I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

"So, during this time, is Teacher Shuixin more active than before!"

"Indeed, whether it is works or people, the frequency of seeing them on the Internet is much higher than before."

"It may be that the editors of these websites of Longguo finally see clearly who is in c in the animation industry now, and they all ran to report on Teacher Shui Xin!"

"You can't say that. The comics industry teacher Shui Xin still has a long way to go, and the animation industry is indeed the case. Last year, and from the beginning of this year to the present, works that can compete with Shui Xin teacher, one Neither is there. The summer animations that are currently being broadcast have only 4.7 million views in the best episodes... Judging from the usual data, this work is already pretty good. Six or seven million is not a dream, but compared with the animation of Teacher Shui Xin, which has played more than ten million in four or five episodes, the gap is too big..."

"Watching the documentary of Teacher Shui Xin, I really can't believe that works like Lelouch and Madoka Magica were conceived by him after playing the game and before going to bed!"

"Although it sounds illusory, it seems to be the case, otherwise Teacher Shui Xin will be filled up all the other time, and there will be no time to do this kind of work."

"But it's still hard to imagine, like Xia Li, Lolo's death, the dark plot in the magic circle, the sadistic love triangle in White Album 2, Teacher Shui Xin thinks about this before going to bed, can he sleep? I anyway After seeing his works, I really couldn't sleep that night. It was more refreshing than drinking coffee."

"I don't know, maybe Teacher Shuixin has no intentions!"

"Anyway, I just clicked in with a look of expectation, and ran out with a look of stunned expression. I guess it is not only me, but also the cartoonists in the Longguo comics industry. The two assistants laid hands and meditated before going to bed to conceive the plot and created it. Natsume's Friends Book, initial D, and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure are three popular comics. The most outrageous thing is that there are two more stories in the week."

"Isn't this thing on Weibo's hot search in the past two days? The hot search term is a daily comparison between geniuses and ordinary people. It is a secondary processing video of the master of "up". It is written by the teacher Shuixin and the master of "up" cartoonist. The contrast makes me laugh!"

"I have also watched this video, but after watching the daily life of ordinary cartoonists like the up master, I really feel how good Teacher Shui Xin is... It's not very tiring, but you see how the up master is exhausted with only about half of the workload of Teacher Shui Xin, I feel that I can't touch Mr. Shui Xin anymore!"


On the Internet, whether it is Chuyu or his works, the discussion has risen a lot during this period.

As for Chu Yu, compared to before, he became more popular on the Internet. Weibo fans continued to grow, and they were almost breaking the 11 million mark.

However, during this time, Chu Yu's mood finally relaxed.

After all, his three works have achieved good results during this period.

After the tenth episode of the third season of White Album 2 was broadcast, the storm caused by Bai Xue in the first season of the whole work reappeared.

Fans can see that the third season of Mr. Shui Xin's White Album 2 can be regarded as a determined Fu Dong Ma, these two guys, even if they betrayed Xue Cai and played underground love, they would go on a trip together?

Moreover, the plot in the animation... In the first season, the night of the combination of Dongma and Kitahara, although it is a welfare, the fans are also very worried.

But now the ninth and tenth chapters are too cheating.

Although there are many welfare pictures, why... there is no sense of excitement at all, and my heart is full of depression?

Not only does the Snow Vegetable Party feel this way, but even the Winter Horse Party can't stand it.

Winter is in position, but they are not happy at all!

Instead, I watched the plot of Dongma and Haruki Kitaon in the animation a bit like an elopement, and sighed while watching...

That's right, this kind of psychology is typical of leaving home psychology, and people with a strong sense of substitution have already complained on the Internet.

In the twentieth words of the rebellious Lelouch, Lelouch's mother Marianne appeared, CC memory was restored, and Xia Lulu activated the ancient system again in an attempt to achieve his crazy goal.

Lelouch lost the Black Knights, lost Nanali, was alone with a mortal heart, and found Xia Lulu. In the different space created by Xia Lulu's control system, the two fathers and sons face each other, and the space Lelouch's entrance was blown up by Lelouch. He was ready to... die with his father!

Although the plot of Chapter 20 is not as shocking as Lolo's death, there are a lot of foreshadowings in the previous plot, filling in a lot, and the fans are stunned.

But no matter what, fans have also noticed that the call for this animation is about to end, Teacher Shui Xin seems...not ready to start the third season of Lulu Xiu, otherwise the plot will not be so tightly arranged.

Given the amount of plot, the general animation works must not be released with three or five words, how can they be all squeezed in these words?

After fans realized this, a more serious problem emerged... How will the ending of Lelouch be arranged?

This animation has not been finished yet, but it is undoubtedly a well-deserved work in the hearts of many fans.

At least, so far, the rebellious Lelouch has not appeared in the plot that disappoints fans.

But for an animation to be truly recognized as a masterpiece, a perfect ending plot is essential.

Judging from the scheduled length of a rebellious Lelouch, there are five stories in the plot.

In these five words, Lelouch, Suzaku, from Lelouch's mother Marianne in the second season 20 episodes~www.mtlnovel.com~ father Shaluru, cc, everyone of the Black Knights... ...

The ending of these guys, Teacher Shui Xin must all consider...

A feeling of reluctance and anxiety gradually haunted the Lelouch fans.

In response to this phenomenon, Huang Ming naturally keeps pace with the times.

After discussing with Chu Yuyi and directly targeting the rebellious Lelouch's second season ending, a show was also recorded, and the production team members and a large group of Lelouch fans were invited to discuss this matter in the form of question and answer.

Although everyone in the animation studio who participated in the production of this animation knows the ending of the rebellious Lulu Xiu, they dare not disclose the slightest because of the confidentiality agreement, and this kind of show is obviously entertainment-oriented.

As for Gu Yan, who Huang Ming invited to record a video in the past, she would mess up, and everyone didn't dare to speak, she said directly...After all, Chu Yu loves to do things like this, and she , Be regarded as helping Chu Yu to do this kind of thing!

"The ending of the rebellious Lelouch can only be described in four words...Unforgettable for a lifetime!"

The fans of the other staff in the copy's animation studio are not very interested, but what they said to Chu Yu's girlfriend Gu Yan...

Is it such an exaggeration?

But the more exaggerated Gu Yan's words, the more itchy fans' hearts, what will be the unforgettable ending?

Although the possibility is very low, it must not be a declaration before the end

There are many such things in the history of Long Kingdom animation. Before the end, the ending is touching, which will definitely satisfy the fans, but after watching it, it is an anticlimactic thing.

Everyone just hopes that Lulu Xiu will tell the story normally and finish it normally.