I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Although the animation enthusiasts on the island of Japan are immersed in the news about Shui Xin and his works these days.

But for inland animation enthusiasts, the spring Japanese island animation trilogy, I really want to tell you that Dragon and Tiger and monthly girl Nozaki-kun are undoubtedly the focus of everyone's attention.

Especially I really want to tell you that in the eighth chapter, it is obvious that the female ernut is online.

Originally, there were many female fans of this animation, and the girls were very sensitive to the plot. As soon as Walnut went online, she dressed up in pure and cute clothes in front of Fengzao, and she could firmly identify the composition of the second female at a glance.

It should be a green tea bitch!

However, the male protagonist Feng had been watching the scene of watering the campus flowers in the distance and playing football with stones in the distance when he was talking with her. He directly gave him a wave of ignorance and saw that the female fans were Feeling comfortable!

In the interior, the popularity of Zhao Qinyin and her three animations has steadily increased.

Now, Xinman.com has directly edited the video of the interview with Zhao Qinyin some time ago and launched it online.

After the news was released, a group of inland Zhao Qinyin fans came even more.

Of course, the number of female fans occupies an absolute advantage, but the number of male fans is not low. In any case, the genius of such a beautiful girl in the Dragon Kingdom animation industry is really going to be extinct.

There are many female cartoonists or screenwriters, but the basic appearance is very average.

This has also led to Zhao Qinyin being in the male community now, and many of her fans did not know her through her works, on the contrary, they knew her work through her.

But it's the same no matter what, after entering the pit, people and works become fans together.

The editing time of this interview of Xinman.com is less than one hour in total.

But fans are already satisfied.

After all, who really came to see the girl's past resume, it's just that there are only pictures of her on the Internet, and I don't know what her voice and personality are like.

"Hello gentlemen!"

"Hello gentleman!"

"Hello everyone!"

"Are you all coming to see your wife?"

"You guys respect Teacher Zhao Qinyin. Okay, on weekdays Heinuma Shuangzi, and Fengban Dahe's wife's call to his wife, don't even care about the author now?"


"The content of the barrage is healthy, don't make these things out, consider other people's feelings!"

Opening the video at one point is a barrage of various spoofs.

Two-dimensional fans are actually not too weird in their hearts, but everyone simply likes kouhi.

Although he was called a wife, he was actually very clear in his heart that others didn't know him at all, and they just thought it was fun.

However, those Zhao Qinyin female fans are more annoyed by this kind of remarks, and the two sides have disputed each other, but they have been hastily.

After all, the Internet is like this. Chu Yu had not 100,000 or 80,000 black fans on the Long Inland Network at the beginning. Fans often greeted each other's family with cordial and caring conversations with black fans. Compared with this kind of fans quarrel with each other Instead, it's pediatrics.

But after the video screen came out, the content of the barrage returned to normal.

After all, it was a relatively formal interview. Zhao Qinyin also wore a red skirt, combed his hair in a bun, and painted light makeup on his face.

and so........

Compared with the pictures of Zhao Qinyin that have been circulated on the Internet, it is obvious that Zhao Qinyin in the interview video is a bit more beautiful.

And because of a little nervousness, that somewhat cramped and uneasy expression even hit the hearts of male fans.


"Is this what it feels like to be in love?"

"How do real people look good?"

"It's a bit unbalanced, such a good-looking person, who is so smart to go to a prestigious university like the University of Tokyo, and then create these animation works so powerfully!"

"Facts have proved that anyone is far behind the real one!"

"Such a good girl is outrageous if she is single. Isn't it possible for men in Japan?"


In the video, the interview host of Xinman.com obviously knows what fans like to watch.

I simply asked Zhao Qinyin about his personal information, age, where he lived in the interior, his life at university, and how he wanted to be an anime creator.

Relatively speaking, Zhao Qinyin's answer is seeking truth from facts.

But when she said that her hometown was Los Angeles...

Obviously, the barrage is a bit unquiet.

"Los Angeles? Isn't Teacher Shuixin from Los Angeles too?"

"Then she is from the hometown of Teacher Shuixin?"

"Is this a coincidence? An animation wasteland in Los Angeles, can actually cultivate two animation geniuses, Wolong and Fengchu?"

"What are you talking about? Teacher Shui Xin deserves the title of Wolong. If Feng Chi, she is still a lot worse now. At least let me tell you that after the end of quality and quantity, maybe the plot collapsed later. Everything is a joke!"


In fact, things like Zhao Qinyin's comic assistant in Chuyu High School, at least Chu Yu's same grade students knew it.

However, after four or five years, it is hard to tell how many of these people still remember this incident, and the proportion of those who remember this incident paying attention to the animation industry is also very low.

Those classmates who meet all the requirements have been watching how Chu Yu went from being a lonely family to the popular anime screenwriter and manga artist of Long Country, and then he was beaten into the pinnacle of his life. Trough.

Originally, many people were still a little comfortable, after all, jealousy always appeared on acquaintances, but it didn't take long for Zhao Qinyin to be so outrageous, from the island of Japan to the inland.

To be precise, it is not that Los Angeles has produced two major Los Angeles animation geniuses.

It is a high school in Mingcheng Elementary School that has cultivated two animation geniuses, Wolong and Fengchu.

It's a pity that this kind of thing has long been announced on the Internet, but no one believes it. If there is no capital, then it will fuel the flames. How many people can you hear? On the contrary, you are telling lies. As long as there is help from the capital media, there are many examples of three people becoming tigers!

So... Although the barrage fans were surprised by the news, they didn't think about it too much.

And Zhao Qinyin, she would not take the initiative to expose her relationship with Chu Yu, so as not to cause trouble to Chu Yu.

But obviously, the interview host is also an old two-dimensional element... Zhao Qinyin mentioned Luo Province, and he immediately contacted Shui Xin...

"Oh, Los Angeles? That's a well-known inland animation creator, the home province of Shuixin! You two young generations of high-profile talent creators actually came from the same place?"

"Um...Yes!" Zhao Qinyin frowned slightly, a little flustered.

In fact, it doesn't matter if the province where she was once Chu Yu's assistant is exposed.

Regardless of the Dragon Kingdom or the island of Japan, there are too many cases in which cartoonists and assistants have become famous.

In the parallel world, there are many examples of such three works as Takeshi Obata, Nobuhiro Kazutsuki, Patriarch Eiichiro Oda, Master, and Apprentice who became famous together. Even if it is exposed, who can think of telling you that the author behind the three works is Chu? Where's Yu?

Even if you think of it, there is no evidence, nothing at all, but more is worse than less, Zhao Qinyin still vaguely mixed up the interview.

"It's amazing, the people of Los Angeles are outstanding!" The host began to talk to each other in business.

But since Shuixin is mentioned, then this topic must not be let go.

"Then what does Teacher Zhao Qinyin think of Teacher Shuixin?"

Zhao Qinyin blinked when he heard the words, thinking about organizing the words.

But her expression looks a little cute and cute.

A barrage of fans drifted across the screen...

"He... is very powerful, he is a person I respect very much, I like him very much..." Zhao Qinyin said while thinking!

But only halfway through, the host interrupted her.

"Oh, I like him very much?" the host repeated meaningfully.

Zhao Qinyin immediately realized the ambiguity in his words, and his face blushed.

"No, what I just wanted to say is that I really like his work..."

"Where is that person?"

"People..... also like it!"

Zhao Qinyin experienced this kind of scene for the first time~www.mtlnovel.com~ Although it was only recorded and broadcast, the host was a little confused with a few words.

Originally, she had a very strong psychological quality. This kind of interview would not cause her to have any excessive psychological and emotional fluctuations, but after all, it involved Chu Yu's topic, so her head suddenly became confused.

Just on the barrage...

A group of male fans frantically asked question marks.

They could also see that Zhao Qinyin was an introverted girl, and the host's question was ambiguous, which made people confused.

But did you see such a cute girl when she said that she liked Teacher Shui Xin with such a cute expression.

The mentality collapsed.

Even Chu Yu's fans are jealous of Chu Yu.

The question mark that fills the screen comes out!

More good people speak directly on the barrage.

"Your wife likes Teacher Shuixin. Does it feel a little green on her head?"

This kind of effect is obviously what the host wants, since it involves the heart of water, it definitely can't be brought about so easily.

So he asked slyly that he was a little flustered at this time, and kept thinking in his mind what would happen if Chu Yu saw this interview after it was broadcast, and whether he would let the host reduce the content of Zhao Qin. sound.

"Then you think, who is better than Teacher Shuixin?"

Zhao Qinyin himself felt a little flustered, and he didn't make so many bends when he heard this kind of questioning.

Me and Shuixin?

Aren't the works produced by both of us created by Chu Yu?

and so......

"I think it's almost the same!"
