I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

After the time entered June, Chu Yu was finally relieved from the heavy work.

After all, although the third season of White Album 2 was not broadcast, the animation and everything have been completed.

Chu Yu's current work is mainly jojo comic drawing and the animation production of the rebellious Lelouch's second season.

After this week, Chu Yu will have fewer tasks, because according to the predetermined plan, he will end the drawing work of jojo comics this week.....

As for whether the Jojo comics can finally reach the top as Chuyu wishes, the final result can only be left to the market.

However, judging from the current situation, it seems that things are developing in favor of Chu Yu.

Although Liu Cheng is already full of vitality, the quality of the serialized periodical plots during this period has been significantly improved than before, and his fans have responded to his call to support him.

However, the popularity gap between Jojo and Shattered Age is still narrowing at a terrifying speed.

After all, with Chuyu's current tomorrow, he shamelessly promoted his comics on Weibo all day, and let Lulu Xiu help it to advertise for so many months every week, and Tianji Comics has taken a monetary publicity offensive. .... Coupled with jojo's current comic content and excellent quality, after the number of fans becomes large, its popularity will only increase like a snowball.

Era of Disappearance also experienced such a period back then, but it took two years for this work to reach its peak from the beginning of the fan effect.

And jojo, it only took a few months to threaten it. This terrifying rate of rise in popularity really makes the Dragon Kingdom comics world feel stunned.....The world is getting too fast, jojo this comic, indeed Broke their cognition.

Because the workload has been appropriately reduced, Chu Yu's salted fish life has also slowly recovered.

Playing games, buying **** couple costumes, driving around the magic city all day long to taste delicious food, molesting girlfriends and other operations are all back.

However, after entering June, things got more up in the school.

For Chu Yu, he feels that the things in school now are waiting for the graduation certificate, but for his classmates, the end of this June is their last chance to find a job.

After all, it's not a very good school, but there will still be some general companies recruiting in the school, such as Chu Yu, who made hundreds of millions of net worth from scratch before graduating. It's not something that startup companies value their heads. Realizing the existence of Jin Jin, it is possible that he can only be found in all colleges and universities in the magic capital.

But for ordinary people, the real situation is indeed... quite a number of Chu Yu's classmates still haven't found a counterpart job, facing the choice of being unemployed or changing careers after graduation.

Some leaders at the college also hope that Chu Yu will contribute to the employment rate of the school and recruit some classmates to join the job, but Chu Yu thought about it, but refused. After all, Huang Ming is already very dedicated and very hard. He doesn't want to give him. Add trouble.

Obviously, for Chuyu's animation studio, let alone students, even people with considerable experience in the industry can hardly get in now... After all, everyone can see clearly now. , As long as you squeeze into this copy of the animation studio, mix one or two of the annual popular animator's name with gold, even if you leave in the future, these are all achievements!

And for Chu Yu, after the three works are over, which works will be selected next, I don't know yet?

Although Chu Yu is definitely the kind of person who will open the door to his friends around him, the problem is that his friends are worth less than ten in the whole dragon country, and the entire class of the university is also considered to be Gu Yan's cousin. Half of it, it's a pity that although he is fat, his grades are not bad. He has already signed a contract with the strength, and he can't find anyone to open the door of convenience!

However, the school did not forget to squeeze Chu Yu's value before graduation. It's fine if you put him in the middle of the graduation photo, and post it on the official website to promote it. After all, you will have the college entrance examination within a few days, although Chu Yu's school is average, but because of Chu Yu's major, it is very attractive to those candidates who are interested in animation...

How high is the teaching quality of a school that can cultivate manga and animation geniuses like Shui Xin? After passing the exam, can I become the second water center?

With all kinds of suggestive and explicit slogans, the hospital started to publicize without being shy at all.

Although Chu Yu was speechless, he didn't care about them. Anyway, he considered it to be a contribution to his alma mater, and he was repaying the tutors of various subjects for allowing him to pass the exam!

And in the end, next week, it was also because Chu Yu had agreed to the college at the beginning. At the graduation party, Chu Yu was regarded as a wave of speeches by the outstanding graduates of this year. The speech closed, and then...Chu Yu's college career is over.

After receiving the graduation certificate, those who want to stay can stay in school up to the beginning of July. Those who don't want to stay can get out! It's time to work, and it's time to go home!

So thinking about it this way, Chu Yu still felt a little melancholy.

Before he knew it, he had come to this point in the magic city, and it happened that the three works and graduation happened in the same month. There is always a feeling that God is suggesting that his future life will move towards a new chapter. .

"What's wrong, what's in a daze?"

At night, after taking a shower, Gu Yan wore a red nightdress. She watched Chu Yu stare in a daze in front of the computer. She leaned over and asked that the house was often cleaned by the cleaning company, and the weather was hot, so she walked over barefoot. , Fu asked under his body.

"Did you be stunned by the opponent? Did you kneel all night and ask this master to take you and pretend to take you to fly?"

Although I've seen Gu Yan's body from head to toe many times, Chu Yu can't help but look at her chest whenever this happens. Will this guy still grow when he is an adult? Why is it more and more important!

In fact, in the early days of entering the house, Chu Yu liked those airport animation characters, but it was a pity that after interacting with Gu Yan and opening the door to a new world, he knew how shallow he was in the past.....

Moreover, after getting along for so long, Chu Yu knew that Gu Yan was absolutely deliberate. He came to disturb his mind and influence him to play games. This woman likes to watch him look at her intently.

Chu Yu hurriedly calmed down. He couldn't fall into it so easily. It was still early, only 8 o'clock. He didn't want to go to roll the sheets so early, play a few hours of games and then go to bed to rest, make full use of time, and be a reasonable time management master. How good.

"It's nothing, I feel like I'm going to graduate soon, thinking about life!"

Chu Yu answered truthfully. By the way, he helped Gu Yan's computer to turn on and tempted him not to talk about it. Anyway, he doesn't want to spend the night. Since they said to take him up, let's play until midnight. Eight silver advancements are bound to win.

"It's good to get used to it. Before I moved here last year, I was not worried and scared in my heart... After all, it was the first time I dated a boy, and I still lived together... Not now Did you have a very happy life? I forgot my identity as a student..." Gu Yan thought that Chu Yu was a little uncomfortable with the change of identity, so he comforted.

"Oh, I didn't mean that, I mean, I feel that my college career is gone after a swish..."

"I'm not the same, swish, it's gone!" Gu Yan logged in to the account, and the two quickly ranked, passing a glance at Chu Yu, which meant a pun.

"I don't believe you will worry about this kind of thing, but after two weeks, all your work is over. What are you going to do in your free time?"

"Didn't you say it? By then, you and I will travel together. We have been dating for a year, and we haven't left the magic city. Just the two of us, how about going to play together..." Chu Yuti When this question comes, I am very excited.

"It doesn't matter to me. Anyway, if you, the gold master, invite me to eat, drink and have fun, the fool won't go. The question is...Do you feel you are gone? After Lelouch is over, I'm afraid the Dragon Kingdom fans will be right. You have asked for verbal and written criticism in the third season. Various partners will definitely come and be ready to cooperate with you on the next work... You ran away, and the producer Huang couldn't decide so many things. Right!"

"This kind of stuff... doesn't matter!" Chu Yu said casually.

"Making money is only incidental, not the ultimate goal. My goal is to bring these excellent works to the world for more fans to see, not to make more money to bring these works to the world, Lu Road repair, jojo, white 2 successfully completed my goal and achieved it, as for the other...not important!"

"Then what's important?"

"Of course it's more important for me to be happy!" Chu Yu looked at Gu Yan.

"Making so much money~www.mtlnovel.com~ Always go to a place earlier and spend some! Don't always indulge in the cycle of animation production, making money, then making, and then making money!"

"Unexpectedly, you are still thinking this way, a little surprised..." Gu Yan turned his head and looked at him.

"Do you think I have a high level of thinking? Hmm, wait, or... what does this mean?" Chu Yu asked in confusion.

"No, it's just a little surprised that you are already so famous and made so much money. It's still the same as when I first met you... It's a little bit like the description in the novel that men change when they have money. None of them!" Gu Yan looked at Chu Yu and said with a smile. Of course, he took a Q to Tianyinbo gank and dropped off the middle.

"In the beginning?" Chu Yu asked in confusion.

"I haven't heard of the name, the voice actors who participated in this work knew you well. At that time, I thought you were like this. I didn't expect that now...you have basically not changed!"

"Are you saying I don't want to make progress?" Chu Yu missed a cannon, very distressed, and always felt that Gu Yan's words were weird.

"No, I'm saying that I like it, that's who you are! It makes you feel safe and I always feel that you like me this way today, and will always be like this in the future, and will never change!"

"You guys, what kind of nasty things are you talking about!" Chu Yu was suddenly upset, and two waves of soldiers entered the tower to make up one, assisting him with a question mark! His face was thick enough that he couldn't stand the numbness, and his face was red.

He is embarrassed to take the conversation, after all, he is embarrassed and can only concentrate on playing games

With a great **** belt, Chu Yu ranked in the Unyielding Silver Realm this night, and then in the middle of the night, he became a great god......It's just that the battlefield is different!
