I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Time flies, and soon, the hot May will end.

At the end of the last month of May, it was an ultimate feast for Chu Yu's fans.

The rebellious Lelouch, Jojo's bizarre adventure, and White Album 2 all entered the climax of the plot.

White Album 2, Chunxi and Hesha's elopement journey is over, Hesha finally realizes that, let Chunxi elope with her, she is the only happy person, but Chunxi has given up everything... .. Friends, family, the second favorite person in the world who was about to propose, Xuecai... For her, Chunxi can give up.

But Hesha found that it was not what she wanted to make Kitayuan Chunxi into this situation. The plot of the two saying goodbye in the snow...It really made the Bai Er fans mourn and stomach acid. The fans of White Album 2 in the past few weeks don't know how they got through it, but fortunately, the jojo next door seems to be a fan of howling for a dog, but it makes the fans of White 2 feel relieved. Well, all beings are equal. Why do our fans of White 2 get tortured to death? You jojo Luluxiu fans are smiling all day long.....Now Shuixin's three major works, only Luluxiu's plot is still relatively normal. , I have not abused, or that I have abused... but it is not enough. They are all looking forward to the Lelouch fans joining the Shuixinzhiyu League, and everyone will have fun together... .

Although it is a joke, what this group of people does not know is that their joke...

It won't be long before it becomes true.

In the twenty-second chapter of Lelouch, Lelouch, dressed in white, successfully secured the position of the emperor of the Britannia Empire, and offered to join the United States, which he founded as a bait, as a bait, trying to control completely. The United States, thus completely controlling the world.

Although fans find it strange that Suzaku has reached a py deal with Lelouch, and what the zero soul song said in the two people is a thing, but this does not prevent fans from crowning Lelouch. Excited to claim the emperor.

Lelouch in the animation is like the report of a French newspaper when Napoleon, the monarch of ancient Europe, attacked Paris at that time.

"Day 1: "The monster of Corsica landed at Ruan Port";

The second day: "The cannibal devil marches towards Glas";

Day 3: "The usurper enters Grenoble";

Day 4: "Bonaparte takes Lyon";

Day 5: "Napoleon approaches Fontainebleau";

Day 6: "Your Majesty will arrive in his faithful Paris today." "

In the last episode, when he announced that he had killed his father and enthroned, the public opinion of the whole world was negative about him. In 22 episodes, he announced that he would join the United States and build a beautiful and happy tomorrow with everyone, the great monarch Lulu Xiu was born.

And when representatives of various countries discussed the scene, Suzaku drove a robot and used a huge barrel to face the leaders of more than one hundred countries in the world...The world was swearing at Lelouch again!

The dictator Lelouch is online again. The speed at which the crowd changes faces makes fans look funny, but there is a problem. Lelouch and Suzaku have changed too much. At first Lelouch was thinking about it for Nanali. If you want to change the world, Nanaly is dead now....It is totally unclear why Lelouch now provokes a battle between the United States and Britannia...

Although the plot is very fascinating, but at least, in these two words, Suzaku, who has made some deals with Lelouch, has a sharp rise in fans' hearts. Various enemies are slapped and beaten by the Imperial Round Table Knights and Lulu. The two of Xiu had a tacit understanding of each other.

So the fans' memory is only one week. The group of people who sprayed Suzaku before saw Suzaku and Lelouch standing on the united front. They decisively began to perform various quarruss on the barrage and evaluated them on a well-known two-dimensional website. In the ranking of rebellious Lelouch's characters, it has been promoted from the first few weeks' hate list to the fifth in the popularity list, second only to Lelouch, cc, Karen, and Lolo. Lelouch's most hated character is the first. Because of Suzaku's counter-attack, he became the second in command of the Black Knights. It was the first fan who led the rebellion of Lelouch for a woman... It's real.

And at the end of this sentence, Lelouch's brother Schnezer led the remnant resistance forces of the empire and destroyed the capital of Britannia with the ultimate weapon, and...Nanali appeared.

She was not dead... and condemned Lelouch's crimes from a moral level... threatened to stand on the opposite side of Lelouch...

The plot of this story is over, and it is a daily out of chapter, but I have to say that it is nearing the end, and an animation with such a compact plot is really rare.

Like those love animations, when this kind of plot progresses, the daily swimsuit plot has already begun to lie to the eye.

Of course, Nana Li itself is unpopular. Chu Yu and the group of Lulu Xiu fans say it is the Virgin Mary. At least the Virgin Suzaku, people are still practicing their ideals with practical actions, and Nana Li... ...From the first to the last, they are all talking about peace, hoping for a better world, and now I would rather trust other people than Lelouch...also because of this operation , Nanali's wind evaluation fell to the bottom, and she was about to compete with the fan for the role of the most hated role in Lelouch. Many fans commented that Nanali is not as lovable as Lolo! For a time, Nanali and Versus Verse were swapped. Fans expressed their distress to Lelouch, and the young ones of Wolong and Phoenix could kill the whole army. In Lelouch's work, the two major virgin characters Nanali and Versus Verse were all. Gather.....

From the first season of the first season to the second season of the broadcast to now ~www.mtlnovel.com~ When did Lelouch's plan be frustrated, the danger has nothing to do with these two people? Suzaku has been washed away for the most part, and fans have left messages hoping that Chu Yu will not wash away Nana Li, and Lelouch just keeps ruthlessly and ruthlessly, and it will be good for him to finally reach the top of the world.

Well, of course, the ending guessed by this group of fans is all wrong.

So far, no one can guess the true meaning of Zero Soul Town, and no one can guess what the py deal between Lelouch and Suzaku is, and no one knows what Lelouch's ultimate goal is.

But soon, only three weeks later, the ending of Lelouch will be broadcast. Unsurprisingly, I am afraid that the fans will react greatly by then.

But at the same time, it is estimated that the final data of this animation will be very exaggerated. After all, the current Lelouch's average broadcast volume has almost exceeded 18 million.

This achievement has reached the sixth in the history of Longguo animation industry, but after the final episode is broadcast, I am afraid that this ranking will have to move up. In common sense, the more fans Chu Yu is sprayed by fans, the fans of his works will grow. The number will increase, and how will Chu Yu be blown up by fans after Lelouch's last episode is broadcast? Can the number of Lelouch's fans continue to rise under the huge base of today's works? Chu Yu is very curious about this!

Chu Yu's goal is still to get Lu Luxiu into the top three in the history of Long Country animation. Although it is not the first, the system will probably not reward anything, but at least it is really squeezed into the top three, Chu Yu feels comfortable... ..... It's worth his hard work day and night to restore these parallel world classics.

For this reason, it doesn't matter if Chu Yu bears the infamy, um... although it may be a long time to bear the infamy...