I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

On this day, before the bookstore opened, a large number of fans under Chu Yu's Weibo were already angering him.

This group of people are actually the owners and staff of various bookstores. Although the bookstore is not open, they got the periodicals in advance and learned about the content of this issue of Jojo comics.

However, the number of people in this group was relatively small at the time, and they were basically overwhelmed when they made their voices in the Chuyu Weibo comment area. However, as the journal was issued to noon now, a group of office workers and students took the time to buy the journal and read the content... ...

This group of resentful jojo fans is already overwhelming.......The comment area under Chuyu Weibo is now all occupied by this group of people.

Originally on weekdays, under Chuyu Weibo, the famous secondary apes on Weibo gathered underground. On weekdays, the main content of discussion was Lulu Xiu, secondly jojo, and then white album 2, very rarely. Part of it is here to promote their own Taobao store to sell around.

But at this time, if someone clicks in and takes a look, the overwhelmingly large area is all talking about Jojo's Bizarre Adventure comics, and in more detail, it is discussing Ikky...

"I, Nima, can't stand it anymore. This issue of jojo gave me a sore nose. I suddenly remembered the dog that had been with me for eight years. I watched it die..."

"This issue of jojo comics is really lethal to dog lovers, and the whole person is uncomfortable!"

"Teacher Shui Xin is so awkward that when he draws comics, he draws comics. Why is he still drawing so sensational. I think I have a high tear point, but I still can't help it."

"Yiqi, you are the most handsome, Teacher Shuixin, you are the ugliest!"

"It's the time to send the blades again, which I love to hear. Fortunately, I have been mentioning Teacher Water Heart's show operation. Although this comic has always been very happy in front of this comic, I am always afraid that Teacher Water Heart will not be able to prevent a wave. Now it seems... ...Totally useless! Should I be depressed or depressed...Ikky!!!"

"Damn it, why do I always feel hot in my eyes when I watch Teacher Shuixin's works? When this guy creates these plots, doesn't he feel heartache?"

"Strongly ask Teacher Shuixin to resurrect Yiqi and Abu Dudell in one sentence. I don't want to watch this kind of comics that can kill people!"

"Then brother, how did you see this place? In the prequel of jojo, Da Qiao directly sacrificed, and Xiza was also uncomfortable when he died... Until now, did you say that you don't like to watch sacrifices?"

"I don't care, I give a bad review for this issue of jojo! The good mood is all gone!"

"Strongly condemn Mr. Shuixin... Is Mrs. Shuixin having hatred with animals? In the previous plot, even if the innocent animals passing by died tragically, this time is good, Yiqi is dead and still dead. It must be so miserable!"

"After all, he is a warrior with love, a teacher named Shuixin with the title of Friend of Animals. Just get used to it. If you don't like the habit, just spray it... don't give me face!"


Under Chu Yu's Weibo, from noon to afternoon, and from afternoon to night...

More and more messages from jojo fans attracted a group of melon-eating people from the Dragonland animation industry to stop and watch.

Although almost every once in a while, Chu Yu Weibo looks like this, but such scenes are indeed something that people will never tire of.

The Tianji Comics Club received many phone complaints from people in the magic city on the same day, asking the comics club to let Chu Yu resurrect Yiqi in the follow-up plot.

After all, one can live from the prequel to the main story. If a cute dog like Yiqi wants to be resurrected, it is not something that Teacher Shuixin can arrange in two or three pages of plot length!

However, this kind of request is definitely unsatisfactory. After all, this comic will be finished in one month. The content of the subsequent comics is already in printing, so how can it be changed at will.

But Qin Bei, the editor-in-chief of Tianji Comics in the office, looked at the backstage data of various works in the comics, and his expression became more relaxed.

Originally, he thought that this week's jojo comics might arouse fans' resentment after the plot was produced. The collective negative reviews and the number of fan support in this issue was greatly reduced, but...the situation is completely gone. Develop like this.

It's only seven o'clock in the evening, and the network support data of jojo fans for this comic has surpassed the data for the whole day of the previous week...Of course, jojo fans will certainly not rise so exaggeratedly within a week. It can be said that the plot of this story completely forced those diving parties out.

Although everyone looked very depressed, but at the same time, fans also admitted in their hearts that the plot is very exciting...Ikki, a dog that everyone didn't like, was deeply imprinted in the hearts of jojo fans.


Qin Bei took a deep breath. Judging from his eyes, Chu Yu's portrayal of the characters in the work is simply amazing. Shan Yiqi, the dog, feels that he will never forget such a role for more than ten years.

Now he feels more and more that it was a wise choice to bring Chu Yu to Tianji Comics in person, and he is really grateful to Liu Ling, the editor-in-chief of Xuangui Comics, for not even giving a serialization opportunity for such a work. Chu Yu...otherwise ~www.mtlnovel.com~ With this young man's trouble-fearing character, I am afraid it is really impossible for him to quit...

It's just a pity that such a work will be finished in less than a month.....Oh! ! !

A trace of helplessness flashed in Qin Bei's eyes. If the author of Jojo was someone else, he would have sent someone to discuss with Chu Yu to expand the plot of Jojo's comics and turn this comic into a long-length comic that could be serialized for more than ten years.

If it really can be done, jojo this comic will definitely become another work in the history of the dragon country comics industry!

However, he knew exactly how Chu Yu and Xuangui fell out. In the end, it was the initial D that ended too quickly. The combination of Liu Ling's a bit of anger and Ye Chun's show operation caused Chu Yu and there to have a disagreement. .

Now that Qin Bei understands what happened, it is naturally impossible to repeat Liu Ling's mistakes, so Chu Yu said that it would be over, and he also simply agreed.

Again, Chu Yu is a person who is afraid of trouble and does not like to change. As long as Qin Bei does not engage in sorrow, other comics companies want to poach Chu Yu away again. The difficulty is absolutely endless. After all, you are against the same person. Salted fish boy, what can I do! Money offensive, future, drawing big pie? People don't care much, and even if Chu Yu is tempted by these things, other comics companies can't handle it!

The end of jojo is coming soon. Qin Bei is already thinking about how to help jojo as much as possible so that it can reach the top of the Tianji Comics Club in the final serialization time..... After all, seeing the data of this issue of jojo comics, he really saw such a trace in it.

Continuing this popularity growth rate, in the next month, jojo may really reach the top!