I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

This night, many viewers who watched and wanted to tell you the first episode were not calm.

So far, all three works of gt animation company that have been questioned before the start of the broadcast have been broadcast.

However, the reality of the situation makes the animation industry colleagues and viewers on the island of Japan never expected. .

Not only do these three animations have nothing to do with each other, but one is even stronger than one.

Originally, the results of Dragon and Tiger and monthly girl Nozaki-kun were shown in the anime for a few days, and the results in the 82 new episodes in January were already outstanding.

All the works are only the first episode on the air, and the plot has not yet unfolded. The subsequent works can catch up from behind, and which works are just the beginning of a three-dimensional attack, and the later ones are not visible.

But as the saying goes, a good start is half the battle.

And the three works of gt animation production company, this start is simply outrageous.

If you are not all insiders and know the actual situation well, otherwise you will doubt whether these works of gt animation company have invited the navy to create the atmosphere.

But it is precisely because everyone knows the actual situation that they are so surprised at the opening results of these three works.

Who is this Zhao Qinyin?

What kind of freak is this?

In a mature industry, it is not incomprehensible that one or two dark horses pop up suddenly. It is normal for a young screenwriter to create a popular work by accident, but this kind of person will generally become obsolete in the next work.

But Zhao Qinyin..... Three consecutive works were broadcast at the same time, and each work was so completed.

Although the birth of an animation is not only the credit of the animation screenwriter, the efforts of painting, music, and post-production cannot be ignored.

But considering that the animation production team of gt animation company has hardly changed, it's just that the animation screenwriters of this quarter's works have been replaced by Zhao Qinyin...and the boss seems willing to spend money to invest. .

It's like controlling variables. Anyone who is not funny can see that these three works are popular, and the first work is Zhao Qinyin, the screenwriter.

An exchange group for professionals in the animation industry in Japan.

"Awesome! Is it really just a female college student who just graduated?"

"That's true. I majored in Finance at the University of Tokyo. It took half a year after I graduated. I was serializing a comic during my university period. Just before and after graduation, the comic was cut down because of its low popularity. Then I immediately joined gt animation company as a screenwriter... ...."

"It's hard to imagine, it's impossible to think about it! I have been in the industry for more than ten years, and I have been the first screenwriter in 20 works. No one has seen anyone before, and a novice can have this level... .. Isn't that nonsense?"

"Hey, don't tell me, the water heart in the interior is even stronger than this!"

"Can you not mention that monster? Although the work of that guy has not been fully spread on the island of Japan, to be honest, I have seen several of his works and everyone is stupid!"

"So, this world still exists, this kind of people who eat purely by talent!"

"But there must be a process of growth anyway, right?"

"Isn't there a bashing street comic before? Maybe it learned a lesson from failure and gained a lot..."

"Can the experience of bashing comics be used in animation production?"

"Don't ask, ask is a genius. Anyway, the perverted Shui Xin is also a cartoonist and anime screenwriter. It is not surprising that there are many Zhao Qinyins on the island of Japan!"

"It's still wrong to compare Zhao Qinyin with Shui Xin. The gap is too big. I watched the level of the first episode of the monthly girl Nozaki-kun, and it started with Shui Xin's Miss Kaguya in the Dragon Kingdom. Almost......but that work is just a very ordinary work among Shui Xin's many animation works. To compare with Shui Xin, this young female colleague must at least create a magical girl level Works!"

"However, in recent years, genius-level creators have frequently appeared on the scene. After Shui Xin was sealed in the interior of the dragon, whether it was in the animation industry or the comics industry, several so-called young geniuses have emerged in the past six months. The work is also very good, and even one person directly spoke out, saying that Shui Xin was blocked early, otherwise she will kill God this year, let Shui Xin know who is the leader of the new generation of animation industry!"

"How many arrogant people don't pop up in a year? How many people in the industry really recognize and convince? Just jump the clown!"

"Water heart water heart, who are you talking about?"

"It's not my brother, you're too closed, right? The people on the island of Japan don't care about the animation industry there, so you don't want to understand it?"

"I really didn't know! Why is the water heart so powerful?"

"If you go to find out, you'll know. Anyway, if that guy doesn't waste his talents because of wasting three years, maybe a legendary figure in the Dragon Kingdom animation industry will be born. This guy has such potential. of!"


All night, I really want to tell you that the surprises brought to the industry continue to ferment in the animation circle.

And on major websites, many short video up owners in the two-dimensional circle will not let this news go.

The good deeds directly made the fact that the famous up master Nakamura Ryuko would go down to bet with fans by chance, and then made it into the video and spread it out.

and so.......

Ryu Nakamura is very depressed these days~www.mtlnovel.com~ The popularity of Dragon and Tiger and the monthly girl Nozaki-kun has been soaring after the broadcast. It is the top ten most popular competition among the animations broadcast in January.

Before yesterday, Nakamura wanted to slap himself severely, what did Nima pretend to be? What kind of women's live broadcast to bet with fans? How can a dignified seven-foot man live outdoor broadcast of women's clothing?

Thinking that in three weeks, if one of these three works will reach the top ten in overall popularity, he will have to fulfill his betting contract, and Nakamura will panic.

But after I really want to tell you the first episode was broadcast, the audience who watched this animation on the Internet rioted in a collective riot the next day... rushed to promote this work first.

Regarding the fan's act of actively helping the work to promote and advertise, Nakamura doesn't think it is right.

Why do you want to tell the fans of your work, it is so much higher than the fans and fan stickiness of Dragon and Tiger and monthly girl Nozaki-kun!

Lian Ryu and Tora and the monthly girl Nozaki-kun are among the top ten most popular contenders for the new animation in January.

This is obviously more popular than the previous two works...Which one will it go to?

The first popularity......

As soon as this thought came to mind, Nakamura Ryuuji shook his head violently. This thought was terrible.

If I really want to tell you that it will eventually become the most popular in January, then according to the bet, am I going to go naked around the gt animation company?

In Nakamura's fan group, the fans are all grinning, and from time to time, a streaking dazzling word drifts past........

Ryu Nakamura felt very uncomfortable!
