I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

After entering May, Chu Yu became even busier.

The Tianji Comics Club is indeed very powerful. After Jojo Comics showed its due potential, TV, Internet, community, bookstores......we desperately carried out large-scale publicity for Jojo Comics.

Qin Bei didn't have any bad ideas because Chu Yu was about to finish the main comics of Jojo. On the contrary, he won more publicity funds for Jojo Comics. It was completely in accordance with the standards of the three major comics of Tianji Comics. Coming...

Of course, the title of the three major comics of the Tianji Comics Club is now outdated. To be precise, the four major comics are more accurate.

After jojo's bizarre adventure, he stabilized the top three positions of the Xuanjing Journal for several weeks, and stepped closer to the second-place Jie Xing...... Chu Yu's position in the Dragon Kingdom comics industry is considered complete. Stabilized.

Although it's only in early May, but according to the statistics of the comic sales rankings for the first year of this year, the four major comics of Tianji Comics, including Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, are all in the top ten of the list.....

The senior management of Tianji Comics is very satisfied with this result. This is also the first time since the establishment of Tianji Comics in the mid-year statistics, the sales volume of four comic books has been in the top ten.... The rise of .jojo and the influx of Chuyu animation fans are not only good results, but also the weekly circulation of the Xuanjing periodical has also increased significantly.

And the other big comic company, Water Hedgehog Comics, which competes with Tianji Comics for the Dragon No. 1 Comics Company... They are more depressed. This comics also has four popular comics under its banner... ..... However, so far this year, the four works under the Water Hedgehog Comics Club, as a result of statistics, this year only three works ranked in the top ten in single book sales......and last year, it The four most popular comics are among the top ten single book sales throughout the year.

This situation surprised everyone... After all, in the past, the three comics of Tianji Comics and the four comics of Water Hedgehog basically won the top ten single-volume comic book sales of the year. For a few years, they have not dropped. It has been published, this is also the background of these two comics, but now, the sales volume of the lagging comic is ranked eleventh, and the bizarre adventure of Jojo of Shuixin, on the list for the first time, but ranked sixth. .....

Of course, the top ten comics sold are all monster comics with an average sales volume of more than 4 million copies. After so many years of accumulation in the parallel world, the two comics Ghost and Pirate can achieve this kind of performance. Country... Because of environmental factors, it is indeed a lot more.

And although the sales volume of jojo comics has exploded during this period, the average sales volume of its main volume reached 3.8 million copies of jojo in a short period of time, which seems a bit out of place among these works. However, the average sales volume of jojo comics has not yet been fully completed. However, Chu Yu updated two words a week. The speed of selling six or seven volumes of single-volume books a year has increased its total sales. The total sales volume this year is close to 19 million copies.... ...Abruptly rushed to sixth.

Let the industry sigh that Shui Xin not only has a monster-like talent, but also has a monster-like efficiency.

This kind of manga update that lasts two chapters a week for a long time can still have the energy to create animation?

Except for these two comics, the top ten single-volume works have not changed from the past.

And although it is only the sales of comic book books in the first five months, it cannot determine the sales ranking of comic books for the whole year, but...Jojo's sixth place is very intriguing.

In the first half of the year, its sales were all the same. Normally in the second half of the year, how could it be impossible to count the top ten for the whole year........The comic book that Water Hedgehog fell behind will probably be re-created in the second half of the year. Come back, and wait until the end of this year, last year's single book sales volume in the top ten comics.....Whoever falls behind this year, who will be embarrassed....Definitely be the dragon country comics industry The media took out to whip the corpse.

Although there are often such things as falling behind in the comics industry, there are so many comics with collapsed plots, but in the past, middle-aged people competed there... But this year, Facing Shui Xin is younger than their son. A young cartoonist whose daughters are both small...I really lost, it really doesn't look good.

Also because jojo comics are now completely rising and their status is solid, during this period of time, there have been more and more programs and commentators discussing jojo comics.

Among them, Ye Chun, the hapless baby, was taken out to whip the corpse again.

Although Chu Yu doesn't even think of him anymore, the media has always been more enthusiastic about this kind of thing.

At the anniversary of the Tianji Comics Club a year ago, Ye Chun also laughed at the low popularity of Jojo comics at that time. Unexpectedly, in less than half a year, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure comics soared in popularity and became one of the top comics in the Dragon Kingdom. .

Judging from the current performance of jojo comics, it shouldn't be a problem for the final volume to sell more than 5 million. On the contrary, Ye Chun jumped to the comics serialized by Xuangui Comics in the past.... Although the results Slightly better than the predecessor of Tianji Comics, Koe, but with an average volume of more than 2.7 million. If the serialization time is longer and lasts for three to five years, maybe this work will become the first in his life. A single book sales of more than three million comics.....This gap....too big to say~www.mtlnovel.com~ So these shows talk about this matter, comic reviews are full of joy. Yes, with a look of gloat, Shui Xin has a bad memory and is fine. We people have a good memory and are good at slapping others. After all, doing this kind of thing has the highest ratings.

By the way, Liu Ling, the editor-in-chief of Xuangui, isn't this guy, does Jojo have such a big picture? I also ridiculed...

Therefore, both Ye Chun and Liu Ling were in a bad mood during this period, and each had its own pressure...


Then there is Shui Xin's original declaration of summit, which is now in May, and it has reached the July deadline as Shui Xin said in just over a month.

The popularity of Jojo comics nowadays is indeed very close to Jiexing, but the first shattered era of the Tianji Comics Club... is definitely the king's manga of the Tianji Comics Club. For so many years, no manga has reached the top. After that, it took the top spot in popularity from it, and never once...

Can Shui Xin, a genius who cannot be guessed by common sense, break the six or seven-year dominance of the Era of Disappearance in Tianji Comics?

Discussions on this topic have been quite popular among these comic comment shows and Chu Yu fans during this period.

And Chu Yu is really busy these days

At the request of the Tianji Comics Club, a one-line autograph session was held for several consecutive days in various areas of the magic city.

For this kind of activity, Chu Yu always stayed away. After all, the fans were too enthusiastic and couldn't finish the signing if the hand sign was broken.

However, at this critical moment, Chu Yu also gave up, but the enthusiasm of the fans is really hard to resist.