I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

After the time came to the end of May, the climate became extremely hot, and at first glance in the air, the ground under the scorching sun was a little distorted.

However, correspondingly, the two-dimensional industry is also extremely hot.....

In the middle of the year, various two-dimensional gatherings, comic exhibitions, and game conferences were held in Magic City one after another.

Chu Yu's girlfriend Gu Yan not only has to take care of the work of voice actors in major works, but also arranges for the company to perform on weekends.

Chu Yu often clicks on his mobile phone to watch live broadcasts while working.

After all, as a popular voice actor, he has a great temperament and image. Therefore, Gu Yan is also a very famous person in the second dimension of the Dragon Kingdom. Although he is far behind Chu Yu, at least.... More than half of the people in the live broadcast room that Chu Yu clicked on came to see Gu Yan's performance.

This situation is like Hanazawa Coriander, Kugimiya Rie, and Mizuki Nana in the parallel world. The people are beautiful and they speak nicely. Fans naturally love it.

It's a pity that the years are not forgiving. The big beauty Hanazawa Coriander also married as a wife. Kikiya Rie, a seiyuu who is famous for the role of Kikiya Shimoe, is now a forty-year-old aunt-level seiyuu. The years are indeed not forgiving. people.....

Chu Yu watched the live broadcast, and Gu Yan also came on stage and sang a recently-famous love animation theme song with a certain face value anchor...

The barrage in the live broadcast room is more funny!

"This is really seeing the light die. I have also praised the anchor who sang with the voice actor Gu Yan, so in this live broadcast room, it would be like this without a beauty filter..."

"Anchor, isn't it all like this, only by relying on the beauty filter to survive, otherwise, how can you trick everyone into eating instant noodles and reward her for the extra money?"

"No beauty, why is the gap so big?"

"It's hard to tell me a word. A female anchor who is famous for singing and dancing, was hanged by an animated voice actor in her appearance and singing. The only advantage is that she has good dancing skills, but her body shape is not good, so she can jump up and watch. There is no beauty... and the anchor's height is badly hurt... by Gu Yan's sister, two positions are crushed..."

"Envy Teacher Shui Xin's pit ratio, **** it! He looks mediocre, why can he chase such a beautiful girl!"

"According to the gossip, it seems that Gu Yan was chasing it down! On a certain talk show, Producer Huang was overwhelmed and shook out of it. Although he immediately stopped, he said most of the words. Say everyone knows what's going on!"

"Are beautiful girls with such bad eyesight?"

"You have the talent of Teacher Shuixin, you can also try it! Do you think sister Gu Yan is that kind of vulgar person? Good-looking skins are the same. She must have fancy Shuixin's interesting soul."

"I think my soul is more interesting, why don't you have a beautiful girl to communicate with me in depth!"

"How can it be repaired, I reject this marriage!"

"Everyone come with me, kill Gu Yan, grab the water dog! Don't let the cute teacher Shuixin indulge in the temptation of women, so that he can have four episodes of anime every week!"


This year's netizens are indeed very talented, they just look black at Chu Yu!

This group of people is hacking him on the Internet, do you think he is blind?

The two assistants on the side didn't know when they turned on their phones, they could see them there laughing!

"You two, what are you laughing over there, just started working!" Chu Yu said.

"Oh, boss, it won't matter if you watch it for a while, do you think these fans are talking about you? And... Seeing that the show scene is full of cos of a group of jojo fans, it looks like a sense of accomplishment! "

Lin Fan also understood Chu Yu's temper. Chu Yu would never care about the behavior of two people fishing occasionally.

"Yes, I really didn't expect that Jojo's comics will eventually reach this point. Mysterious Mirror Magazine ranked second. When I first entered the comics industry, my biggest dream was to be the ace of the Magic City Seven. A comic of his own was serialized in the journal..." He Sheng also looked excited.

"Then you still went to play after finishing your assistant work all day, and I haven't seen you have any plans for comics for such a long time!" Chu Yu returned his eyes to the phone and looked at Gu Yan.

Indeed, the female anchor next to Gu Yan is not bad, but it's a pity that this guy is in the same frame as Gu Yan, and there is a clear contrast, otherwise the barrage won't complain about her like this!

After all, after becoming famous, after the economic conditions were strong, Gu Yan's daily dress is more than one grade stronger than that during college. Just like those celebrities, they looked the same when they were young in school, but after work, change their style slightly. , The beauty value went up, and after living with Chu Yu, at least the whole person's temperament is very different from before!

"So, after we got along with you for a long time, we finally understood one thing..." Lin Fan vomited.

"What's the matter?" Chu Yu looked away from the live broadcast screen.

"Humans have limits..."

"Are you ready..." Chu Yu subconsciously said, "Isn't it?"

"Bah, baah, the two of us have clearly realized that we are just ordinary people!" Lin Fan said.

"Incomparable to the ultimate creature like you! To be honest, although the two of us have been in front of your boss and said that jojo will be successful, in fact, our two have been muttering for a long time, this work of jojo Will it be your first step towards the street...but..." Lin Fan smiled bitterly.

"Jojo's success has let us know that we are indeed limited...Even if this work is in our hands, until now, we are not very clear about how it is popular, just look at you one by one. Operate Sao, this work has become popular! So... you should be an assistant honestly! Anyway, being your assistant, the income is not low..."

"Compared to being a street manga, I don't know if the work can be serialized. It's hard to say that the serialized income is stable and unstable. Isn't it better to be the manga assistant of the second-ranked comics of Xuanjing Magazine?" He Sheng sighed beside him. One sentence.

"Not second... and soon first!"

Chu Yu felt a little pity in his heart, but I would add that these two painters are good painters. It would be a pity if they have been assistants!

But on the other hand, there are too many people with good painters in the comics industry. Painters are only the basics. The soul of comics is still the story. If there is really no good idea to pounce on the comics publishing house, it must be that the pounding grandma doesn't know it.

In the parallel world, on the painter, the one-punch man and the 100% psionic original author one painter are so scumbags, but the two works that can be called graffiti painting level for elementary school students are not popular, they are also animated.

And another well-known manga artist Ken Obata, he is definitely a genius player when it comes to painting, but he became popular after cooperating with Yumi Hota and the black book and Dream Eater. He has consolidated his position and worked with the two of them. He is responsible for painting, and the story is conceived by the collaborators... It can be seen that painters in the comics industry are obviously not a necessary condition for success, but a sufficient condition!

But before that, Obata Ken's position was very embarrassing. His ability to paint was unanimously recognized by the comics industry, but it was useless, and the conceived story was not good... Apprentice and Tsuki Nobuhiro, student Oda Eiichiro's wave Both Kekenshin and One Piece became popular in Japan, but when he was mentioned by others, he was called, oh, the teacher of Nobuhiro Wazuki. As for Oda, he was an assistant under Nobuhiro Wazuki in his early years, and his seniority was lower. ...

On weekdays, Chuyu often learns about the comic history and works of that world through the system, so it is hard to say anything about the choice of the two assistants. Anyway, people are willing to help him finish the comics, what else can he say, it is too late to be happy.

"Boss, you are really confident, Xuanjing has reached the top! Even if only once, Jojo can climb the Xuanjing periodical. As manga assistants, we can blow this matter for a lifetime!"

For a moment, the thoughts in Chu Yu's mind were mixed, but the two assistants on the opposite table ~www.mtlnovel.com~ looked fantasy!

By now, neither of these two people know whether it is feasible for jojo to reach the top? You say it is impossible. From the nineteenth pick in the first episode, the achievements of climbing to the second pick in the first half of the year are all What is impossible to achieve?

But you think it is possible..... You have a guilty heart!

After all, this manga of Shattered Era can be regarded as the enlightenment book of the two manga careers. It has been traced back to the present from the high school period.....It was once thought to be the comic book of the gods in mind...

And now, they are only one step away from Killing the Gods. For Chu Yu, he believes that with Jojo's classic level, in the history of the Dragon Kingdom comics industry, it will be possible to exceed the Era of Disappearance. The only difference is whether it is Achieved during the serialization period, and won the Xuanjing first place to get the system reward. Chu Yu didn't dare to pack a ticket. After all, the serialization time was so short and the number of words was small... But this matter is for the two assistants. It's much more dreamy.

When I was hired to be Chu Yu's assistant, it was accidental, and I didn't think I could do it for long. Now I'm doing it, and I'm about to create a cartoon that ranks among the top five serial works of Dragon Kingdom at least at this stage.

"Forget it, don't think about it so much, hurry up and draw comics. During this time, work overtime and work more. After drawing the content of the final battle of jojo comics, we will rest next month. You go back to accompany your girlfriends. I'm the same, isn't it blissful!" Chu Yu spoke quickly, interrupting the two men's wandering.

It's enough to fish for a while... Chu Yu started to draw flatbreads, which worked well!

As soon as Chu Yu spoke, fighting spirit appeared in the eyes of the two assistants, and they soon entered the working state...
