I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

The weekend time passed in a flash, and the leisure time that Chu Yu specially left for herself ended.

   On Monday, he and his two assistants worked hard to plot the last two episodes of Jojo's bizarre adventure.

   In the studio, the three people are concentrated and are each responsible for their own work. If it is not necessary, everyone will not gossiping and distracted to reduce work efficiency.

   After all, all three of them understand that if the content of these two comics is completed earlier, everyone will rest earlier.

The profession of cartoonist seems to be very free on the surface. Working hours are allocated freely. You can play as you want, and take a break if you want to rest. But in fact, after becoming a cartoonist, the psychological pressure is very high. huge.

At the deadline of the comics agency, there was a slight drop in the quality of the plot, and fans were overwhelmingly questioning... These things basically did not bring any pressure to a cheeky person like Chu Yu. He is a person of this character.

But for Chu Yu's two assistants, it's actually very stressful. Sometimes when you see fans on the Internet spraying works and paintings are not good, you will be very disappointed. Although the work style is basically the tone set by Chu Yu , But understand it, how can it be possible not to be affected?

  Jojo comics have been serialized for so long, and both of them are very tired. Compared to Chu Yu, they hope to rest and play with their girlfriend after the comics are over...

I have been assistants under Chu Yu for so long. Although the salary of the two assistants is only the normal level of the assistants in the Longguo comics industry, every time during the festival, or after the comic manuscript fee or the separate book share in Chu Yu's account, Yu would give both of them extra bonuses.

Chu Yu's words are like that, since childhood, including those who are so rich now, who will never give beggars on the road, he will never be stingy with people who work hard around him. This is also no matter if it is animation work. The room side is still the comics studio side. Basically, the biggest reason is that there are few people who come and leave.

   Basically, after a year, the income of these two people, such as bonuses, far exceeds the salary of their assistants, but the two of them, like Chu Yu, are in a state of earning money and having no chance to spend it.

   So I have not fished for these two days. I paint very carefully, and the efficiency is much higher than usual.

   And if all goes well according to the scheduled mission plan, then in three days, the comic drawing work of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure will be completely finished.

Jojo's bizarre adventure prequel plot plus the main story, this is the workload of an ordinary cartoonist at least three years, after all, there are more than 140 comics content there, and Chu Yu, it took a year and a half. , And completed the drawing of this comic with high quality...From this point of view, Chu Yu is still satisfied with his career as a cartoonist for more than a year.

   It's noon, and Chu Yu's order for takeaway arrived. A nearby restaurant opened by a foreign chef..... The price is very expensive, but it is said that the customer reviews are good.

After working with Chu Yu for so long, the two assistants' takeaways from Chu Yu probably cost a lot of money. Although Chu Yu's common sense says, it doesn't matter whether the two people eat, but as long as they order their own meals, Chu Yu has never Put the two down, although sometimes Chu Yu would order simple dishes such as vegetable porridge to keep in good health.....

But in most cases, although it is a takeaway, he always orders according to those famous restaurants and restaurants. It is very common for a takeaway to be hundreds of thousands, so although they did not pay a penny, the two of them Basically followed Chu Yu to eat the dishes of a famous restaurant nearby, and the taste is also very tricky.

   "Do foreigners have this taste? This crab meat is actually raw, won't you feel uncomfortable after eating it?"

   Lin Fan directly complained, each of them had a large takeaway lunch box in front of them.

   "That's it, this restaurant is so famous nearby, boss, you have been cheated!" He Sheng followed closely.

"I will block them in this shop! It's impossible to order a second time. I only sell more than 400 copies. It's a real money grab. 400 yuan will be paid to the master photo editor. Let me see it on the software. It's completely different!" Chu Yu said with a black face, knowing that he had ordered a small stir-fry restaurant in the nearby food city.

   The three of them were eating, and they complained about the black heart restaurants nearby and the pits they had stepped on before.

   Suddenly, He Sheng asked suddenly.

   "By the way, boss, do you have any new plans after the jojo manga is over?"

   "Are you talking about new comics?" Chu Yu glanced at him.

   "That's right!"

   "There should be, but the time is uncertain, and there is no inspiration for the time being. I will notify you when there is a plan!" Chu Yu said.

   No inspiration?

   He Sheng Lin Fan and the two knew what they said. The lack of inspiration means that I now want to be a salted fish, I want to play games and I want to play, and I will be inspired when I have enough.

   Apart from Huang Ming Gu Yan, the two people who spent the most time with Chu Yu as the Dragon Kingdom, they didn't believe Chu Yu's uninspired saying at all.

   "By the way, tonight's Lelouch animation has a surprise, you two can pay attention to it!"

"Boss, you are not bullshit? Both of us are loyal fans of Lelouch. Lelouch's animations follow up on the first time every week. We don't need to remind us of this kind of thing... But surprise... "

   "It reminds us that it might be related to jojo, right?"

"Almost, there are only three weeks of serialization left for jojo comics. What I can do is already very limited, but fortunately, the gap with the Era of Disappearance has quickly narrowed as the popularity is gradually catching up. This is also me. One of the results of a series of hard work!" Chu Yu said calmly.

   "Three weeks......" The eyes of the two assistants turned into a trance.

   "I think Jojo will definitely be able to accumulate enough popularity in the remaining three weeks to reach the top..." After the two recovered, they said firmly.

   "You two are very confident in Jojo!" Chu Yu said.

   "It's not that you are full of information about jojo, but that you are confident of your boss!"


   At eight o'clock in the evening, the twenty-third episode of the rebellious Lelouch was broadcast amidst the expectations of fans.

  The story of the rebellious Lelouch ~www.mtlnovel.com~ has moved towards the biggest climax of this animation.... In the battle between Lelouch and Schnezer.

   is the only one in the whole work that has suppressed Lelouch's IQ from the moment of his appearance to the present... Schneizer is also a more extreme lunatic than Lelouch.

   Under the gentle and elegant face is an extremely distorted heart. Lelouch conquered the world with his own force and wisdom, but he has a bottom line to avoid the casualties of innocent people as much as possible.

And Schneizel, handed the bomb launch button to Nanali, and attempted to launch this thing in the capitals of the world. With the terrorist force, he forcibly conquered the world and sacrificed the lives of more than two billion civilians in exchange for permanent peace in the world. .

   And he, the biggest enemy is Lelouch...

   The fight between the two, whoever wins, will truly gain the right to control the entire world.

Throughout the 23rd episode, the differences between Cornelia and Schneezer, Nanali thought that after she was launched, she would not harm the civilians. It was extremely naive, CC and Lelouch's back-to-back intercourse. Talking about the disappointment of the members of the Black Knights towards the tyrant dictator Lelouch...

   The entire plot structure of the rebellious Lelouch has risen from the previous small troubles to peace, justice, and conflicts of ideas.

   Lelouch's enemy is no longer the stupid compared to him, but the brother he has never won...

   A tragic atmosphere rose in the hearts of fans.
