I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Soon, it was eight o'clock, the scheduled broadcast time for the second season of White Album 2.

   A large group of fans in the Dragon Kingdom are already hungry and thirsty.

   But the hunger and thirst return to hunger and thirst, but what is hidden under the hunger and thirst is an uneasy heart.

  Everyone knows the basic tone of White Album 2, and there should be a high probability that it will continue the sadomasochistic style of the first season.

   But the question is... How abuse can be?

   Shui Xin Lao Keng than will be struck by lightning, will you abuse it in the first episode? Or will you slowly figure it out, first engage in some sweet plots to paralyze the fans, and then reveal the true colors in one fell swoop when the audience is caught in the plot? This is really tangled!

   But these thoughts were forgotten after a crowd of White Album 2 fans clicked on the first episode of the second season.

   Cao Feng did the same, and instantly put aside the complaints in his mind about the water-core pit cargo.

   At the beginning of the plot, the picture is completely different from the first season.

   In an activity room, it is a girl who has never seen it before, sleeping lazily there, and the school radio outside the window is playing a familiar song.

   Some fans who watched the first season of the White Album more closely heard this song in an instant......."Love that can't be conveyed!"

   And fans who have studied the trailer will at least understand who this girl in the activity room is...

   Izumi Chiaki, in the original White Album 2 game, the female character has the highest emotional intelligence, a woman who is more scheming than Yukina Ogiso.

Of course, since Chu Yu has produced the second season of the White Album, this branch plot of other female characters in the original CC will certainly not be described in too much detail. The main plot must go straight to Ogizo Yukina, Kitahara Haruno, and Winter The relationship between Ma and Sha three people has been entangled in high school, college, and finally until the male protagonist enters the society.

   Just like in the first season of the anime, the relationship between the actor's good friend Takeya Iizuka and Yukina good friend Yio will not mention too much.

   To be honest, the prologue part of White Album 2, which is the plot of the first season of the animation, may be enough to give shoes to the subsequent plot. It is a veritable masterpiece of stomach medicine!

   But now, this new character is still quite novel for fans of White Album 2.

   The cc plot opens. To be honest, there is nothing too eye-catching plot, which is to walk through his current life from the perspective of the male protagonist Kita Yuan Haruki.

   The audience's most concerned about Ogiso Yukina and Touma Kazuza have not appeared for a long time, but Izumi Chiaki, a member of the male lead club, has a lot of drama!

Just like high school, the male lead hates his mother extremely because of his family. During the college period, he relied on extracurricular part-time jobs to earn money. One is to work as a tuition teacher. At the opening, a school girl named Mihoko confessed... ..

   At this time, watching the barrage is actually a bit puzzled.

   "I want to see Hesha. Hesha is there. What are these. Teacher Shui Xin didn't even figure out the love triangle. He is going to open the harem in the second season?"

   "What about Xuecai? I especially want to know what happened to Xuecai and Chunxi after the end of high school? Did they break up? Why does Chunxi seem to live alone without breaking up!"

   "A month in reality, but three years in the animation? Haruki Kitahara went directly from a junior high school student to a junior student?"


   Cao Feng looked a little weird, and joined the army of real-time barrage comments.

But there is no way. Although Chu Yu mainly wants to bring out the main plot of this work, in fact, these characters cannot be completely hidden. After all, even in the second season of the animation, the male protagonist did not have much in-depth contact with them. But the story is still inseparable from them.

   When the animation introduces several new important characters, such as school girl Koharu Sugiura, and the beauty boss of the newspaper office, Marie Kaze, the first half of the content is gone.

   When Cao Feng gradually watched in, although he had been thinking about how the two true heroines did not appear, in fact, these plots were not completely useless.

   At least, the audience can also see from the details that the male protagonist Chunxi has not yet emerged from the love triangle with Xuecai and Hesha.

During his three years in college, his relationship with Xuecai was very delicate. After all, he was sorry for Xuecai, so he never took the initiative to mention the breakup, but Xuecai and Chunxi betrayed him, but he did not mention the breakup. .

Out of guilt, the male protagonist also transferred from the Department of Political Economy to the Department of Literature. He just wanted to stay away from Xuecai... or, to keep Xuecai away from him. He thought that after betraying Xuecai, he had already got in touch with him. She can't!

  The plot gradually returned to the rhythm familiar to fans.

   And ten minutes after the animation was broadcast, the plot that everyone was looking forward to finally appeared.

   Kitaen Haruki, who was with Izumi Chiaki on the campus, met Yukiso Kokiso, who came along with his classmates at the downstairs of the Department of Political Science and Economics.

But... the male protagonist Beiyuan Chunxi ignored the smile that Xuecai showed when she saw him, and staggered past her, without even saying hello, ignoring Xuecai looking forward to him. Look in the eyes.

   This is the relationship between the two now...

   The bullet screen boiled for an instant, drifting past a series of "Scumboy!"

Although from the previous plots, everyone knows that Chunxi is consciously sorry for Xuecai, and wants to be indifferent to Xuecai deliberately, so that Xuecai will give up on him. In order to punish herself, she arranges a heavy learning plan for herself every day. Unfinished work.....

But it is true that this kind of look is really uncomfortable. At least for the snow vegetable party, the good ending of the snow vegetable they expected did not appear at all. Instead, they have been in college for three years, and the nominal girlfriend of snow vegetable wants to meet. She can't even see...

   To tell the truth, it smells like that. Although it was just a face-to-face and the plot did not deliberately cause depression, I think back to the sweetness of the two in high school, compared to the present, it is a bit depressing.

   compares the inner monologue of the hero at this time.

   "Hey, Xuecai......how much do you have to hurt yourself? When will you hate me and then choose to give up?"

   The two met for the first time in the plot of the second season, and it ended like a stranger.

   To be honest, this kind of plot development is completely unexpected by the fans, and there is no imaginary love triangle at all.

   "I'm going, so what should Teacher Shuixin do?"

   "Touma Kazuza seems to be still working on her piano career abroad, so...when will she appear?"

"No, don't you think this appears? The newspaper where the male lead works is preparing to report the news of Dongma Hesha in the newspaper. This news is still edited by the male lead. It looks like Hesha won a foreign piano competition. You Seeing how the male lead is, his hands are shaking!"

"Oh, guilty, Teacher Shuixin...Why not give Xuecai a good time, both of them have obviously suffered indelible trauma in their relationship~www.mtlnovel.com~ Teacher Shuixin is for selfish desires, Arrange this kind of plot for Xuecai sister......"

   Cao Feng is deeply moved, the water heart is pitted, the harem is afraid to open, and the love triangle is still like this, is it intentional to make fans uncomfortable?

   But just when the audience thought that the plot of the first episode would end here, in the last few minutes of the animation, a turning point appeared.

Xuecai has been paying attention to Chunxi, and naturally also knows the newspaper where he works, so she will buy and read the magazines that the protagonist of the newspaper is involved in. Naturally... she also saw that Hesha won the piano competition reported above. Awards news.

   After seeing the news, she finally couldn't resist the excitement of accomplishing something for her good friend's career, so she called Chunxi.

  In desperation, the male protagonist did not answer, but in the message on the phone, Xuecai mentioned that Hesha won the prize, and the male protagonist finally dialed back!

   The last scene of the first episode is the scene where Xuecai smiles with tears and connects to Chunxi's phone.

   "Chunxi-kun, it's Chunxi-kun, right? Really...I'm calling here, I heard...your voice!"

   The plot of the first episode ends here.

   But Cao Feng felt a pain in his heart, how scumbag the male protagonist was, and how much Xuecai liked him, just a phone call, and tears of joy came out!

   Anyway, he looked very depressed. The first season began to abuse at least from the later stage. How could the second season have that taste from the first episode!

  :. :