I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

May 24th, Friday.

After a week, a new issue of Xuan Jing's comics was released.

After a week, thousands of jojo fans were vomiting blood and vomiting blood. Under Chu Yuweibo's jojo fans' grievances can summon Sadako...

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure comics Chapter 87 and Chapter 88 are finally updated...

Polunaev and Iqi, these two guys have gained countless fans this week. If many jojo fans under Chuyu Weibo leave a comment, if they paint the two guys to death, they will give up the comic...

In this way, under everyone's anxiety, the day finally came.

There are more people buying Xuanjing Periodicals in major bookstores than usual.

Although the total sales of Xuanjing Journals may not increase much as a result, at least many jojo fans don't want to wait to buy them after get off work when watching this issue of comics.

When many take-out guys took orders, they saw the comments and asked them to go to the bookstore to help bring a Xuanjing periodical.....makes them very confused! I've seen people who bring cigarettes, some who ask for a cover, and some who ask for comic books.

Is this generation of office workers really so lazy?

Of course, Wang Wenrong would definitely not do this kind of thing. She was honest and disdain to take advantage of this kind of small bargain. After all, the take-out fee is for the delivery of meals. As for the delivery of the comics... she gave it extra.

Including the purchase cost of the comics and the extra ten-long national currency running fee, a total of 40 yuan, just to see the latest issue of jojo comics at this noon....

Getting fascinated with jojo is only the most recent thing for her. It started when the wave of ghost and animal works of Mr. Shui Xin went viral on the Internet.. She only noticed this work.

To be honest, after reading this comic, she was really fascinated by Teacher Shui Xin's imagination that day.

How could Chengtaro be so cool, pretending to be such a tough guy, knowing he was going to be pretending, but he didn't feel the routine at all, but he was very excited.......and those weird How did you come up with the ability to stand for?

Is this the strength of the famous Shui Xin teacher in the second dimension world? Is it really different from the works of those old and pedantic elderly cartoonists?

But until last week, the first time she felt the tears for this comic was for Ikky. It was just a two-story plot. After the appearance of the dog, she felt very annoying, but it hit her soul... ....

What Jotaro, I don't know, Ikky...you are the most handsome!

So when Yiqi's life and death were unknown last week, she had posted dozens of private messages on Weibo, like teacher Shuixin, asking him not to draw Yiqi...

It's a pity that she didn't understand at all. When the Xuanjing Periodical was published last week, the periodical issued this week was already in print... Her request, not to mention that Chu Yu would not pay attention to it, even if he did. Too late to modify.

Therefore, when Wang Wenrong opened the Jojo comics... the plot continued to the end of the previous issue.

The center of the rotation of Vanilla Ace's dark space is empty...Poruna Lev hasn't seen him, so... is he dead, swallowed into nothingness by space .

As for Ikky, his body was hidden in the sand. Although he was seriously injured, at least...he was not dead!

Wang Wenrong has a heavy expression. Although she likes Ikky, Polunaev also likes it.... Is Teacher Shui Xin really ready to be a ruthless man? No way to survive.

But the next page of comics.... In the air, blood fell to the ground and fell in front of the ground where Vanilla Ace was standing....

Falling with one of the blood, there is sand...

what happened?

Wang Wenrong has a bad feeling in her heart...

Turn to the next page of comics, in the air, Ikky's stand-in, the Fool of Sand, wrapped Poluna Lev's body and hung him upside down in the air, avoiding Vanilla Ace's last blow... ...

But Ikky, who was seriously injured and overdrawn his last strength to save Polunaev, coughed up a mouthful of blood, and looked at Polunaev and Ace...

A smile appeared on the dog's mouth, and finally closed his eyes and fell to the ground......

In this scene, a whole page of comics was used as a close-up......The visual impact is unparalleled!

Ikky! ! !

Wang Wenrong held the comic book tightly with her fingers...

The wild dog has no determination and no noble soul, but the substitute is the embodiment of the soul. Ikky's soul has acted spontaneously...with his last life and strength, he protected Polunaev.

Obviously it doesn't do anything, save the last power, maybe it can wait until Chengtaro's rescue...Compared to death and abandoning companions, it can't do it.

Although it is a dog, its performance retorted Vanilla Ace's words of reprimanding it as a stray dog ​​without a soul.....

"Ikky, I told you to stop moving..."

Ikky's stand-in gradually dissipated, and the sand wrapped around Polunaev's body collapsed, and tears fell from the corner of his eyes, towards Vanilla Ais...

The icy disappearance, the loss of life...


With anger, Polunaev's silver chariot pierced his head with a sword taking advantage of Vanilla Ace's momentary absence. This is the opportunity Ikky has won for him with his life... ...Polunarev was sad, but he didn't miss it...

He crawled on the ground and looked at Yiqi's unmoved body with a sad expression!

Damn it, just die like this?

Wang Wenrong's heart collapsed, this Vanilla Ace, just died like this? How could he be so cheap?

"I just understand now, I actually like it very much..."

Seeing Polunaev's words, Wang Wenrong's eyes flickered with tears.

The pork chop rice in the mouth instantly loses its taste...

I'm not a human being, but you are a real dog!

Turn the page again... Vanilla Ais behind Polunaev's head was pierced by a sword...

But he was dying and sat up in shock, a whole close-up, almost scared Wang Wenrong to pee... Grass, is this a horror cartoon?

Why are you still alive?

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, but Polunaev seemed defensive.

In the following plot, explaining the reason, Vanilla Ais, who accepted the blood, became a vampire, immortal, afraid of the sun... so the head would never die if he was penetrated.

And Polunaev, who had guessed this fact, took advantage of the light of the setting sun that had not yet fallen, and gave him a sunbathing. After Vanilla Ais was pierced by Polunaev's sword, he was directly The sun burns to ashes...


That's great!


Wang Wenrong watched this story madly and yelled. The colleagues who were lying around the booth on the morning break looked at her with strange expressions.

What a beautiful girl, why is there a tendency to develop neurosis?

After awkwardly apologizing, Wang Wenrong ate a whole pork chop with one mouth~www.mtlnovel.com~ Although it was not as fragrant as before, it finally tasted.

Keep reading, but on the next page, in the comics, a gust of air rises, and under the light of the setting sun, it condenses into the appearance of a man and a dog...

Abudel, and Ikky lying on his body, floated to the sky, one person and one dog, Abudel fisted, Ikky looked back...Finally, he encouraged Polunaev to move on...

Maybe it was just Poluna Lev's illusion, or maybe the soul of one person and one dog appeared, but anyway...this scene made Wang Wenrong burst into tears again.

It's so sensational...Looking at the pork chop rice in front of you, it tastes like chewing wax!

You will pay me the money for the takeout!

Wang Wenrong has tears in her eyes, but she is not easy to vent her emotions. After all, colleagues in the company are on lunch break...

I can't eat it at all... The stomach that was originally hungry is already full by Shui Xin.

Shui Xin, this guy md can draw cartoons, understand jojo, a hot-blooded battle manga, why do you draw a hero group member dead? Everyone has gone through a lot of hardships and suffered hundreds of serious injuries. This kind of plot is not popular ?

Ikky is so handsome and so sensible, how can you bear it?

In this issue of the two jojo comics, she only saw this, she couldn't eat anymore, and couldn't read the rest of the content.

Turn on the computer, log in to Weibo, enter the account number, and prepare to send hundreds of private messages at noon today to curse Shui Xin Da Keng Bi

However, when she clicked on Shuixin to bring Weibo, she looked at it and the comment area was densely populated from top to bottom.

What is a comrade, what is moved, what is a united front, tears filled Wang Wenrong's eyes and she found home!