I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Regarding the turmoil caused by Iqi's death, it lasted a whole weekend, and fans only used the place of Chuyu Weibo to find some like-minded people.

In fact, they knew very well in their hearts that Teacher Shui Xin would definitely not adopt their complaints and suggestions.

After all, this man has been sprayed by everyone for so many years, and whoever has seen him when will change his plot because of these things.

Anyway, the character who was changed to death is still holding the knife, and the fans let him gg without any preparation!

However, after this issue of jojo, the jojo comic data disclosed by Tianji Comics has made it impossible for the Dragon Kingdom comics community to ignore it.

Not long after surpassing Bladewind to become the second most popular work in Tianji Comics, Jojo's popularity has exceeded that of Bladewind in all aspects.

Sure enough, the matter of climbing to the top is not to say, the current jojo's bizarre adventure is indeed very strong in catching up.

Although Liu Cheng, the author of Era of Disappearance, has an easy-going attitude to friends when talking about Jojo's bizarre adventures, it is normal for Unity to win or lose in comic creation.

However, he also made his debut as a genius cartoonist 20 years ago. From the beginning of the dragon country comics industry, the piracy was rampant, the creative environment was bad, the comic company did not agree with the bucket and ran away, and he often heard that comic manuscript fees were owed all the way. , Only climbed to its present position.

How could he let himself be surpassed by a young man casually, although this young man is not much stronger than when he was of the same age, and he is also the only genius in the group of genius cartoonists...

From his perspective, he can naturally see the excellence of Jojo's comics. Although he does not want to admit it, from an objective point of view, Jojo and his own comics have shattered the era. On the contrary, he prefers jojo.....

But in any case, since Chu Yu bluntly said that he was going to the top, he, the author of comics that had occupied the first place in the Xuanjing Journal for five or six years, could not be too salty.

The popularity of Tianji Comics is mainly determined by the support of its own journal fans.

Normally, Jojo's bizarre adventure has been serialized in Dragon Kingdom for a short time. Although the number of fans has exponentially increased after a wave of network transmission, after all, it is definitely worse than the era of Disappearance, which has been serialized for nearly ten years. some.

This is from the fact that the average sales volume of comic books in the Era of Disappearance is 6.8 million, and jojo is now only 4.9 million copies based on the latest data to know the gap.

Although the number of jojo fans is still growing rapidly, after a long period of time, it may not be able to catch up with the sales volume of Shattered Era.

However, the competition between jojo and it is in the present, not the future. I missed the serialization time of this last month. After jojo, even if the average sales volume of comics surpasses it, it does not make any sense, and the system does not issue rewards.

However, the ranking of journals determined by the system is something else. After all, only readers of Xuanjing Journals can affect this ranking.

From this point of view, this thing is equal to Chu Yu and all the cartoonists who publish works on it.

After all, with a weekly sales volume of 178 million, everyone who buys the periodical can watch all the comics in the periodical.

Therefore, the dispute between Chu Yu and Liu Cheng is not about the total popularity of the two works in the Dragon Kingdom, but only the support rate of the tens of millions of fans of the Xuanjing Journal...

Recently, after jojo's plot has entered a climax, the fan support rate of the work has suddenly increased in the journal of Nature Xuanjing.

But Liu Cheng is not a vegetarian. He basically doesn't do anything on weekdays, but after feeling the crisis brought to him by jojo, he also uses his major social accounts to call on the fans of his comics accumulated over the years to go to Tianji Comics. The official website supports him.

Regarding this, the Dragon Kingdom comics community has also been talking about it. After all, how many years have passed since Liu Cheng's Era of Disappearance occupies the top spot in the popularity of Tianji Comics. For so many years, I have never seen him ask fans. The manga that helped him in this way...and now...maybe you really feel the crisis!

For a big cartoonist like Liu Cheng, his fan base is unimaginable, and his appeal has completely turned the battle between the two most popular comics in Tianji Comics into a fierce battle.

For Liu Cheng, the number of fans in the Era of Disappearance is basically unlikely to change drastically. After all, it has been serialized for ten years. This comic is a household name among the Longguo comic enthusiasts. The popularity is due to quality reasons, not to mention that it can catch up with the parallel world. Exaggerated, but at least the level of the **** of death, people who are willing to enter the pit have already entered, and people who do not want to, they directly ignore it, even if the Tianji Comics Club spends money to promote it, the effect will be the same!

However, as soon as the author said something, many diving parties were still uncomfortable, and they left a message under Liu Chengwei. They will definitely not be a diving party in the next issue. After reading the comics, they will definitely vote for them. And these comments will be very exaggerated next time. And they... Now that they have said it, next time, they will definitely support it!

The major comic clubs in the comics industry all turned their attention to the Tianji Comics club.

Although Chu Yu's goal is to climb to the top of the sky and mix with a system of profit-saving rewards, outsiders don't think so!

Chu Yu's declaration to the summit was initially regarded as a dispute between Chu Yu and Ye Chunyi between two geniuses who are true and false, but now... there is no comic book with an average volume of 3 million. Ye Chun, who created it, and Shui Xin, Jojo's bizarre adventure author, who may have sold more than five million comic volumes next month...are not a cartoonist at all.

Everyone is too lazy to whip the corpse Ye Chun. Even if Shui Xin retires from Jinpen Washing his hands today, Ye Chun will not be able to surpass the results of Jojo's comics for a lifetime... The reality is so cruel. !

Everyone in the comics industry now regards Chu Yu's road to the top as a challenge to Chu Yu, perhaps the most genius comic artist in the history of the Dragon Kingdom comics industry, to the existing comics industry.

So after seeing that Jojo's bizarre adventure is really possible to reach the top, the title of the post edited by the editor of the animation area during this period has changed from the previous "Shuixin is young and frivolous, trying to challenge the **** of Tianji Manga Club!" This kind of commentary article turned into a post like "Fighting gods, the **** of the Tianji Comics comic jojo, can the new king ascend the throne?" ~www.mtlnovel.com~ In a flash, this kind of news arose. ....

And Chu Yu was not surprised by this situation at all.

After all, no matter how you think about Liu Cai, you can't easily give him the title of Secret First.

This is not only related to monetary gains, popularity, and recommendations from comics, but more importantly, the dignity of the comics artist.

However, Liu Cheng is calling for the support of his old manga fans for ten or even ten years, and Chu Yu is definitely not to be outdone.

Although Chu Yu doesn't have the huge fans of his works as a cartoonist over the past ten or twenty years, he also has a game animation screenwriter who has not accumulated anime fans for more than ten or twenty years.

In the past, Chu Yu mainly used the rebellious Lelouch to pull Jojo's popularity. Now, Chu Yu doesn't pretend.

His animation fan is not only Lelouch, he has a four-year animation creation career, and there are definitely many fans of other animation works.

Chu Yu also began to be active in the Weibo world, posting a message so that fans who like to buy the Xuanjing Journal must support Jojo's bizarre adventure in the next issue. After all, to vote for this thing, you need to enter the identification number on the last page of the journal!

However, compared with Liu Chengweibo's all-seeing next time, Chuyu Weibo is all complaining about Chuyu, and the most people reply is to support you by resurrecting Yiqi!

All in all, in this hot climate in late May, Jojo's bizarre adventure and the first battle between the two comics of the Era of Disappearance have become the biggest melons in the comics industry in this period of time!

The industry, fans, media... countless eyes are watching Jojo's bizarre adventure...

After all, this matter, regardless of whether jojo's manga is successful or not, will be a big news in the world of Longguo comics!