I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Driven by various factors, the style of jojo comics is no longer a stumbling block for new fans.

Everyone has the mentality of conforming to the crowd. Everyone will not look at a work that is poor in style and no one looks at it, but if you see a work that is poor in style, a lot of people will watch it... ...You must be curious, why, the style of painting is so bad, there are so many people watching it? Is the plot so exciting?

The comics have been serialized up to now. Jojo's comics have begun to show its own charm. Judging from the reader research report obtained by Tianji Comics, from the reader's rating alone, there are more than 20 works on the Xuanjing Journal, Jojo's. Bizarre Adventure ranked second......

From the perspective of the sales volume of single-line books on the market, during the New Year this month, the increase in the single-line volume sales of jojo comics was the highest among all the works of Quan Xuan Jing Periodical.

The sales volume of jojo comic book books in January was 2.2 times that of December last year.....

This proves that many new entrant fans can't find the past periodicals serialized by jojo comics on the market, so they can directly buy the comic book to understand the past plot.

Affected by this wave of jojo fever that has become popular on the Internet, the total sales of the four-volume booklet released by jojo's main story is now estimated to exceed 8 million copies this week. That is to say, the average sales volume of jojo comics will be in this week. More than two million copies per week......

From the data point of view, comics with an average volume of 2 million volumes are nothing to Tianji Comics. The top ten most popular works of Tianji Comics have this kind of strength.

But the problem is... it's too fast. Which one of the top ten most popular comics in the Xuanjing Journal does not have to be serialized for more than two or three years to achieve this kind of results.

However, Jojo's main comics have only been serialized for more than half a year. The first booklet has been released for less than three months, and the fourth booklet has been released for only one month.... And just that time, just Nearly 8 million manga single-volumes are sold wildly.

Even if the Dragon Kingdom has a large population, you may be able to smash two secondary apes by throwing a brick casually... But this kind of upward momentum is undoubtedly amazing.

What's even more outrageous is that even if Jojo's main comics are selling well, the prequel of Jojo, which was previously serialized in the second-level periodical of Tianji Comics, also caught fire.

Although the first and second episodes of Jojo, which were made into the prequel by Chuyu, are relatively simple in terms of story structure and combat power system, they are far inferior to the third part of Jojo, but for those fans who are fascinated by the third part of Jojo, the The past of the killer Er Qiao and the third big boss......Dior's past, undoubtedly have a huge attraction to them.

Don't say anything else, at least those famous quotes from Dior in the first part...

"The more you play with tactics, the more you will find that human abilities have limits...unless, beyond human beings...so, I am no longer a human being, jojo! "

Dior said when he faced Da Qiao's doubts about his murderous blood sucking.

"Do you remember how many slices of bread you have eaten so far?"


These words seem to be nonsense, but if you study them carefully, you can't refute them, and they also give the evil and cruel man Dior a little more funny.

At least, after watching the first part of jojo, many jojo fans are more curious about the third big boss Dior. Dior's popularity is also growing more strongly along with the growth of jojo's popularity.

Of course, due to everyone's curiosity, the booklet of Jojo's prequel was sold out of stock for a time. Originally, Tianji Comics didn't think much of Jojo's prequel, and it was only for Chu Yu's face to publish the book for Jojo's prequel The number of first-part single-volumes on the market was originally not many... But after the main story of jojo became popular, this problem was exposed all at once.

However, the printing capacity of Tianji Comics is not covered. After all, it is a giant company that can support the printing of many second and third-level comic journals with a weekly sales volume of tens of millions. It solves the problem of the number of jojo prequel comic booklets. easy.

However, in the end, even the sales volume of Jojo's prequel comic book sales can reach an average volume of 700,000 sales. This result... is true and everyone can't think of it.

Obviously it's a comic on the street.......Is this okay?

The performance of jojo comics has become popular in the first and second years, which makes many people feel uneasy.

The first one is Ye Chun, who has been sprayed by Chu Yu fans for several months. To be honest, he has quarreled with Chu Yu's fans. When Chu Yu's fans want to spray him, he will fight back. , I feel that a day is incomplete, and even his behavior has caused many Chuyu black fans to follow him. Under his Weibo, two groups of people are quarreling at any time.....

As for why Chuyu's black fans came to Ye Chun's Weibo to black Chuyu, this reason is mainly...In Chuyu's turf, they are really weak. The force is thin, and it is crushed in minutes...

But now, the situation has changed. The premise for Ye Chun to be able to chat with Chuyu fans so leisurely is that Chuyu's comic performance is as mediocre as before.....This is because he can quarrel with Chuyu fans. The only counterattack point.

I don't care what manga achievements Shui Xin has in the past, how awesome achievements are in the animation industry, I just need to grab your current updated manga, and the popularity is not as good as mine.

But now... Ye Chun's eyes are not blind. During this period of time, the popularity of jojo comics has skyrocketed. He sees it in his eyes and is angry in his heart.

He used the eyes of his professional cartoonist to see, no matter how he looked at it, he didn't think there was anything good about jojo comics. He forcibly resisted that he couldn't read the three words before being drawn to his eyes... .So are the fans of Longguo really sick with their eyes?

Ye Chun couldn't figure it out.

But continue under this situation......No, can it be said that jojo comics can also become another comic with an average volume of over 3 million?

As a Ye Chun who has not had such achievements in comics so far, he is eager to see the performance of this comic, but there is no way. Although his new comics are more popular than his predecessor Mitsui, he wants to sell more than three million volumes per volume. , The development is smooth, the popularity of comics readers is not lost, and with the support of the editor-in-chief Liu Ling, it will take at least one or two years.

As for jojo comics, where his popularity has skyrocketed in one or two months, he is envious, jealous, and hateful, and his anger is almost separated.

But even so, he didn't worry that jojo comics could really make it to the top of Xuanjing Periodicals..... After several years of staying there, Ye Chun clearly understood that the top three works of Xuanjing Periodicals, They are all monsters among monsters...If they weren't really confident to defeat these three monsters, Ye Chun wouldn't have to jump to Xuangui...

Chu Yu's comics went to the fourth most popular in the Xuanjing Periodical when it was the best... Anyway, Ye Chun made up his mind and went on various shows after July, frantically mocking Chu. Yu was proud and arrogant, and vented his anger.

So this time...

Looking at the popular Chu Yu fans under his Weibo, those clamoring that Ye Chun is trash that is worse than water...

Make you proud!

Ye Chun let out a long sigh.


On the other hand, Liu Ling, the current editor-in-chief of Xuangui Comics, is under great pressure.

Jojo comics are on fire, which means that the trend of public opinion has changed. The average sales volume of a volume can reach two million, and it is obvious that there is a lot of room for improvement. She pushed away at the beginning.

The board of directors cannot remember other people's merits, but they will never let go of others' deeds. On the first day after the beginning of the year, when they met, this matter was used by her opponents to attack her.

"This Shui Xin... is really my catastrophe. He made trouble for me when Xuangui, and if he left Xuangui, he would also disgust me..." Although thinking fiercely.

But to be honest, apart from this resentment, Liu Ling still has sourness and regret in her heart.

But now it's too late to say anything. She only hopes that Chu Yu's work suddenly collapses in plot and its popularity plummets, and then Chu Yu collapses, and the animation and comics business collapses... from the Dragon Kingdom animation genius to become a dragon. Chinese animation industry jokes!

In that case, no one inside the company would use this time to attack her.


On the other side, the editor-in-chief of Tianji Comics, who studies the data of various works of the comics, naturally looks at Chu Yu's work frequently.

He is indeed, maybe he is old, and he doesn't feel the charm of Jojo comics very much. Although he also thinks it looks good, he can't figure out why Jojo comics spread so quickly among young comic fans.

Why is the proportion of female fans in this work so high?

Why does Huajingyuan eat cherries and become popular among fans?

Why is Chengtaro called a strong fish seller by fans?

And those lines of Dior can also be made into emoticons and spread wildly?

Recalling the confidence that Chu Yu showed when he serialized this comic...

Qin Bei's eyes were puzzled!

Could it be that......all these things are in your grasp?

Qin Bei felt for the first time whether he was really old and his sense of smell was not sharp anymore?

In other words... is that young man with a sharp sense of smell, beyond ordinary people?

Does he not need to be verified by the market and only rely on his own genius understanding... to be able to accurately grasp the preferences of the market and fans?

Qin Bei can't understand these situations...but he knows that with many years of experience in the industry, jojo comics will explode at the end of the year, and it is likely to continue for a long time...

In the history of the Dragon Kingdom, many cartoons have also experienced such sudden explosions.

Even in the parallel world, there is no shortage of such examples. For example, after the animation of the giant comics, the popularity of the comics suddenly burst. At one time, they competed with the One Piece comics, although it was not the peak of a single sales volume of more than 30 million copies this year. Period One Piece, UU reading www.uukānshu. com However, for One Piece, who has hit the second-place comic book sales with a sales gap of three or four times all the year round, it can threaten this work, and it can reflect the horror of the year when the giant was animated.

Similarly, in the second half of the 19th year of Parallel World, the nineteenth episode of the animation of Demon Slayer Blade was broadcast, and it was affected by the production of the animation producer Fang Shen-level... The original comic suddenly exploded. , In half a year, comic book books have sold more than 40 million copies.... Comic authors have earned hundreds of millions of royalties in half a year. In only half a year, they have been on the book sales data...... Hit the peak of One Piece's 11-year annual sales data of 38 million...

This is a work that goes against the sky, and it is even hard to see that those who come can surpass it... After all, this is a sales volume achieved in Japan, which has entered an aging society, and the population decreases in the future. , And without population support, where is the sales of comics......It's just a pity.....This work is too short!

Although jojo is not animated, the explosion of jo-cooking culture on the Internet also has the same effect. Anyway, it can increase the exposure of the work and gather popularity.

The experienced Qin Bei would naturally not give up this opportunity.

The three major comics of Xuanjing Periodicals have been standing together for too long. Although this situation can stabilize the periodical sales, but also, stability means no development.

After thinking about it, Qin Bei changed the rough outline of the annual plan he prepared to report as the company's senior executives.

The most important thing is to get the company to support the promotion of jojo comics, to see if there is an opportunity to turn the three-legged Xuanjing journal into a four-sacred beast contending for hegemony.