I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Generally speaking, even if a work is very popular, it will take some time for the old fans to basically return after the second season is broadcast. Some of them are abandoned because of the bad plot, and some want to be fattened and killed. , Some have forgotten the work because of the long interval between the sequel play... But anyway, as long as the quality of the second season is not worse than that of the first season, as the serialization time gets longer, new pits After filling up the number of old fans lost due to various factors, there will be a lot of surplus. So overall, the popularity of the second season of animation tends to be higher than that of the first season.

   But the second season of White Album 2 has only just aired the first episode, and so many old fans have returned quickly. It is true that it is rare to show that its fans are very sticky! After watching the first episode of the second season, so many people gave high marks to the second season of White Album 2 on major scoring websites.

And in the most authoritative place in the Dragon Kingdom, where the second-dimensional crowd gathers the most, Xinman.com, the second season of White Album 2 scored as high as 9.5. This situation... has been seen by many people in the industry, although On the surface, I am silent, but in fact my heart is mmp!

   The first episode of the second season of White Album 2 hasn't said anything about the actual plot, okay, did you audiences directly score such a high score?

   What about those who cursed Shui Xin on Weibo before? What about those who say that Shui Xin's work on these melancholic works broke their hearts and will give bad reviews for the second season? Co-author, are you guys who just talk and do nothing? As soon as the animation started, you became the slaves of Shui Xin. It is obvious that he is causing the depression plot to hurt you. Can you still score such a high score without your conscience?

   To be honest, judging from the broadcast of the first episode of the second season, people in the industry can feel it vaguely.

   It seems.....The second season of White Album 2 has the smell of taking off?

   An exchange group for practitioners in the animation industry.....

   "No way, is it true that the water heart is going to be against the sky?"

"The winter season of 2023 is not over yet. Actually, although the second season of White Album 2 will be broadcast in December, this work will also be included in the animation works this winter... .....If this work can achieve more than the results of the first season, then win the title of the most popular anime in this winter file......it shouldn't be a big problem! "

  "Now in the winter animation market, the strongest work is the "Summoned Magic Boy!" "Now it's the eleventh episode, the episode's average broadcast volume just exceeded 9.7 million this week, and two episodes are over. Judging from the current situation, it's 100% more than the rebellious Lelouch's score. Nothing, but basically what everyone is concerned about is "The Summoned Magic Boy" and "Miss Hui Ye wants me to confess!" "The annual popularity contest for runners-up, it can be said that the only face in the traditional animation industry of Longguo this year is this work of Tianxing Animation Company... But now... Did Shui Xin feel any crisis, so she put the second season of White Album 2 on the air in December?"

   "What do you mean?"

"Do you still not understand? This spring animation, the strongest work is Shuixin's initial D animation. The final score set has an average broadcast volume of 9.2 million. Although it does not exceed 10 million, the actual influence is not at all. Losing those works......The reason why the average playback volume of the animation collection did not exceed 10 million, the most likely reason is that Shui Xin's own animation works, the rebellious Lu Lu Xiu, have covered the limelight, if there is no Lu Lu The sensation Xiu generated during that time caused the initial D to be ignored by many animation fans for a while, and the popularity will continue to grow, and the average number of broadcasts will exceed 10 million easily!"

   "Isn't the strongest the rebellious Lelouch theatrical version of Rebellious Story? It seems to have 13 million views!"

   "Can you not mention so much for the theater version?"

   "But in fact, the movie Puella Magi Madoka Magica is better than the initial D animation!"

   "Oh, forget it, it doesn't matter what you think, anyway, these two works must be the first or second names in the spring file... I will go on, don't interrupt!"

"It goes without saying that the strongest work in the summer is the rebellious Lelouch who locked in the popular animation of the year in advance, with an average broadcast volume of 14.8 million, which is the ceiling of the animation broadcast volume in the past seven or eight years. The king of ..... And this king is also preparing to glow in the second spring next spring! Then there will be the strongest work in the animation market this autumn. Miss Hui Ye wants me to confess... .... Up to now, the average number of views of the latest data set has reached 10.6 million! See here... don't you understand?

   "What do you understand?"

   "Are you really from the animation world? Such a noob?"

"I am an intern, and I have half a year to graduate. My boss asked me to join this group and study hard! Speaking of it, I seem to be graduated from the same class as Shui Xin, the same major, but different schools, but The schools are all in the university town... Our school takes a taxi to his school, and it's only ten minutes away! In this comparison, it seems a bit ashamed...Haha!"

   "Students who have not graduated in the same class...?"

   The man was silent for a while!

   "So this person is really annoying than others......"

   The person didn't know whether he was complaining about the intern Xiaobai or himself, but he continued.

"Shuixin directly produces or indirectly participates in the works and theatrical version, a total of five.......In addition to the situation of self-playing, the animation industry's four major animation broadcast quarters a year, Shuixin His works won the popular animation championships in the three quarters of spring, summer and autumn. I thought that there is no water heart in the winter file. Everyone relaxes the competition... But look at the water heart, he Is this something human can do? White Album 2 is actually scheduled to be broadcast in December. The tail of this winter market...isn't his intention obvious?"

   "What intent?"

"Is it necessary to say? Shui Xin, this guy is definitely going to get all the four popular animation champions in the four seasons of Longguo animation this year, and then on this basis, he will win the title of annual popular animation champion. ......He wants a grand slam, this man!"

   "Although this kind of thing will not increase the profit of the work, it is definitely a huge increase in the personal reputation of the creator!"

"There are no ancients before this kind of thing, and latecomers are basically impossible to do it. After all, at least four works are created a year, and the four works are the most popular in the quarter... This is what people can do. What happened? Ten years ago, there was an animation screenwriter who created six animations a year, and they were broadcast in four quarters. They only won two quarters of the animation popularity championship, but this is already the limit... ....This kind of achievement is made by everyone in the animation industry on weekdays. It is just as nonsense as I can win 10 million by buying a lottery ticket tomorrow! If Shui Xin can really accomplish this feat, then there is no need. Said that it is definitely a person who has stayed in the history of Longguo Animation. Ten, 20, and 30 years later, it will be discussed and worshipped by the younger generations in the animation industry."

"So now... He seems to have figured it out. Since the first three quarters of popular animation champions have been won, I am really sorry for not coming in this last quarter... ....md, I don't know what to say, you say he is crazy, he has crazy capital, the results of the first episode of the second season of White Album 2 really have the potential to overturn the present The strongest animation in winter "The Summoned Magic Boy!" ", I will know the result in just a few months... I get goose bumps when I think of Shui Xin really accomplishing this feat... this Human is a genius who can't give birth to jealousy. The gap is too big. It's meaningless to be jealous!"

   "It seems to be very showy. Although I am a peer, I really admire him a little bit..."


   The things discussed in the animation staff discussion group are just a miniature, and such miniatures are also widely discussed in the Longguo animation circle and even Chu Yu's fan group......

As soon as the results after the first episode of the second season of White Album 2 were broadcast, all practitioners in the Long Country animation industry immediately realized that on this day, the discussions among practitioners in the Dragon Country animation industry on this matter can be heard everywhere. .....

Four seasons of popular animation champion ~www.mtlnovel.com~ within one year, will soon be dominated by a person's work...This kind of thing sounds ridiculous, but it is reality... .... It is often so outrageous.

   If the results of the second season of White Album 2 really surpassed the "Summoned Magic Boy!", then this achievement will be achieved.

Judging from the scores of the Magic Boys, his final score should be 11 million in the set average...This is a very powerful playback data... Few people in Longguo animation industry dare to say that they can create a work casually to exceed this level, in terms of its feasibility...


If this challenger is Shui Xin... a magical girl who has created a total of 10.6 million views of Kaguya so far, and has an average of 12 million views. Madoka, five centimeters per second, the voice of the stars, and the rebellious Lelouch who created the rebellious Lelouch with an average broadcast volume of 14.8 million.

   For such a person, to create an animation, the only requirement is that the total number of broadcasts exceeds 11 million.....

   Everyone thought about it...

   This kind of thing...It seems, it's not right....It doesn't seem to be, it's too feasible!


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