I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Although the plot is really vulgar, but I have to admit that these stalks are not completely unreasonable. In the parallel world, Dianming porridge is a stalk surrounding the man in Huajingyuan, and his tiredness is slightly tired. The cherry stems are almost famous.

   While in Long Country, this stalk became popular again in the same way.

Originally, Dianming porridge was just a stalk of jojo fans who used each other to disgust each other, but in the jojo comic fan, the well-known up host "Big Durian on the Tip of the Tongue" used his superb artistic level to make Dianming porridge. After the comic plot is processed into a ghost animal video "Eat a big bowl of noodles, eat porridge!"...

   This stem is completely hot.

   Originally jojo comics have been serialized, and there are a group of passionate fans in every corner of the Dragon Kingdom.

   They may be just a group of ordinary comic fans, with a serious face on weekdays, but in fact, they also have a coquettish heart that dare not be lonely.

   In front of their homecomers, they pretended to be serious people, proclaiming that they were a style of painting, plot control, bad style, and comics about plot feeding and poisoning would never look at it.

But in private, who knows that this group of people has been attracted by the wonderful metaphors of various jojos in jojo, the funny and wild jojo, and is fascinated by a pair of invincible fish-eye sellers. What?

   It's just that the jojo comics are really too unconventional, not just a matter of style, but also in the plot. Many people still have some scruples and have not formed a fan circle.

However, the self-made video of this up host on Xinman.com has reached 3 million views in just one week, with over 100,000 comments from viewers. The highest popularity came when Xinman.com daily search rankings fourth... ..... Those fans who have been gradually suffering from JO poison, only then discovered...

   That's it, there are so many people who like jojo manga as much as I do!

   Just like Jiang Bang wants to be a soul singer, Pork Guy wants to be a great dancer. For these jojo fans, they don't want to be a creator of jojo ghost culture.

   So, in the next week, jojo's bizarre adventures sprung up on the new comic network of short videos of ghosts and animals, and quickly radiated into various circles of the second dimension.

Click on the top 100 rankings on the new mannet hot search rankings. At least five or six are jojo's ghost videos......Although it is only a comic, and because of copyright issues, it cannot be a large section. The comic content is edited continuously, but how can a good ghost and animal theme be limited to animation or comic carriers?

At least......Jojo fans created these videos very well, and the passersby who eat melons can see it in the clouds, but at least one thing is clear to them..... .. That is the comics that appear on these videos, it seems to be the content of a comic called jojo's bizarre adventure...

   "So......when I didn't know, Jojo's manga fans started to make trouble all of a sudden?"

   Chuyu looked at the phone that Gu Yan handed him, and found a lot of short videos of the secondary creation of Jojo comics on the search page of Xinman.com, and was a little confused.

   When did these things appear......

   Chu Yu once thought that the rise in jojo's popularity in the past two weeks was due to the progress of the comic plot, which is about to enter the third essence of jojo, the Egyptian chapter.

"So you don't have to be too house on weekdays, you are playing games all day, and even people who don't linger on the 2D forums on weekdays know these news, and you, the author, don't even know anything. Expression!" Gu Yan shook his head.

   She thought that Chu Yu would say something, but she found that Chu Yu was directly lost in thought.

   That's right, Chu Yu now recalled what he had checked, Jojo's journey in the parallel world. At the beginning, this work became popular in China, except for animation, mainly because of the weird stalks.

   Originally, Chu Yu thought that the development of this comic in the Dragon Kingdom basically requires a step-by-step accumulation of popularity on the mysterious mirror, but now he realized that this comic of Jojo is completely different from those comics.

   This work can be fired because of the interaction between its own quality and its ability to make stems.

   And now, the jojo fans' playfulness and ghost behavior are just like the development of this work in the parallel world.

   And, in truth, the material that made Jo fans so mesmerized, in fact, became more and more after the third part of Jojo entered Egypt.

The news about the Jojo comics that Gu Yan mentioned to Chu Yu during this period of time made Chu Yu feel.....Perhaps, the key to whether Jojo's comics can become popular in the Dragon Kingdom may not be in the Tianji comics. How much publicity resources the agency has invested in this work, maybe, if you want to get a big hit by then, you have to rely on these fans' spontaneous secondary creations, and publicity attracts those who are new to the pit.

   "What's wrong, Chu Yu...what are you thinking?" Gu Yan asked curiously.

   "It's nothing, that's... I lost my mind all at once!" Chu Yu smiled.

"Moreover, I watched this video of ghosts and animals that eat porridge. It's a bit interesting. The owner of up must be a million-dollar lyricist and tuner. After watching this video, there is a kind of inexplicable brainwashing magic. No wonder so many people click to play... ...So I reposted this video on my Weibo Queen!"

   "Really, you are an original author. Aren't you angry when someone else uses your work to do these things?" Gu Yan suddenly raised his tone.

   "What's so angry about this? This work is originally suitable for secondary creation like this, ghost videos or something, I actually quite like it!" Chu Yu said.

   "Well~~ You are not the same as those old-fashioned creators. The creators before the Dragon Kingdom used their works for such a second time, and they generally showed opposition!"

   "People are important and keep pace with the times!" Chu Yu ate the last dish cooked in the pot.

   The reason why he promoted this on Weibo is not that he thinks that just by reposting these ghost animal videos, he hopes to bring many new fans to Jojo comics.

   It is mainly because he conveyed an attitude to jojo fans. As the author, he does not reject these things.

   After all, the big talk is out. It is now in late December, and Chu Yu will be graduating in just six months.

   If before this, Jojo comics can't make it to the top of the Tianji comics club, then he will be embarrassed.

   Although Chu Yu thinks that the quality of jojo is enough to reach the top, he really wants to achieve good results. His pure Buddhist attitude is waiting for the results, which is definitely not enough.

   Of course, in fact, he can't do much. After all, the popularity of works is mainly the self-regulating feedback of the market. He is just a small push based on the trend.

   But in fact...Tonight, under Chu Yu's Weibo, Jojo fans cheered directly.

   They can directly feel that it seems that the author of Jojo comics does not exclude them from expanding the influence of Jojo comics in this way.

   This kind of support from the original creators is undoubtedly very encouraging for these fans who love to generate electricity.

Their purpose of doing these things is just to make their favorite things be watched by more people, and now......even the creators of the works have noticed these things they created~www.mtlnovel.com ~ It is inevitable that they get excited.

   Of course, for those passers-by, many people entered the video forwarded by Chu Yu with low hands.....

Talking about the skills of ghosts and animals, people on the plane of the Dragon Kingdom are not inferior to the parallel world...Many people clicked in with ghosts and came out with ghosts, and finally repeated it a few times. Started the brainwashing cycle!

Maybe some people think that these things can be useful, but in fact......There is no reason or reason for something to get hot, just like an anchor in a parallel world who is referred to by abb At the beginning, he was only a medium to large-scale anchor, but his friend made a video about him, a ghost animal that smokes in the opposite direction. After the video became popular all over the Internet, his direct popularity immediately soared, becoming one of the few big players in the live broadcast industry. Anchor.

Of course, looking at it now, whether it is a man in the comics industry, or the two people who don't know Chu Yu's best, Liu Ling changed Ye Chun, and they didn't take it seriously, and even laughed at Chu Yu because he wanted the work to get results quickly. Crazy, if you don't object to your work being taken away by ghosts and animals, you don't need to oppose it, but you still end up supporting it in person......How many fans can you bring to you by promoting these cultures?


   At the end of December, day by day passed, and as December came to an end step by step, the fans of Longguo animation industry gradually became excited.

   Because of the long-awaited rebellious Lelouch's second season... it will be broadcast on the first day of January.

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