I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

"Ah, Lu Dian is so handsome, the domineering prince Fan is so infatuated with me, I really want to have such a boyfriend!"

"Don't think about it, Lelouch is my husband..."

"It would be great if I were Xia Li, so that there would be such a handsome, gentle and domineering boy who would rescue me regardless of the danger of his life..."

"Above, you mean that as long as there is such a handsome, gentle and domineering boy who likes you, would you be willing to sacrifice your father?"

"Go away, straight guy, can you talk? You deserve no girlfriend, you can only run to watch anime..."


The barrage quarreled for a while. Wang Yu shook his head and looked at a girl not far away, with her back leaning on a pillar. She also picked up her mobile phone and looked at the rebellious Lelouch's latest words. Judging from her expression ....I was indeed moved by seeing, and my eyes were a little red.

Is it such an exaggeration? These girls just like this kind of plot...Wang Yu let out a long sigh and kept watching.

Lelouch's words finally convinced Xia Li, and Xia Li, who was rescued, also discovered the strange and discordant atmosphere between Suzaku and Lelouch.

Lelouch, fighting alone...

In an instant, Xia Li realized this.

And it happened that Jeremya struck, and Xia Li, in order to avoid Lelouch's difficulties, forcibly dragged Suzaku away from Lelouch.....

The plot progressed little by little, and the battle between Lelouch and Jeremyar was very dramatic.

Although Jeremia was an assassin sent by vv, before that, he was the guardian of Lelouch's mother, Princess Anna, and was loyal to Lelouch's mother... After Lu Xiu became zero to avenge the princess, he also swore allegiance to Lu Lu Xiu.

To be honest, Jeremia's whitewashing is really abrupt, but it's okay. After all, Lelouch didn't rely on him to reverse the crisis to survive this crisis. After Lelouch first subdued him, Jie Remia learned of the opposite water.

Just when everyone thought that the plot of this story was that Lelouch had once again won a general under the hands of...

On the other hand, Xia Li, who was worried about Lelouch's safety, rushed into the shopping mall that became a battlefield by herself...want to help Lelouch.

But here, she met Lolo...this pseudo-brother of Lelouch...

"Do you like Lelouch?" Xia Li asked Lolo with the gun.

After regaining her memory, she knew that Luo Luo was the younger brother of Lelouch who had appeared out of nowhere.

"Like! He is my only brother..." Luo Luo said without hesitation.

"Please, let me join you too, I want to help Lelouch find his happiness... even his sister Nanali..." When Xia Li heard Lolo's words, she believed him easily.

But Xia Li didn't notice...Lolo's expression changed!

Wang Yu felt a little in his heart... with an ominous premonition.

No way?

On the other side, Lelouch, who had incorporated Jeremyia, was on his way out of the mall...

Encountered Xia Li who was shot in the back.

The blood stained the ground Xia Li was lying on. At this moment, she hadn't completely died yet, she saw Lelouch.

"Puff, what the hell?"


"What kind of plot is this, why would Xia Li lie here?"

"Is it Lolo? Why did he shoot Xia Li? Just because of Xia Li's words...help Lelouch find his sister Nanali?"

"That's right, Nanaly is back. The hypocrisy and sense of his younger brother will be greatly strengthened... But what does this have to do with Xia Li?"

"I won't die..."

"Fuck, teacher Shuixin, are you starting again?"


In Wang Yu's heart, a sense of depression was born...

In the original animation of Parallel World, the background music is not sensational at all. Chu Yu personally feels that this scene with the bgm "masquerade" when Xia Li is used by Lelouch to erase memories by Lelouch is better than that in the original animation. The inexplicable bgm that renders the tense plot is strong, although in the original Lelouch theatrical version.....when cc appeared, this bgm also sounded, but at least, in Chu Yu's opinion, this bgm only needs Upon hearing this, he would only think of the role of Xia Li...

A girl in the rebellious Lelouch who has almost nothing to do with the main storyline of Lelouch's battle for hegemony, but is deeply remembered in the eyes of the rebellious Lelouch fans.

When this bgm sounded for the first time, it was Lelouch who erased Xia Li's memory and made her forget herself and the pain...

And in this world, when this bgm sounded again, it was the death of Xia Li's life...

In the animation, Lelouch reveals one of the few emotional breakdowns in the whole work, and he does not stop Geass and orders Xia Li.

"do not die!"

"do not die!"

"do not die!"


Just watch the Xia Li party burst into tears!

"After recovering my memory, I have always been scared. Everything is false... And Lulu, has been fighting alone in such a world?" Xia Li was living Finally, he took Lelouch's hand.

"So, I want to be Lulu's companion..."

"I...like Lulu, even if my memory is rewritten, I still like Lulu..."

"No matter how many times...I will like Lulu!" Lelouch Geass ordered her not to die in Xia Li's eyes.

But how can the passage of life be controlled by Geass? Geass is indeed the power of the king, but the king has always only possessed the power to make people die...

"Don't die... Xia Li!" Lelouch was still holding back the cherished people in front of him.

"... Lelouch, even if I am reborn...I will still like Lulu!"

"No matter how many times...I will..." Xia Li gave Lelouch the last beautiful and pure smile before her life died.

Then... she held Lelouch's hand and fell weakly.

The sensational ability of masquerade is absolutely beyond doubt as long as you listen to it, plus this **** plot...

Wang Yu's eyes were blurred for an instant, but he immediately realized that this was not at home. He raised his head and happened to have a red eye socket not far away. She was also looking at the girl who was looking up in the latest episode of Lelouch's animation.

In the earphones, the rebellious Lelouch's ed song is still ringing... Outside the door, the rain is also lighter, and many people who are off work are leaving one after another.

There are only a few people who have read the thirteenth chapter of the rebellious Lelouch here, standing blankly, thinking in their minds, Xia Li's last smile...

In Wang Yu's heart, at this moment......greatly uncomfortable!

what is this!

What the **** is this?

Wang Yu is an out-and-out cc party, but in these words, he really feels heartfelt for Xia Li.

He would never have thought that Teacher Shui Xin would kill her sister so cleanly.

With a single story, when everyone's mind was affected by Xia Li, to cover up the thunder......Quickly let Xia Li die in Lelouch's arms.

Teacher Shuixin......


At this moment, Wang Yu had an extremely strong resentment towards these two characters!

"I'm stuck, is Teacher Shuixin a human?"

"My poor Xia Li! Is it all gone?"

"I have a sore nose. Xia Li finally confessed to Lelouch until the last moment she confessed. When she confessed for the first time, Lelouch sealed her memory, and when she confessed for the second time... .. Teacher Shui Xin took her life, **** it, why didn't Teacher Shui Xin Lu Lu Xiu respond to her at the end... Isn't Le Lu Xiu deceiving? Let Xia Li go away with peace of mind!"

"Looking at me, I'm so depressed, Lolo, fortunately, I still admire him a little bit, but I didn't expect to be so vicious...Obviously he is a fake brother, Xia Li just asked Nanaly Back to Lulu Xiu, you can kill this kind of poisonous hand..."

"Just like cuckoo birds, they lay their eggs in the nests of other birds. When other birds hatch the cuckoo eggs, the cuckoo cuckoos will push out the eggs and baby birds laid by the mother bird's nest for exclusive use. "Fake" mother's nurturing! Lolo kills Xia Li now, she won't kill Lulu Xiu's sister Nanaly next time!"

"It's really poisonous, Luo Luo, I hate him now!"


In the interval between the ed song, fans kept complaining about the plots of Chu Yu and Lu Lu Xiu in the barrage.

And these people, the reason why they haven't left, is mainly because they want to watch the next episode after the ed song.

However, after the end of the ed song, the trailer for the next episode did not appear. Instead, the face of Teacher Shui Xin that now looks so annoying appeared in front of everyone.

"Hello everyone...I am Chu Yu, the screenwriter of the rebellious Lelouch..."

In the video ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Chu Yu looked at the people in front of the screen, smiled, and said hello.

Wang Yu, who was in the headphones, reacted and looked at Chu Yu's face on the screen......There is an urge to punch through the screen of his mobile phone...... .

Look at him, so shameless, still smiling?

Luo Luo is a vicious younger brother, Teacher Shuixin, you are a vicious author.

You return my tears and Xia Li!

At this time, the number of animated barrage is much more than at any time before this statement.

It was all verbal and penal criticism of Chu Yu...