I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

In the parallel world, the rebellious Lelouch is generally still an animation of the second-part war, but in its plot, there will always be a wave of gloomy plots after a period of time.

It's good for Euphemia in the first season, Shari, Lolo in the second season, and the finale of Lelouch in the end.

But what I have to say is that abuse goes to abuse, but when the plot portraying these characters is played, it is undoubtedly the moment when this animation is popular.

The impact of Lolo's death has a greater influence on the fan community than the story of Xia Li's tragic death in the past few weeks.

After all, Xia Li is in the Lelouch fan group on the plane of the Dragon Kingdom, and there are not many female fans. Most female fans still support cc and Karen, but Lolo is different.

Men and women take it all, and because of this, on the night when episode 19 was broadcast, Lolo's death was unsurprisingly topped by hot searches on the Internet. For this kind of thing, people in the two-dimensional circle are already used to it. .

After all, Mr. Shuixin, if something happens within a few weeks, it is not him anymore.

However, the next day, after opening the new mannet, the full screen full of short videos about Luo Luo's secondary creation material did make everyone feel depressed again.....

Originally, after reading this statement last night, it was very uncomfortable. These up masters always made these things out.

And open the major mobile browsers to check the news of the two-dimensional circle. It is also a large piece of Lelouch's plot analysis post and the article of Lolo role analysis.

For Shuixin fans, this situation will feel normal, but for non-Shuixin fans, they will look dumbfounded when they see this situation.

Is it so good-looking? This animation! I always come here every few weeks. This time it's even more exaggerated. Whether it's the added group or the two-dimensional website that I browsed, there are discussions about this animation everywhere. This group of editors seems to have left that. Shui Xin's has nothing to write.

Chu Yu has developed in the animation industry until now. There are indeed not many people who have not heard of his name, but there are many people who know him, but they have always been not interested in his works. However, in this animation environment, many people are all right now. Shaken, after all, if you don't make up, there will be no common chat topics with good friends.

As for the media that they complain about, they always mention Chu Yu's work. Is there nothing to write about? To a certain extent, it is interesting. After all, they write other things and no one reads... ...

However, from the perspective of industry insiders in the animation industry, the rebellious Lelouch's work at this time is no longer excellent, but a little scary.

They have all been broadcast to this late ending stage. Normally, the animation plot will become procrastinated, and the stamina for the increase in popularity will gradually become weak.

But now...Everyone has a foreboding that the popularity of the rebellious Lelouch will increase in the follow-up......now in the Dragon Kingdom animation industry, no one dared to predict the rebellious Lulu. What will be the final result of Lu Xiu...

It is now very close to breaking through the set average of 17 million, but there are still six weeks before this animation will end... How far can it go?

Not to mention these people in the industry and the media want to know, even Chu Yu himself wants to know.

After all... in the parallel world, the most interesting plot of this work is its ending.

Otherwise, Gu Yan would not worry that in the rebellious Lelouch's last words, Chu Yu's arrangement of the plot in this way would cause fan riots.

This kind of plot of Luoluo's lunch box can touch many fans for a while, but after all, this character didn't have many fans before this story... But Lelouch was different.

Now that there are tens of millions of people who follow this animation in Longguo, it can be said that 100% of them are watching Lelouch or CC.

She had read the script of Chu Yu's last episode, and she was very suspicious that after that episode was broadcast, would these fanatical Lelouch fans really lose control of their emotions and ran home to give him blades.

She was worried, after all, this kind of thing, if it is not done well, the fans will be named as unfinished.

Lulu Xiu's works of this level are labeled with this kind of label, and it will undoubtedly have a huge impact on Chu Yu's animation career. There are quite a number of fans who support Chu Yu. Once Chu Yu is slightly surprised, Become a black fan right away...Of course, it is possible that fans will think that it is a **** ending. After all, Gu Yan was really moved by this ending... She personally feels very risky. Big.

But after talking to Chuyu, it seems that this guy has no intention of changing, and she can only sigh and pray that fans will be more tolerant by then.


In the next few days, the rebellious Lelouch's enthusiasm remained unabated, although Chu Yu still worked normally every day.

However, the activity of Lelouch's fans caused by Lolo's plot did not stop as usual. Instead, new fans were constantly attracted. After the pit animation, new fans were attracted to the pit. .......

Seeing this situation, Chu Yu could only sigh with emotion. It is worthy of "Rebellious Lelouch!" Only this level of animation can set off such a trend in the Dragon Kingdom.

And the rebellious Lelouch's average broadcast volume has also officially broken through the 17 million mark in the past few days.

In the Longguo animation industry... This is a historic moment when new animation works have touched this achievement after twelve years.

Regarding this matter, it goes without saying that the two-dimensional media of the Dragon Kingdom are rushing to report.

Since the airing of Chapter 19, the entire animation environment public opinion is all about the rebellious Lelouch's work...

On the other hand, the third season of White Album 2 and the ninth episode were also broadcast, and the plot took a turn for the worse. In the eyes of the Snow Vegetable Party, the male protagonist is undoubtedly a total scum, who has neither broken up with Snow Vegetables, However, the emotional tension with Dongma and Sadi is very rapid. They are lonely and widow, living next to each other. Needless to say, what will happen~www.mtlnovel.com~ These two people are not only mentally, but even the last bottom line. Have broken through......

This plot made almost all the snow vegetables party almost vomiting. Although there was a break-up cannon plot in the first season, it was finally the finale. Everyone can bear it, but now... I gave the snow vegetable ring... and now... the two are ready to come again. When the last concert of Kassa ends in January, the two will Completely break up... But then... I believe you a ghost, you bad old man Shuixin...

But for the Winter Horse Party, the plot is really great, although during the animation process, as long as you think of the snow vegetables, you will feel pressure in your heart inexplicably, and the feeling of depression will rise..... . I always think in my heart, what should I do if Xue Cai ran into the two of them? However, the interaction between the hero and Dongma made everyone feel heartache, and also felt heartache for the simple but elusive relationship between the two...

The male protagonist turns into a scumbag, but when you change yourself up, facing these two female protagonists, it is estimated that you will have to get blind. How to choose this is too difficult...

In the ninth episode of the third season of White Album 2, there is a lot of information, and the playback data is also gratifying, but after all, bad luck, Lelouch's popularity is just as rising, and it completely suppresses her.

At the same time, Jojo's bizarre adventure plot also entered a duel with Vanilla.

So far, Chu Yu's three works have all entered the later stage of the plot.

And the following plots of these three works are all plots that make fans more uncomfortable.

Chu Yu felt that his situation of being scolded by fans might last a little longer.