I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

"So, Mr. Shui Xin is really like the rumors, even the first popular animation on the market this winter will be won?"

"This is really going to be against the sky! But I like it, even this kind of thing is not good for fans. You can only look at the strength of the teacher Shui Xin. If the plot of the second season of White Album 2 is compared with the first season Even better, I feel that the possibility is very high. After all, I have watched that young man of magic. Although it has new ideas, it is actually that way!

   "It seems that the Dragon Kingdom animation industry is about to set off another **** storm!"

   "How do you say this?"

"Then you need to ask? Look at the past works of Mr. Shui Xin, but any one with good grades is not the one that made the audience and fans convincing, since Ms. Shui Xin is confident that the second season of White Album 2 can surpass The summoned man of magic, it must be that the plot of the second season of White Album 2 is not trivial. If you want to exceed the results of the first season, then naturally you have to come up with a more melancholic plot than the first season.... ..."

   "Let me go, you said that I want to abandon the drama, the first season has made me feel uncomfortable to watch, if the second season is even more outrageous, then I think this is not for abuse?"

"Look at what you said... Isn't it true that the fans of Teacher Shuixin are all masochists? Otherwise, Mrs. Shuixin's style has always been there, and he hasn't left yet. What is the figure?..... It must be a group of people shaking m! Although everyone shouted no, they scolded Teacher Shui Xin's animation plot again and then turned black..... .. But isn't it true that I am eager for Teacher Shuixin to be more vigorous and to ravage them with the plot?"

   "You analogy... are you driving?"

   "Go away, you only like being ravaged by Teacher Shuixin. Your whole family likes it. I am just enjoying the works of Mr. Shuixin!"

"Is there a difference? Looking at your past speeches, isn't it all about being depressed, Teacher Shuixin, vowed to get out of the pit, go into the pit, and continue to be depressed by the cycle of depression? It's already being ravaged by Teacher Shuixin I've been an old fan many times!"

   "This can make you quarrelsome, and I have convinced you!"

"Speaking of which, if Mr. Shuixin can really achieve this achievement, it will be awesome. In the future, those who are sceptical about Mr. Shuixin will come up to question Mrs. Shuixin and bring out this achievement. I can guarantee that those people can absolutely be choked out of words!"


   People in the animation industry now have various speculations about the second season of White Album 2, and Chu Yu's fans are gradually accepting this statement.

When the presenters in various animation programs are also commenting on the current Long Guo animation works, they basically mentioned this topic when they mentioned the second season of White Album 2, and the fans who watched these programs are also right. This topic is very interesting.

Although Chu Yu has a lot of fans in Long Kingdom, there are definitely more people who haven't seen Chu Yu's works in comparison to the vast two-dimensional crowd. Perhaps many people have known some of Chu Yu's works, but for the creators of the works, My heart...I don't understand at all.

Many people, out of curiosity, went to Qiandu to find out who Shui Xin was when they saw the news broadcast on these programs, and then a large row of titles popped up, what kind of warrior of love, the originator of pit fan, out of chapter. God, the black-bellied villain... Wait for the label to be surprised.

   Finally, after seeing Shui Xin's series of brilliant achievements and creations, his decisive curiosity rose.... In the end, it was also a lot of people who got into the hole.

   Fan accumulation is just like this. The fans who accidentally burst into a large number of works are not the subject of Chu Yu's fan community. It is the main force of Chu Yu's fan army that is accumulated bit by bit from various channels.

But in any case, as long as White Album 2 can perform in the winter animation market, it will eventually surpass the "Summoned Magic Boy!", that is the first in the history of Long Country animation to win the honor of the most popular animation in the fourth quarter of the year. People will also be born...Of course, there is also Huang Ming who can share this honor with Chu Yu.

One of them is a screenwriter and the other is a producer. They are the two most important links in animation production... As long as the second season of White Album 2 develops smoothly, then Huang Ming and Chu Yu are sure Can rely on this experience to become a legendary partner of the Dragon Kingdom animation industry.

   Of course, this is completely nonsense about Chu Yu's ambition, which is widely circulated in the outside world.

The second season of White Album 2 was scheduled to be broadcast in December because the time was just right, and I didn't want the second season of White Album 2 to be rebelled by Lelouch's work. The second season started. It's just crushing, and the promotion of the two works together will also affect the effect of each other, so it is arranged in this December, and a couple of episodes will be broadcast first, which will save fans from being overwhelmed by the Internet. Lelouch's news was fascinated. At that time, any animation work at such a time to spend money on propaganda was definitely half the effort.

   But when Chu Yu turned on his cell phone and saw that all over the Internet were spreading these news, he was really dazed.

   But then, his whole person became excited. This kind of quarterly popularity champion is an A-level lottery reward, and the annual popular animation champion is an S-level lottery reward. What if it is the fourth quarter Grand Slam? Will there be any reward......Could it be that......

   Chu Yu-Io entered the system space with a face full of mind, and asked the cold system expectantly.

   But the end result is......no hair!

   Chuyu was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood for a moment. It was really a pitfall, and suddenly lost interest in this grand slam achievement.

   But Chu Yu is not interested, but Huang Ming is very interested! He was too busy too, and he didn't think about it in this regard. It was a little bit dark under the light, but after copying the public opinion on the Internet, can he still not be able to respond?

He is not the same as Chu Yu, who is the opener. He knows very well that he can surpass one level from an elite producer in the industry and become a 10% stake in this flower studio, and he can be in Long Country. Many popular animation production teams are in charge, all of them are hugging Chuyu's thighs.

But holding the thighs back to holding the thighs, you have to say that being able to mix his career to his level is the pinnacle of his life. Chu Yu made several hundred million by himself, and Huang Ming is naturally indispensable, with a net worth of tens of millions. , He is satisfied with the pursuit of money, and now the main pursuit is still in name.

A year-round animation grand slam producer......has this title~www.mtlnovel.com~ It is impossible for all animation producers in the whole Long Country to be arrogant in front of him, no matter how old you are Qualification, senior, what a strong chapter left in the history of Long Country animation......He can also be on an equal footing with others.

   Such a temptation, for him now, is simply irresistible.

   Decisively the next day, he immediately moved the office from his office to the room of the production team of the second season of White Album 2, before his attitude towards the second season of White Album 2 changed.

The previous words were mainly focused on Lelouch, but now, he spends almost the same energy on the two works, and he also took Chu Yu to discuss for most of the day, and increased the budget for the second season of White Album 2 by one. It's a big cut, and for the voice actors of the two heroines, Yukina Ogizou and Touma Kasara's treatment has been greatly improved. The condition is that the two of them can put off some unnecessary activities and concentrate on studying the animation scripts, and strive to express To produce the best results.

This makes Kitaon Haruki's voice actor feel depressed... Why the two heroines are treated so well, my treatment remains the same, but he can't help it. After all, the fan of this animation is Okino Okino. Xuecai and Dongma and yarn went, as for Kitayuan Chunxi......hehe, basically the two factions of the Xuecai Party and Dongma Party can't bear this protagonist!

   Even so, Huang Ming still felt that it was not enough. He played the old routine again and forcibly pulled Chu Yu out of his salted fish life.

   has been running around on various talk shows...

  :. :