I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

In terms of status and achievements in the comics industry, Long Guo is much better than Chu Yu, but in terms of author's popularity......he is definitely the top of the top.

I know that real people can see Shui Xin, have autographs, and take photos...not only comic fans, those animation fans also come from bee pupae.

You can imagine an 80-point cute girl dressed as a cc, with a cute face, when she handed over the jojo comic booklet to Chu Yu and asked for a signature, her mouth was a rough male voice.

"Teacher Shui Xin, I am your five-year male fan, can you sign me," Shui Xin loves Fan Xian! "Is it? Fan Xian is me..."

And there are quite a few women of this kind, Natsume Reiko in Natsume's Friends' Book, Motoko Honma in Unheard of Flower Name, Lianma Monkey Shochu Five-color Team, Kamen Maru, Sayaka, Akomi Homura... ...When the women's elder cos all appeared collectively, Chu Yu was stunned.

I also looked at the staff of Tianji Comics for a moment. Is this still a comic signing event? Why are all the demons and monsters coming out? Is this a fan of the great genius Shui Xin in the Dragon Kingdom animation industry? It's really the best!

The problem is, although these people are all men, one is more beautiful than one, and it is the kind of level that you will blush when you look at you without speaking...Of course, some people are pure hobbies, some are just The host of women's clothing itself took this opportunity to record video or live broadcast.

The entire comic signing event was like a cos conference, and the bold cos of true fans can be seen everywhere....

No matter what, today's Chu Yu is completely ruined.....

There are big ladies in women's clothing, and big men in men's clothing are naturally indispensable. Among Chu Yu's fans, there are quite a few young ladies. For example, a girl who is a cos-summer girl, except for a thinner body, is really a beauty in the flourishing age... ..... Chu Yu looked amazing.... I sighed that there are so many talents in the two-dimensional circle. Gu Yan should also participate and teach friends!

Of course, after all, it's the jojo comics signing event. There are so many female fans in this comic, and there is also a cos Seitaro's sister who has made Chu Yu a deep influence. She is really 1.9 meters tall, and she is also really strong. The kind that killed ten Chu Yu...

However, they are women.....

The venue that Tianji Comics had originally reserved was enough. When the signing ceremony was going on for a while, it became as crowded as a commuter bus... If it weren't for the security guards, Chu Yu would sit there. There is no space for signing.

This kind of activity has been coming for a few days... Chu Yu is real, and his body is hollowed out!

The whole person is sluggish...Just that, he has to take into account his daily manga and animation work, and do his work well on time.

Tired, but there is no way.

After all, if you want to achieve fame, status, money and system rewards, these processes are necessary, you can only clenched your teeth!

Chu Yu now only wants to go to May and June quickly. The three works are over, and the school has graduated. He will have a good time!


In terms of effectiveness, these activities conducted by Tianji Comics are indeed very good, but this is not to say how powerful the activities themselves are.

After all, it was only a signing event in the magic capital area. Although there were many people coming, compared to Chu Yu's huge number of fans, these were just a drop in the bucket.

But the problem is that there are a lot of people watching the live webcast, and for these things, Tianji Comics has its mature one-stop promotion process. When you swipe your phone, what is the "cute ladies at the Water Heart Manga show" Secret!" After a post or article with this kind of title, maybe the editor of this article has received half of the money from Tianji Comics? This is also the benefit of relying on large companies...

Chu Yu wants to make Jojo comics reach the top to prove himself, and Qin Bei is the same. Although Qin Bei has no sense of crisis in the July deadline for jojo's summit, after all, jojo ends in June, not in July. Is it important? There is really not much time left...

Moreover, Tianji Comics is not just as simple as letting Chu Yu cooperate in the event.

At the same time... After the Tianji Comics Agency arranged for the production, it also quickly produced some promotional videos about Chu Yu, documentary highlights and so on, which were simultaneously released on Xinman.com.

After all, for pure propaganda works, many pink and tender whites will resist, "No matter how violently you propagate, I just won't read this comic!"

Another way of thinking is to make these people interested in Shuixin... Then naturally these people will also transfer their interest in Shuixin to his works.

Some people may think that these things are useless, and the popularity of the works is not rising. Is it useful to rely on recording some program documentaries? But there are many such examples around, at least in the parallel world, before a certain Kun's chicken is too beautiful, how many people know about him, although it is an example, they have to admit that these things...

Like Tianji Comics, under the promotion of Xinman.com, Weibo account, and major media, the "Daily of Cartoonist Shuixin!" documentary produced by the photography team they found immediately attracted the attention of a large number of Chu Yu fans and passersby. ....

In fact, among the young people who pay attention to Chu Yu, some people pay attention not to Chu Yu's works at all, but to him as a person.

It's like a professional team player in the League of Legends. As long as they are young and good-looking, there will be a large group of fans paying attention to them... Even if these fans may not even play a game, they even have hero skills. I don't know, but this does not prevent them from watching the game and fans.

Like the current situation of Chuyu, although it was not his intention, the Internet is like this. Last year, Modu named him the outstanding young man of the year. Last year, he made a small appearance on the list of the richest young people. Chu Yu has the kind of idol aura of the rise of common people!

For Chu Yu's anime and comic fans, the documentary produced by Tianji Comics is interested in the part of the creative process of Teacher Shui Xin, but for others, they are concerned about... .... Why did this guy get to this point?

The rich second generation asked the family to take money to start a business successfully. Some people would say that they rely on a good family background, but the success of Shui Xin... makes many of these sprays speechless.

However, after the broadcast of this documentary, Chu Yu fans still got caught up in the circle...

In the documentary, at the beginning, Chu Yu's high school teacher and high school classmates were interviewed. The high school teacher praised Shui Xin as a clever boy. Chu Yu's classmates said that they knew this guy Jin Lin was in the pool when she was in high school. Things...

Chu Yu almost couldn't recognize the acquaintances who hadn't seen each other in the past few years..... In class, he liked to ask him to stop and say he was stupid teacher, and the high school classmate who Chu Yu once thought was a god, yes. Is his evaluation like this?

After all, Chu Yu was only involved in his own part of the recording, and Tianji Comics was not interested in looking for other people to collect material.

However, the girlfriend looked at it with gusto, with slender and white legs crossed on the sofa, looking at the tablet computer, and knocking melon seeds in his hands, just like an old monk fishing...

"Are you so good in high school?" The girlfriend looked at Chu Yu.

"All nonsense, I have a scum from high school, but it's not wrong to be smart... This teacher has fined me at least thirty times to stand... Then I was interviewed. The classmate is even more amazing. He lives on campus, and there is no shampoo for washing his hair. I borrowed the dish soap to wash my hair........three times, the problem is that his family is still rich, think Thinking about my high school career, there are so many weird things around!" Chu Yu explained.

Watching my own history recording videos like this is still inexplicably interesting, but Tianji Comics must have discussed with these people, and try to beautify him.

Something is not true... Chu Yu sighed.

But for Chu Yu's foundations, they don't think so at all. After all, it is the teacher of Shui Xin, who started to be excellent in high school. Isn't this taken for granted?

After that, there is the normal title content, the cartoonist Shui Xin's day.

Woke up in the big house, and went to work after breakfast with a beautiful girlfriend, and then...

Just two manga assistants in the studio?

real or fake?

Zhou Geng has two comics, just two assistants?

Normally this kind of big cartoonist is not around more than six or seven assistants, and he has to die for one manga a week!

what's going on?

Fans who know a little about the cartoonist industry don't believe it!

The question the photographer had when interviewing Lin Fan was even more outrageous.

"Ms. Shui Xin Zhou Geng two comics, do you feel tired as assistants?"

"Tired? Never felt...Compared with being an assistant to other cartoonists before, it's a lot better! After all, Mr. Shui Xin is very attentive to his work, and many things are not given to us. It's all done by ourselves. It's just some tedious and untechnical stuff. It's our job!"

"You said yes..... Two cartoons a week. Ms. Shuixin does most of the work by himself?" The photographer himself was a little confused!

"Roughly the same!"


The next time the screen turned, it was when Chu Yu was drawing a manga......

The brush in his hand is like flying, so cool, the fans are stunned.

The passers-by were also shocked, almost thinking that there was another master of ink shooting in Jianghu, but the problem is that on the drawing paper...the expressions of the characters appear one by one...

The audience in front of the computer was stunned.

Really fake, real fake?

Even if the speed is fast, why not make a mistake?

It's like normal people often make mistakes when they write quickly, and the same goes for drawing comics, but in the screen, the actions of Teacher Shui Xin...what the hell? Human flesh copier?

The problem is that there is no mistake in composing the picture at such a fast speed... and, this look... is too focused!

"You are really amazing!" Gu Yan looked at Chu Yu's focused eyes in the video.

Other things may be learned by others, but this degree of concentration really cannot be learned.

Hearing Chu Yu said that sometimes when he draws comics seriously, he yells in his ears without moving his eyelids.

However, this is the state when the system gives Chu Yu's manga skill specialization effect activated.

In Chu Yu's words, it was like a saint at that moment, no sadness or joy, no desire or desire, only comics in his eyes.

Otherwise, it is not efficient at all, and it is easy to make mistakes in painting. Two comics a week, every night talks.

But this thing is in the eyes of the fans who watch the video...How can it be so awesome?

They thought that this documentary was to see how Teacher Shuixin made his way to today through hard work~www.mtlnovel.com~ They didn't expect that it was all about Shuixin's magic tricks!

Of course, there is only one word for fans, awesome......

But for fellow cartoonists... there is one more word... Fuck!

Only a colleague can understand, what is Chu Yu's fairy operation?

Are you a human?

Everyone is a cartoonist, why are you so good?

Soon, the day is over, the night...

What will Teacher Shuixin do at night?

Conceive the plot?



When some familiar interfaces were revealed on the screen, the fans were stunned.

"I usually spend the night playing games..." Chu Yu said with a smile in the screen.

"It's true, isn't it the plot of the work?" the film crew asked.

"Conceiving the plot...that thing...Uh, ah, I'll conceive it before going to bed..."

"Just before going to bed?"


"So many works can be conceived before going to bed?"


"Can't you get stuck on the plot?"

"No, before going to bed, my mind is springing up!" Chu Yu said in the video.

Nonsense, who can't!


Chu Yu's answer makes people silent

So what is this!

What hard work do we want to see? Not at all!

If Ms. Shuixin does this every day, playing games at work and after get off work, and achieves what he has achieved now, then he is really a monster, relying purely on talent and hard work.