I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Of course, for this group of fans who have just experienced Lelouch's sensational plot, they also know that it is basically meaningless to scold him in the animation barrage.

It was just a panic in his heart, and Chu Yu just gave them another reason to vent.

But..... After the two bullets of Chu Yu were sent out, everyone immediately reacted.

Why is it that after the end of this rebellious Lelouch animation ed song, the next episode is not the usual trailer... Instead, the teacher Shui Xin suddenly showed his face.

This kind of thing has never happened before...

What does he want to do?

A crowd of fans looked at Chu Yu on the screen, with a hooded look........

Chu Yu paused in the video before continuing.

"Presumably, after reading this rebellious Lelouch, everyone should be moved by Xia Li's feelings for Lelouch!"


Chu Yu's words instantly ignited the fans' anger.

Are we moved?

We were angry, but it's a pity that you are hiding on the screen now, otherwise you will definitely be punished by countless Shari parties for their iron fist of justice.

"Of course, I know, everyone will be a little excited and difficult to calm down for a while, so starting from this story, after every story of the rebellious Lelouch, we will make some interview videos of the main creative members... ... so that everyone can understand the circumstances under which the rebellious Lelouch was created..."

"Cough, cough, cough... Okay, let's not talk too much nonsense. Next, we invite Xia Li's voice actor, Ms. Yin Xiaoyin, and cc voice actor, Ms. Gu Yan, to show up..... ..." Chu Yu's expression suddenly became a little strange.

Then, the video went black for a few seconds...

But immediately, a wonderful background music suddenly sounded...


With a sound like the tune before the birth of the protagonist in an Indian movie...the black screen suddenly lighted up...

Puff~~! !

what is this?

All the Lelouch fans were stunned for a moment, and the coffee in many people's mouths spurted out.

In a burst of magical music brainwashing...

Chu Yu, Gu Yan, and Xia Li's voice actor Yin Xiaoyin...compared to a strange poss...

Chu Yu put his hands on his waist, looking up at a certain distance with contempt like a chicken.

On his left, Yin Xiaoyin squatted slightly with his legs crossed, his hands and wrists crossed, making a sign of rejection.

On the right of Chu Yu... it was Gu Yan who held his left waist with his right hand, pinched his right ear with his left hand, and looked to the front right... It's just that the eyes kept secretly aiming. Chu Yu in the middle...with a smile at the corner of his mouth.


The magical music sounded again, followed by a rush of sound...

what is this?

Is this teacher Shuixin? Is this the goddess Gu Yan? Also, Xia Li's voice actor Yin Xiaoyin is also...

But what do they mean by this pose?

But some fans in Lelouch recovered in an instant...

"This......isn't this the Sanzhu Man under the Moon?"

"Yeah, isn't this the classic posture of the Moon under the Moon in the prequel of jojo... To be honest, this posture is too magical, I deliberately imitated it when I was reading the manga.. ......"

"I'm going, Teacher Shui Xin, get out...Although this posture is magical, I have to say that Yin Xiaoyin's actions are quite seductive, and Gu Yan is also...looks good. It's pretty, just the teacher Shui Xin in the middle.......I want to die.......it's too much drama!"

"Jojo? Sanjuan...what is this?"

"This kind of problem...Oh, forget it. The prequel of jojo is only released in the province near the magic city. It is normal for many Shuixin teachers not to know it.....This is water. A cartoon serialized by Teacher Xin in a periodical of Tianji Comics..."

"Manga? Isn't Ms. Shuixin an anime guy? What does the manga have to do with him?"

"Are you a real fan or a fake fan? Teacher Shui Xin's main business is comics and part-time animation screenwriters don't know anything about this?"


A lot of puzzled Xiaobai appeared on the barrage for an instant, but at the same time... there were also many Lao Bai explaining this to them.

What Chu Yu wants is this kind of result. Although he is already so famous, in fact, his reputation is only reflected in everyone knows that the rebellious Lelouch screenwriter is Shui Xin, a very rich young man. It's a genius...it's gone.

Just like in the parallel world, fans of the rebellious Lelouch, many people don't know who Dahanoi is, and people who know Dahanoi will not pay attention to it. There is a truth to what works this guy has created...

Just someone who knows that Lelouch's screenwriter is Shui Xin is already considered acceptable.

Chu Yu's more fans have seen the works of Unheard Flower Name, Xiaoyuan, Second Five, and Lulu Xiu at the same time, but they have no idea that these works are produced by a screenwriter and a producer.

Because they don't care about the creators of animation at all, they only care about the work itself.

Many of Chu Yu's fans know that he is still creating comics, but in fact......people who don't know far outnumber the former.

For this reason, Chu Yu felt that it was effective to advertise his comics in his animation works.

But... the effect is for a moment. In the office lobby of the copyist's animation studio, a group of people burst into laughter after seeing Chu Yu appear on stage.

Especially Huang Ming, patted his thighs while laughing. Judging from his strength, his thighs might be numb, but he still couldn't stop laughing.

The people at the scene, Chu Yu had no expression on his face, just silently remembering who laughed the happiest. The follow-up program asked him to go up and shoot the video. Gu Yan was indifferent. After all, her mental quality was very good... .It's just that Yin Xiaoyin is different, being laughed at by so many people..... The expression is very depressed!

Back to the video...

"Everyone must be very puzzled now, why our appearance is so magical...In fact, the posture just now was exquisite..."

"It's mainly Xia Li's voice actor Yin Xiaoyin who thinks that the first time I meet with you, it needs to be different...so she proposed to let the three of us cos with her favorite manga, Jojo's bizarre adventure The three characters in..."

"Hey, Teacher Shuixin, how do I like jojo..." In the screen, Yin Xiaoyin's expression was circled.

At that time, even if she was asked by Chu Yu to make such a shameful video, she was also said to like that shameful muscle manga.......she felt that her image in the hearts of fans would definitely be. changed.

"Huh?" But Chu Yu's eyes made her hold back what was behind.

After all, it is Shui Xin, a big star in the animation industry. Compared to the shame at this time, if Chu Yu later gave her some jobs for characters like Xia Li...what's this?

Up to now... all the Lelouch fans still don't know... what is Chu Yu's purpose...

This Nima......is advertising naked?

Can this implant be harder to regenerate?

How could a cute girl like Yin Xiaoyin like jojo comics?

However, as soon as such comments came out in the barrage~www.mtlnovel.com~ many Jojo female fans came out to prove......the female fans of this muscle manga......Yes How much, at least in terms of the number of barrage, directly overwhelming male jojo fans...

Gu Yan, just take care of your boyfriend, why is he still there with a smile on his face, but this posture......really beautiful, sure enough, beautiful people look so elegant in all their actions Beautiful, even if the magical pose of Sanzhu Man under Moonlight looks like a magical beauty......unlike Teacher Shui Xin, he looks like a dick.

In the animation barrage, a group of undefeatable people drifted past... But the strange thing is that although I guessed it was Chu Yu's advertisement... and it was so straightforward. Bai... But few people fast forward this paragraph...

Because it does look...interesting...


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