I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Fans of Chu Yu who came to watch this documentary originally just wanted to come and see how Shui Xin's mind is exhausted, and how hard-working he is to create so many high-quality animations in just a few years. works....

However, what these expectant fans see... is just the waywardness of genius.

Do you say that Ms. Shuixin has a heavy workload?

That's right, it's too big, Chu Yu's daily workload can't be obtained by ninety-nine percent of the cartoonists in the Dragon Kingdom.

After all, the systematic manga skill specializes in this skill, making Chu Yu a ruthless manga drawing machine. Although it is not 100% correct, after all, the computer will have bugs, let alone the human body, but compared to others. The efficiency of cartoonists in drawing cartoons is comparable to the difference between Porsche and Porsche.

For this reason, in the documentary, when the photographer filmed Chu Yu's comics, the barrage of the entire website video was silly. Fans looked at Chu Yu as if they were a god, but in general, everyone Still feel that it is within the acceptable range.

Just like ordinary people typing, typing three or four crosses in one minute is fine, but some people can type more than 500 words accurately in one minute, and it's a pity that such people don't write novels..... ....

Although the latter seems very ridiculous, it is always in this world, there are too many capable people, so everyone can only say with emotion about Chu Yu's strange behavior of tentacles. This guy is really a **** manga genius, not only in the plot. In terms of conception, even in terms of painting...

But because of this, even though Chu Yu's workload is very large, everyone feels that his day... is quite leisurely under the efficient work of Chu Yu.

Get up at 7 or 8 in the morning, which is similar to ordinary office workers, and then if there is no emergency, you can go home at 5 or 6 in the afternoon, and in most cases on weekends, you can make time for yourself.

The favorite game, League of Legends, has a mosaic in the documentary, but it can have two or three thousand matches, and then can travel in the silver section. It can be seen that the teacher Shui Xin won the rookie and... ..laid back.

The most difficult thing for everyone to accept is that the photographer asked Mr. Shui Xin to meditate on the plot while sleeping. What if the plot is unsuccessful if he has no inspiration.

And the sentence of Teacher Shui Xin...

"This kind of thing has never happened..."

Let the crowd of cartoonists and cartoon assistants watching this documentary, as well as those fans who are still in middle and high school and have dreams of moving closer to cartoonists in the future, can't say a word.

This... is so irritating, many practitioners can't think of the plot after scratching their hair for a few hours, and the comics have to be edited to block the door once a week, and the Internet is confiscated, so that they can barely manage it. The task is complete...and Teacher Shuixin this...

Of course, seeing this, some passers-by in the barrage are spraying this documentary, which is fake, and was filmed to beautify the heart of the water.

However, Chu Yu also said in the documentary, "After this thing is released, many people may not believe it, but it does not matter. Believe it or not will not affect the quality of my work anyway! Just treat it as if I am bragging!" The sprayer can't find the spray spot either.

From Chu Yu's point of view, he is telling the truth. After all, it was Tianji Comics that was propagating him, right? There is no need to make any falsehood. In addition to the help of the system, he has made him a talented person, but he still presents other things. A true face of oneself.

But from the fans and passers-by...it was quite uncomfortable. For the first time, I noticed that there is such a big gap between people.

At the end of the documentary, the photographer ended with a question.

"What kind of achievement does Mr. Shui Xin think he can achieve in the end? Or what is the goal of his cartoonist's life?"

"Life goal..." Chu Yu really thought about this question before saying.

"I hope that the pinnacle work of my comic life will always be the next work!"

"Is it so powerful? One more question, do you think your lower work will be better than Jojo?" the videographer asked.

"If there is no accident, it should be!"

Chu Yu smiled and said these words, which is also the ending scene of this documentary.

After all, I still have to pretend to be forced occasionally. Although Chu Yu hasn't started smoking what the lower works are, this does not prevent him from pretending to be forced.

This is the end of the often forty-minute documentary.

For Tianji Comics, this is not the first time they have produced this kind of thing. Like Sun Man and Liu Cheng, the popular cartoonists of Tianji Comics, Tianji Comics has helped them produce several of these things.

After all, we have entered the Internet age. In addition to being interested in works, comics fans also have considerable interest in the authors of the works.

But these things, normally speaking, are only the attention of diehard fans. Although Chu Yu is special, because he is young, and because of the concentrated production of excellent works in a short period of time, his popularity in the second dimension world remains high.

But Tianji Comics did not expect that once UU Reading www.uukanshu.com was put on the Internet, it was even more popular than they expected.

A large group of Chu Yu fans were attracted to watch the video to pay homage to the "ordinary" daily life of Teacher Shui Xin.

It's just that many people sigh after reading it, this is not ordinary...

Whether it's the one that is not expensive for the teacher Shuixin in the video, based on last year's income, he can buy it in only half a month... It seems that the villa of the magic capital is not worth mentioning. , Or the beautiful voice actor who lives together, or the painting technique of hanging up to the sky, and the outrageous sleeping meditation skills of plotting the plot.

All this clearly reminds the fans of Shui Xin that the ordinary daily life of geniuses is how magical to ordinary people.

But the problem is that although teachers Shuixin are not humble in many places, people don't hate Mr. Shuixin's words.

On the contrary, many people think that such a Shuixin teacher is very real...

Then there is the last sentence of Teacher Shui Xin, no accident, the lower part of the work will exceed jojo.

Jojo is now the third overall pick of Tianji Comics, and the most popular vote in the latest issue is very close to the second place.

One is a popular comic with little fluctuation in popularity over the past few years, and the other is a comic that is on the rise. The two comics are close in popularity, and the answer is easy to draw whoever wins in the end.

No one can say whether jojo can reach the top of the Tianji Comics Club. Now, but Mr. Shuixin's words are equivalent to setting up a top of the Tianji Comics Club for his lower work

Although Chu Yu in the documentary has a soft tone, the meaning of the words and the self-confidence revealed... all made these Chu Yu fans enthusiastic.