I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

"Eh... perfunctory!"

Chu Yu's answer obviously didn't make his girlfriend feel surprised, but recalling Chu Yu's past performance, Gu Yan thought for a while, it seems that it should be his limit for Chu Yu to say such a thing.

Thinking of this, Gu Yan's mood also became happy.

Although this guy wouldn't make people happy at all, at least, he was thinking about this issue seriously just now.

Well, satisfied and satisfied, take your time, maybe the year after next year, Chu Yu will become a gentle man who can please his girlfriend under his influence.

It is impossible for Chu Yu, who is concentrating on watching TV, to know what the woman next to him is thinking.

But all in all, Chu Yu's New Year's Eve was spent like this, and it felt as ordinary and boring as in previous years, but it seemed that there had been some changes.

Anyway, Chu Yu felt very happy.

After New Year's Eve, it is a seven-day holiday stipulated by the law of the Dragon Kingdom.

Of course, this holiday also includes February 14, Valentine's Day, and it feels like they are all touched together.

But to be honest, this kind of festival still feels quite difficult for Chu Yu. After all, normal men get along with their girlfriends and don't usually give gifts. That is to say, they will have a big meal during the festival and give them some necklaces and jewelry. Flowers, snacks and the like, but these behaviors are Chu Yu's daily routine... Basically, the two of them belong to the daily take-out and the restaurant solves the daily diet. On weekdays, Chu Yu will see all the small gifts. I bought it back, so when it came to this kind of Valentine's Day, I couldn't think of any new ideas to celebrate the holiday. After thinking about it, it seemed that the hotel opened a deluxe room and stayed in it.

For Chu Yu.... On weekdays, she has no desire to spend money, so she likes to buy all kinds of gifts for Gu Yan, especially her large number of various clothes. Chu Yu is very particular about this kind of things. Interested, Gu Yan deliberately used two large cabinets to store those things, clearly distinguishing them from his daily clothes.

In fact, most of these clothes are fine for daily wear. For example, Gu Yanzhen wears that jk suit. No one will think that she is wearing strange clothes when she goes out to the street. It will only think that she is an innocent high school student walking down the street. Chu Yu said... it was not like that at all. As long as Gu Yan replaced the ones that Chu Yu gave her, Chu Yu would always be mentally active. In order not to stimulate Chu Yu, he would be under normal circumstances. The words are to seal those things...

However, on Valentine's Day, Gu Yan dressed up honestly. Under Chu Yu's strong suggestion, she changed into the ancient costumes that she has always been repelling.....Speaking of it, this is true. Fortunately, people are more active nowadays, and the demons are also impressed by the retro trend of recent times.......So Gu Yan, who wore an ancient green dress, walked down the street. It's not that unusual when it comes up to the top, many people wear similar clothes.....

It's just that when many couples pass by Chu Yu and her, their attitudes are rather awkward. The men like to look more and look at Chu Yu with envy, while the women quickly pull their boyfriend away from that glamorous bitch. .

They all wear ancient costumes. Originally, these girls still felt that they were beautiful, but it was a pity that they met the true **** and were hit hard... I didn't want to stay by Gu Yan's side.

Of course, it is inevitable to meet fans on the road, and there are a lot of photos, autographs, and photos taken.

For Chu Yu and Gu Yan, these things are already used to them.

Unless you wear a mask that covers the entire face, just a mask or something, it can no longer stop the fans of eye poison.

The main reason is that Gu Yan is too eye-catching and easy to expose, and Chu Yu will inevitably be exposed once she is exposed.

Suddenly, Mr. Shui Xin and the cc seiyuu costume date on Valentine's Day went on a wave of hot searches on Weibo.

And Chu Yu's fans ate another wave of dog food...

But in any case, Chu Yu's annual vacation was finally spent in a hectic and fulfilling life, in relative tranquility.

After the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, the entire Dragon Kingdom and all walks of life have fully recovered. For Chu Yu, whether it is the two assistants of the comics studio or the staff of the animation studio, everyone is full of fighting spirit. Come to work.

It seems that everyone had a good holiday this holiday, and even everyone in the animation studio was interested in teasing Chu Yu that the whole holiday was too boring, so he liked Weibo Hot Search to find the boss's dog food to eat, and that's the only way to go. In order to maintain the way of life.

Fortunately, Chu Yu's face has been trained that King Kong is not bad, and he is indifferent throughout the process.

For Gu Yan, when she went to work, her colleagues in the company were teasing her about a relationship and she was frequently searched, and her words were all kinds of envy for her boyfriend Shui Xin.

After all, I found such a good boyfriend. The boyfriend is a celebrity in the animation industry. Then he frequently produces popular animations. Whenever there is a suitable role, the first choice is his girlfriend... and from major institutions. Judging from the information disclosed, it seems that it is also changing from an ordinary animation creator to an entrepreneur.

This kind of boyfriend who can make his career and love have a double harvest, I really don't know where to spray, and it is said that the first meeting of the two people was met at the sound selection meeting of the first animation work of the guy Shui Xin... ..... If only I went to the selection meeting then. Many of Gu Yan's colleagues think so...

Maybe this is the famous trouble. It's really like a celebrity. When you are in love, you will be paid attention to by a large group of people.

Although Chu Yu hopes that his work will receive more attention from more people, the better, but he really does not want him to receive so many attention....

It's all like this now~www.mtlnovel.com~ If Chu Yu exchanges more top-of-the-line works in the future, will it become the point where the paparazzi will be followed by paparazzi after drinking?

Shaking his head, Chu Yu didn't want to bother about these things either.

On the first day of work after the annual vacation, I haven't responded to the status or anything, but Chu Yu definitely wants to find out about the status of his works.

First of all, on the comics side, in order to play games for one more day, Chu Yu decisively reported sick leave for the annual meeting of Tianji Comics and did not go. Anyway, it was just a hypocritical greeting among colleagues. By the way, he had a meal with Tianji Comics. After that, he would be drunk and sent back like a dead pig. Chu Yu naturally had a balance...

However, during the Chinese New Year, the Jojo manga serialized to the end of the Anubis God chapter.

Fans have shown unparalleled enthusiasm for this main body is a demon sword stand-in chapter that can control people's minds.

Comics like jojo, indeed, if you just look at one or two chapters of him, you will find it meaningless. After all, they are all small unit plots that tell a story in one or two words. There is no continuity, so the length is short and the fans are not sticky. , But Chu Yu has serialized this comic at the speed of two episodes a week, and the main story of the comic has sixty episodes... it is completely ready to be slaughtered.

Although for many new comic fans, the issue of style is still unacceptable, but because the work continues to set off a jojo trend on the Internet, there are jojo comics and famous quotes in comics everywhere in the two-dimensional circle, and that in the new comic The comic scores of 9.8 scored by a lot of fans on the Internet... these things undoubtedly make many new fans curious.

Why can this kind of work set off such a popular trend?