I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

For fans of the rebellious Lelouch's work, they have been looking forward to this day for a long time, and now... the time is approaching the last day of December, after tonight, it's coming year.

In the same way, across tonight, the second season of the rebellious Dellouch will also be officially aired.

During this period of time, the popularity of jojo comics has continued to rise, and many people think that this jojo fever is just an accidental restlessness of fans, and it will soon subside. The situation is completely different. It originally started with a group of jojo fans on the new mannet. The self-made video behavior of, now gradually has a trend of spreading to the whole network, and this behavior is not only spread in the field of ghosts and animals. At least during this time, many people who surfed the Internet somehow found out that their sand sculpture friends sent them many messages. There are various emoticons about jojo comics, like Dior's "I'm not a man, jojo!", "Have you ever remembered how many slices of bread you have eaten?", the emojis of porridge feeding from Huajingyuan, etc., Inexplicably, it became popular, and even the discussion with the comics increased a lot.

In the second season of White Album 2, the third episode also made fans feel a little uncomfortable.

Originally, the plot of the third episode was that Ogizeng Yukina called the male lead in the middle of the night, but was received by Izumi Chiaki, who was temporarily staying at Chunxi's house at the time, and misunderstood that Beiyuan Chunxi had found a new love.

In this case, she was forcibly pulled by a friend to participate in a university friendship with boys from the Department of Medicine, and Kitaen Chunxi learned that she had participated in this kind of activity and did not go home before the gated time at home, out of concern. , I don't care so much anymore, after all... this is a social event with boys, in case there is any accident... I found her in the park in the middle of the night. I found her alone.

Originally, in the eyes of fans, the follow-up development of this kind of plot should be the relief of the past after the two quarreled.

But the actual situation is that Beiyuan Chunxi didn't scold her, and she... but hoped that Beiyuan Chunxi would blame her.

Because Xuecai knew that Beiyuan Chunxi would only adopt that kind of preaching attitude towards those who cared.

The two quarreled in the park for the first time.

And in the end... when Xuecai looked at the hero and said with tears.

"Do you have someone you like now? Have the entanglements in the past been eliminated? If so, introduce it to me next time. I won't adopt an attitude that embarrassed you! "

"Chun Xijun... Let go!"

"Let me relax!"

Xuecai's three consecutive questions made the male lead speechless, and at the same time, the Xuecai party broke out a deep resentment towards the male lead.

After all, the two have not officially broken up yet. Although the two of them have been in such a relationship that they can't see each other once a month and can't speak a word for three years, Xuecai doesn't want to let go. The male protagonist feels guilty and admires her. Under the intertwined feelings, he did not propose to break up, neither could he muster up the courage to break up, nor could he muster up the courage and face to confess his remaining love for her.

That's right, it's retention. The hero really likes Yuk Cai, but that liking at this stage is definitely not better than liking Dongma and Sha, you say he is bothersome or indiscriminate, but Beiyuan Chunxi in the original work is such a contradictory existence.

Anyone who has played the original game of the game will never doubt that if Ogizeng Yukina is in danger, Kitaen Haruki will save her regardless of her own life, but even if it is such a strong feeling for Yukina, and his relationship with Dongma Compared with Sha's feelings, it is also pitifully fragile!

If there is no winter horse and yarn in this world, then these two people are definitely the happiest lovers, but there is no if in this world.

At least in this plot, the male protagonist originally wanted to break out, wanted to scold her, and wanted her not to treat herself like this, to be irresponsible to her family, and to participate in this kind of activity, just in case you encounter someone with bad intentions. How to do.

But before she broke out, Xuecai broke out, and Xuecai immediately regretted it afterwards.

"Please, forget all what I said just now! I was a lie just now, please forget...I, go home first!"

After that, Yukina held back her tears... ran all the way to the station.

Even though she had misunderstood that Beiyuan Chunxi had a new girlfriend, she still did not want to give up on him. Even if she felt that it was impossible for herself and the male lead for a moment, she was ready to officially end the relationship between the two, but when she spoke, she regretted it. There is only reluctance in my heart.

Love is really humble, pitiful, and distressing.

At least, after this episode was broadcast, even the Winter Horse Party looked uncomfortable. Although it was another story that Dongma and Sauna did not appear, it was true that it was true that it could not be sprayed when seeing Ogiso Xuecai's current experience. .

After the broadcast of this story, the two parties rarely died down, and together they spit out the male protagonist Chunxi Beiyuan.

By the way, even Chu Yu's deity was also complained.

Why should such a male lead come out?

Doesn't this male lead know the truth that fish and bear's paw are not compatible? Pick one of Yukcai and Hesha. I don't break up with Yukcai, and I miss Hesha again...Although I don't have the subjective will of being a scumbag in my heart, in fact... .Behavior and scumbag undoubtedly.

But in any case, the reconciliation between Yukina and Chunxi that fans thought did not happen, but the relationship between the two seemed to become more subtle, and... the fans were a little worried about Shui Xin and prepared. Feeding poison, it's going to be abused.

Generally speaking, in late December, Chuyu's Weibo was ruled by Jojo fans and White Album 2 fans.

But when the time draws closer to the present, the voices of the two groups have basically become much weaker.

After all, compared with the fans of Lelouch, the power on both sides is undoubtedly much worse.

And it's not just under Chu Yu's Weibo, even the studio's official account, the promotional pages of major animation video websites, various two-dimensional exchange groups, and animation columns.

The rebellious Lelouch's second season news is definitely the most mentioned work.

In the current Long Country animation market, many people are not very clear about what January animations are.....and are not interested in caring. For many people, as long as Lulu Xiu does not skip the ticket, then Everything is ok!

At night, during the New Year's Eve, the beautiful but fleeting fireworks exploded all over the city, attracting a group of people to watch.

Even Chu Yu endured the cold wind and got out of the house, standing on the balcony of the second floor, watching the beautiful fireworks exploded after ascending to heaven.

Longguo is just as good as it is. It has not been very banned to ban firecrackers. The government is setting off fireworks. Residents are not to be outdone in the houses everywhere.

The air quickly lost the smell of burning out gunpowder.

"It's a new year!" Gu Yan stood beside Chu Yu, the splendor of the sky reflected in his pupils.

"Yes!" Chu Yu nodded.

"From now on...It's 2024. After I am 00, I am close to one day from my 23-year-old uncle's grade."

"Uncle you, didn't I become an old girl?"

"Old girl, what do you mean?"

"It's just that I'm not young, but on the surface it still looks as beautiful as a girl!"

"So that's the case, but we generally call this kind of person an old witch in my hometown!" Chu Yu teased.

"?" Gu Yan turned around, just about to say something.

However, Chu Yu quickly leaned down and kissed her lips.


"Didn't you... just scold me the old witch? You can kiss the old witch..." After a long time, Gu Yan panted again and said.

"I like such an old witch!"

"Happy New Year!" Chu Yu looked at her.

"New Year...Happy!" Gu Yan looked at the fireworks in the sky that hadn't finished yet, but took the initiative to hold Chu Yu's hand.

"Speaking of which, we are too leisurely! Tomorrow night, the first episode of Lelouch's second season will be broadcast. I can guarantee that everyone in the animation studio is still busy with this matter. Dear friends...At this time, don't you accompany them, come and accompany me... Is it appropriate?" Although Gu Yan's voice was happy, he was also a little embarrassed.

"You are right, are you still a cc seiyuu? It's not like watching the fireworks here at night!"

"How can it be the same? The first episode that will be broadcast tomorrow, my work has been completed several weeks ago. Although Lelouch will be broadcast tomorrow, it will not make me suddenly busy! You are different. Oh..." Gu Yan said.

"After all, it's the first time for New Year's Eve with my girlfriend. Although it is not appropriate... but there is no way. I have explained it with Huang Ming and everyone in the studio!" Chu Yu smiled.

"Let's go, go back to the house, it's strangely cold at night, go back to sleep!"

"What are you thinking about?"

"It's what you think!"


January 1st, New Year's Day.

This day is a legal holiday. Although the weather is cold, there are already many people on the street because of the holiday.

Chu Yu slept until noon as soon as he fell asleep, and Gu Yan...was almost just awake.

After all, the two of them didn't sleep until midnight last night. Gu Yan didn't know what happened to Chu Yu, but he was indeed lacking in spirit.

Although the second season of Lelouch will be broadcast tonight, things are almost done in advance, and there is no need for Chu Yu himself to conduct more instructions.

He just got up and washed normally, and then took Gu Yan out to have lunch. After shopping around the street, he bought some clothes and other things. Most of the day... just like that.

This made Chu Yu deeply feel the difficulty of life in salted fish. There is always a kind of life that is much shorter than ordinary people, but it is really cool.....

At night, Chu Yu and Huang Ming, although they are far apart, both used their various social accounts to finally give Lelouch to the second season.

Of course, this kind of behavior is better than nothing. This night is a carnival night for all Lelouch fans in the Dragon Kingdom.

Under Chu Yu's Weibo, all the usual diving parties also came out and bubbled up, and the entire comment area was refreshed in a few minutes. The entire page was completely changed. After all, the speed of new discussion topics was too fast.

"Finally here, there are still twenty minutes!"

"Ms. Shui Xin is really appetizing. Wouldn't you broadcast earlier on January 1st? Every time his work is scheduled to be released at 8 o'clock in the evening."

"After all, take care of the students and office workers. Otherwise, these people are at work and the hunk at school suddenly burst into tears? When I was watching the first season of Lelouch in the living room, I saw the death of Euphemia. In one scene, I couldn't bear it on the spot, and I yelled mercilessly.....My girlfriend also called me crazy! Say no one is so fascinated by animation! Am I fascinated...I This is shocked by the cold blood of Teacher Shuixin!"

"From the moment you said you had a girlfriend, I knew that brother, you were talking nonsense!"

"If you have a girlfriend, please leave Teacher Shuixin's Weibo, you are not welcome here!"

"Our goddess is only cc..... Anyone who has a girlfriend is a traitor who has betrayed cc."

"Then cc isn't Teacher Shuixin's girlfriend?"

"Damn it, don't tell me, you think of this annoying thing again! Although I am a fan of Lelouch, I just want to be a fan of Teacher Shuixin for a lifetime!"

"Brother, you are too deep into the drama! But... I am like you, I am ready to be a black fan of Teacher Shui Xin!"

"Okay, here comes, the time is coming soon! I want to occupy the barrage-viewing sofa, don't grab it with me!"


At 8 o'clock in the evening, millions of fans poured in at the moment when the link to the first episode of Lelouch's second season was released on major animation broadcasting websites.

Many playback sites have noticeable lags at this moment, and various buffering pages, until a few minutes later, this situation is relieved a lot.

Ye Chen was one of them. After a few minutes, he got stuck in the playback page.

At this time, he was dazzled by the barrage messages on the screen when he turned on the barrage function.

"Come on, first!"


"I'm coming too, number one zero zero eight six!"


Although it was some meaningless barrage, Ye Chen still felt the enthusiasm of the fans of this work.

After a few months, what Lelouch fans want to know most is the ending of Lelouch and Suzaku at the end of the first season. After all, in the cave of the island of God, Lelouch and Suzaku , Karen and the three entangled and confronted side by side.

Outside the cave, cc drove a Lelouch vehicle and fought against Mr. Orange.

In the Japanese concession outside the Island of Gods, the Britanian army and the members of the Black Knights are in a fierce exchange of fire~www.mtlnovel.com~ and the key to this victory is that Lelouch and Suzaku surpass each other. The result of that shot.

If Lelouch can find Nanali and walk out of the Island of Gods, and the Black Knights with a stable military will be under the command of Lelouch, victory is inevitable.

On the contrary... If Suzaku captures Lelouch, even if he is the prince of the Britannia Empire, he will probably be executed by his father.

After all, it can be seen from the words of the first season that Lelouch's father is also very cold-blooded and an authoritarian monarch. Even if he is his own son, he will not be soft-hearted at all if he disobeys himself. If so.... .. The Black Knights must have been defeated directly!

In the second season of the animation, the first episode...is the opening remark of the voice of cc!

In this narration, a brief introduction of what happened in the first season, and at the end of the narration... clarified what fans most want to know!

"...However, this battle ended with the defeat of the Black Knights and the death of Zero!"

Ye Chen was a little confused, zero... Le Luxiu was dead?

What kind of plot is this?

That is not true, is it!

No, it should be just the teacher Shuixin playing the routine, and Lulu Xiu is dead. How will this second season be broadcast?

At this point, a comment on the barrage floats by

"Does Teacher Shui Xin want to make Lulu Xiu like Jojo comics, Da Qiao, Er Qiao, San Qiao? Also make a zero generation, the second generation?"

Although knowing that the possibility is not high, many Lelouch fans, including Ye Chen, were panicked after seeing it!

No way, Teacher Shuixin, don't make trouble!