I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

In the parallel world, in fact, most of the Jojo fans are not attracted to Jojo's animations or comics. They are actually just like normal people. They all think the work is too strange and have no interest...

But the reason why I finally entered the pit was mainly because I was in the circle of the second dimension. I was brainwashed by the people of this group of demons. Jojo stood up all day. The wonderful metaphor of jojo only got into the pit after I became curious.

At least the author of a certain parallel world, all the jojos who entered the pit at the beginning were all entered into the pit by a jojo third op/ for handsome in the ac station......The two-dimensional career for more than ten years before that Here, this guy has always known about the existence of this work, but because of the style of painting, he has never fallen into the trap. He even thought that only **** guys would like this kind of work... But it turns out, The law of true fragrance will never fail.

At least, Chu Yu's operation of pulling Yin Xiaoyin and Gu Yan is not a mess. After all, this is the ending of Lelouch's animation. The two main heroines are out of the country. Normal fans will watch them patiently.

In addition, Xia Li's voice actor Yin Xiaoyin looks really cute, although not as good as Gu Yan, but at least 80% of the beauty is up......Finally, Gu Yan is added and he goes abroad in a short skirt.. ....First of all, let's not talk about the content of the video, most people will not fast forward if only two girls stand here.

Coupled with the magical jojo jojo stand and the more magical background music with Indian curry flavor "Auntie Yeah!!!", and the image of Chu Yu's sacrifice....

Many fans naturally find it interesting, and some want to laugh.

For a time, because Xia Li's sentimental sentiment of receiving a bento in the animation gradually dissipated, there were fewer people who complained about Chu Yu's ruthlessness in the barrage. On the contrary, many people were asking and discussing jojo. Comic information.

"Oh, so Ms. Yin Xiaoyin, what do you think about the death of Xia Li?"

"I think......too sudden! But the impact of her sacrifice on Lelouch is huge......maybe it will have a huge impact on the subsequent plot! "

"Well, that's right, the death of Xia Li did have a great impact on Lelouch, but at the same time... it also made the persona of Luo Luo's younger brother more three-dimensional... . I think there must be a lot of people in our audience hate Lolo!"


"Finally, we thank Ms. Yin Xiaoyin for the wonderful interview and answer, and also thank her for bringing us a temporary cos of a game comic like jojo..."


To be honest, due to time constraints, it is impossible for Chu Yu to introduce to a group of Lelouch fans what kind of comics Jojo comics are.

His propaganda method is very simple, combining elements of jojo comics, plus some daily interviews with the main creators, plus a little bit of Lelouch's follow-up plot spoiler.....

Then I specially selected the words of Xia Li's lunch box for the first publicity.

It's hard to say how many people are interested in Jojo comics, but he is quite sure.

As long as you see the Lelouch animation fans here, you must be quite impressed with Jojo's bizarre adventure.

After all, the front foot didn't relieve the sorrow of Xia Li's death, but the back foot immediately saw Xia Li and Jojo Li of the cc seiyuu... and the spoof of the screenwriter Shui Xin.

Although not in the original comics, the three almost naked burly men are out of the country, but that pose, with music, is enough.

As for the few fans, will they dislike Chu Yu's forced advertising behavior... how do you put it?

This kind of thing is not unique to Chu Yu. It is like a TV series bought by a video website. In order to avoid web advertisements, people cut the advertisements into the TV series, and no one has abandoned the TV series...Moreover , Chu Yu thinks that these short videos he made are still interesting, but the first phase is like this, and the time is limited and no special effects are added in the later period.

It will be fine in the future......

Chu Yu, Gu Yan, and Yin Xiaoyin's funny interview video took only a few minutes, and then the teaser of the fourteenth chapter of Lelouch...

However, the anticipated preview is here, but many Lelouch fans are a little uneasy, and their brains are still immersed in the jojo element in the previous interview........If you say they are immediately caught If jojo is attracted to buy comics tomorrow, it won't be enough, but at least, the seeds are planted. As long as they continue to pay attention to Lelouch's animation, there will always be people who will be promoted by Chu Yu and choose to enter the pit. ...


After all, it is the most popular animation masterpiece of the Dragon Kingdom today, the rebellious Lelouch......it promoted the Jojo comics after the latest episode of the ed song, and soon became a fan of Chuyu It spread throughout the group.

Similarly, in the animation circle, Chu Yu's operation also shocked everyone.

Is it so capricious? Advertise your comics in your work?

That's right, the studio belongs to him, so you can do it whatever you want...Don't talk about propaganda, no one can do anything to him if Shui Xin draws Lu Lu Xiu to death.

Although everyone feels capricious... But after thinking about it carefully, they have to admit that Shui Xin does have the qualifications for capriciousness.

This night, "Teacher Shui Xin, cc, Xia Li imitated the Three Pillars Under the Moon!" This hot search directly hit the top 20 of Weibo. Of course, there was also the "Death of Xia Li!" Search for words.

For those Lelouch fans who turned off the screen after watching the main story of the animation, and didn't see the following "story!"...this hot search made up for theirs lost property.

Even not just fans of Lelouch, many people in the second dimension circle are bored to understand why these things are hot searched.

In the second half of the night, jojo's bizarre adventure also reached the top 40 in the hot search list under the digging and searching of boring fans.

Just one story was broadcast, but it caused three hot search words to be listed on Weibo on the same day. Many people in the industry secretly lamented the horror of the rebellious Lelouch's popularity at this time... Moreover, in terms of effectiveness, this propaganda... seems not bad.

Now the plot of the second season of this work has only progressed to half, and the average number of episodes has exceeded 14 million. If it continues to develop in this state..... What kind of scenario should it be?

Chu Yu is relatively satisfied with the current results, anyway, bit by bit, there are still months left, so he is not in a hurry.

And Jojo's current heat will soon drop after the curiosity of Lelouch fans is eliminated, but he doesn't take it seriously.

But... what Chu Yu didn't expect was that the follow-up development of this incident completely exceeded his expectations.

Chu Yu doesn't know how many talents there are in his fan group, and he doesn't even know how many of his own jojo videos he released today are now being reprocessed by his fans overnight and put on Xinman..... ....

So, when he got up the next day, his phone subconsciously opened the Xinmanwang app, and wanted to watch two videos to refresh his mind......

A ghost animal video about him was posted to the homepage, and his sleepiness faded in an instant.

The video is very short, only two or three minutes, but inside, Gu Yan, him, and Yin Xiaoyin's three men's posture of the moon under the pillar were put on the pig farm. As soon as the three came out, the group of pigs dispersed... .The music doesn't need to be changed, just the song "Auntie Press!" is very spiritual.

The most outrageous thing is that, one night, this group of people matched the song with the lyrics...In addition to the low-quality PS and the action of the ghost animal, it actually produced a parallel world. I never expected this web drama. The sense of comedy......

This is......what the hell?

Chu Yu blinked? He shook his head......Continue reading.

I didn't turn it twice, but I saw a video of a ghost animal, and edited the pose of his chick again...Of course, this guy is more powerful, and I saw Gu Yan in a flash. After cutting Chu Yu's hilarious expression, and then drinking Yin Xiaoyin, Chu Yu asked which character in the Jojo comics he liked, and finally cut his reluctant expression when he liked Polunaev.

Then... the video spoof started.

To be honest, Chu Yu looked very ashamed...

But the audience seems to have a great time watching...

Moreover, continuing to scroll down, Chu Yu also discovered that these videos about his second creation have sprung up.......

Chu Yu has a bad feeling...

On weekdays, he likes to read the information about the family history of Internet celebrities in Parallel World, but he deeply knows ~www.mtlnovel.com~ how easy the birth of an Internet celebrity is.

Wang Jingze said it was really fragrant, Yao Ming had a smile, Erkang waved his hand, and Huazawa coriander smiled.... Taking a bath and raising a pig can also make people instantly famous.... .

All kinds of examples tell Chu Yu.......being a person, especially a celebrity, never have black spots.

Otherwise...Who will these boring fans on the Internet let go?

At least, in order to be realistic, Chu Yu immediately edited the expression of Jojo and took it out separately, and it became an expression pack of ecstasy with a little coquettish and contempt for sentient beings...


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