matter how much Chu Yu is salted, he will go to the animation studio today with everyone.

   When they arrived at the place, Chu Yu found that everyone was a little nervous as soon as he entered. This is a fault that Huang Ming, the leader, has passed on to everyone.

Huang Ming is always a bit unreasonable and worrying, although Huang Ming knows the plot after the first season of White Album 2, and after watching it, he still complains that Chu Yu is a psychopath, and he does these things all day long. Poisoned his fans, and threatened that the second season of White Album 2 will definitely make the fans of the Dragon Kingdom feel healed and leave a deeper impression than the plot of the first season.

   But when it was time for the first broadcast of the work, he was always nervous involuntarily. Since coming to work in the morning, he has drunk seven or eight cups of coffee!

   He is not worried about the quality of the script that Chu Yu gave him. He is worried about whether he has done his best to the details of the animation and whether there are any obvious flaws that he and everyone in the animation studio have not discovered.

Chu Yu has long been accustomed to his problems. As soon as he came to the animation studio, he first went to see the animation production situation of Lulu Xiu. After walking around, he ran to Huang Ming's office and had coffee with him. .

   After a flash, a day's time passed quickly.

   When it comes to the evening, it is the time for office workers to leave work and students to end school.

   There is only less than an hour left before the premiere time of the second season of White Album 2.

  Although it was still early, as soon as school was over, Cao Feng hurried towards home.

   As a person who has been in contact with the two-dimensional circle since the third grade of elementary school, although he is only a sophomore in high school, Cao Feng is already a senior otaku.

   On weekdays, his parents often travel for work, and at such times, his paradise comes.

  Being a fat house at home happily, eating and ordering takeaway, staying away from home for several days, and taking sick leave from school to watch anime and play games at home, he felt that he could live a life of this kind.

Of course, for him who loves pure anime watching anime, the strange animation of White Album 2 is definitely a blow to him. The love he imagines is sweet, tickling, and romantic. in love.

So for the early stage plot of the first season of White Album 2, although many people think of routines, he just likes the harem of college idols and talented piano girls..... Thinking about it is exciting, and he I quickly became fascinated by the two sisters of this animation. It would be best if Dongma Yoko, the mother of Dongma and Sasha, was also added to form the three harem of mother and daughter plus girlfriends~www.mtlnovel.com ~Of course, this kind of delusion is definitely not acceptable, so he didn't report any expectations.

   But at least, the male lead you have to have a good result with one of the girls. What the **** is this sadomasochism? Teacher Shuixin, are you afraid that you are retaliating against the society because you are broken in love?

The last two episodes of the first season of White Album made Cao Feng feel Shui Xin's malice, and for a person like him who had a strong sense of substitution, the whole person felt very empty after watching the first season. People seemed to have entered the sage mode. When they ran to school and looked at the female classmates in the class, they only felt that they were all three-dimensional vulgar girls.

   It can be said that he is a fan who has been deeply influenced by the work of White Album 2 which is known as the work of the **** of the house.

   It took a few days for this negative emotion to ease. During that period, when I saw the animation, I couldn't help but think of Yuk Cai.

After he recovered, he made up his mind to never watch the second season of White Album 2 or something. Anyway, Shui Xin Lao Keng Bi will not come up with any comfortable plots. pain.

   But White Album 2 can be called a masterpiece of the house, is it that most people watch it when they want to see it, and get out of the hole when they don't want to see it? If it's so easy, there won't be so many fans in the parallel world who have been abused by the game.

So after a lapse of more than a month, Cao Feng, who has recovered, today......as soon as he got home, he turned on his computer excitedly, and faithfully waited for the second season to broadcast, such things as Zhenxiang's Law. , Mortals can't escape!

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