I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

The first Monday of January passed by, and the first episode of the first week of January's new show was also released smoothly.

In the popularity statistics for the first week of January's animation works, the monthly girl Nozaki-kun's popularity ranked tenth, while Dragon and Tiger... at seventh!

Just the first story data, just

In fact, the statistics of major websites are basically calculated based on the data of the whole network broadcast. After all, no matter how high you discuss it, there is far less convincing for the popularity of works than those that require real money to broadcast subscriptions.

The population of Japan's islands is only one-tenth of that of the inland dragon, but when it comes to the number of Azhai, the ratio is not so exaggerated. After all, many grandpas here will regularly buy comics and watch animations. It is not unusual for a ten-year-old person to chase updates with his seven- or eight-year-old grandson.

Although the population is insufficient, the proportion of Azhai is very large. It has a significant advantage compared to the inland area, otherwise it can't support the survival of so many animation companies.

Talking about monthly girl Nozaki-kun and Dragon and Tiger's first week's first episodes of 1.4 million and 1.8 million, the broadcast data is very different from Chu Yu's past works.

However, considering the population factor, the absolute value of the average broadcast volume is not comparable and understandable. Can a Japanese island compete with the inland people? If the population size is not reached, the natural air volume data will become very low in absolute value compared to before.

But in this way, if you want to compare the broadcast volume data of Japanese island works with inland works, you can multiply the average broadcast volume data of the former by three or four.

For example, there is an animation on the island of Japan that has an average broadcast volume of only one million in the island's local episodes. If this work can pass the censorship and be published in the interior of the dragon, it will normally be 3 million to 4 million. The episodes are played with the level of animation.

This is also a simple and crude but effective method for people in the animation industry in the industry to benchmark the works of the two places.

The first week of Dragon and Tiger's broadcast data of 1.8 million on the island of Japan, converted in this way, is equivalent to a newcomer's animation. The first episode of the first week in the inland animation industry has achieved more than 5 million broadcast data. Almost the same shock......

However, due to demographic factors, the broadcast volume of animation works of the same quality is only one third of that of the inland areas.

But again, because the population's income is high, prices are naturally high.

Therefore, the subscription price of Japanese island animation works is three or four times that of Dragon Inland.

Just like the three animations of Chu Yu, the subscription price is six yuan per word, this price is three times the market in the mainland of Dragon...This offsets each other....Overall Look, as long as your work is of high quality, there is not much difference between the two places in terms of income after the animation is broadcast, but the number of fans is not so large!

But when I saw that I wanted to tell you that the new animation in January ranked fourth most popular in January with the data of 1.6 million views on the first Tuesday... Everyone was boiling.

Fans on the Internet cheered Zhao Qinyin's name together.

Although prepared, people in the industry on the island of Japan were also frightened.

I really want to tell you this data, which is too unexpected......

Is this an achievement that Shoujo Man can create?

In January this year, the new show is a time node where the masterpiece frequently appears.

One week after the first episode of the three animations of the gt animation company was broadcast, they all squeezed into the top ten of the new animation popularity in January.

The eyes of the secondary apes are discerning, and they will analyze the data themselves to find out some details.

On the official website of the gt animation company, fans of the three works spontaneously walked in and commented to encourage the creative team to work hard. The Zhao Qinyin fan group was established in a day.

On the Japanese island and news, naturally this kind of news will not be let go.

Soon, information about Zhao Qinyin, the talented animation screenwriter of gt animation company, spread rapidly on the Internet.

Many passersby turn to fans, or dubiously go to see the works first, and some people directly become jealous and become sunspots on the Internet.

But in any case, Zhao Qinyin has completely gained fame on this day, the day after the first week of the first week of popularity statistics for the new fans in January....

"I love my love, I look good, and I'm a genius animation screenwriter. It's really an ideal idol character!"

"Don't use words like idols to insult Zhao Qinyin, she is a goddess!"

"I am Shota Kazeta's fan girl, and I look forward to telling you the plot of the second episode."

"I'm following all three works, it's so good to watch, the first words of the three works are very attractive to me!"

"I still said that, making three animations at the same time. I don't believe that a girl can have this ability. The first story is just a flash in the pan. After two weeks, all talented female screenwriters will have to offer prototypes!"

"Go, the Kong Jing always finds the spot!"


In the gt animation company, Chuyu was eating an apple while watching the company's new and old employees hug each other and cheered the achievements of the three works, but she didn't feel much in her heart.

Huang Ming had already been in front of Zhao Qinyin two hours ago, and Su Lu had a red-eared smile in front of him.

Looks very happy anyway.

But Su Lu felt that Zhao Qinyin was outrageous.

How can it be so easy.....The popularity of the three animations ranks fourth, seventh, and tenth.

Is it that simple?

Both of them feel unreal.

Is this Chuyu? From the magic city to the island of Japan, you can also rise from scratch, even if you live in seclusion behind the scenes, your works can be so dazzling.


But reliable!

Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin couldn't help but sigh.

However, Chu Yu didn't delay too much time on this kind of thing, and quickly devoted himself to the follow-up creation of animation works~www.mtlnovel.com~ But the Nakamura dragon on the other side was different.

Originally there were only speculations and doubts, but when the results report for the first week came out, he was completely desperate.

wtf....what the hell?

After the first episodes of the three works were aired, they all ranked in the top ten in popularity.

No matter how unlucky in the future, one of the three works can hold the top ten in popularity at the end of this month..... Then my own outdoor live broadcast of women's clothing will be nailed down.

In the past two days, Ryu Nakamura's fan base exploded directly.

Many black fans came out to question him. Didn't they make a special video saying that the three works of gt animation company will definitely be inexhaustible? What now?

Nakamura can only pretend not to see it, and silently delete Kuroko from his friends.

But it doesn't make much sense to deceive yourself. Nakamura knows very well that if he wants to continue to be the master of UP, first of all, credit is a must.

He hesitated for a long time and made up his mind, if after the end of this month, if people really don't want to ask for women's clothing, he will reluctantly give out benefits.

But what if this is not the case?

Looking at the fourth most popular pick, Nakamura Ryu seems to tell you...

All kinds of deficiencies in my heart.

He is also a veteran second-time ape, and he also likes chasing fans.

But looking at all the animations broadcast in January, the only work that touched him in the first episode is the one I really want to tell you.

He thinks he really wants to tell you the performance in the first episode, and he can afford to be the number one in popularity.

But now it's only fourth...

It...will it go up in the follow-up?


An annoying word emerged again!
