I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

In Zhao Qinyin's thinking, this answer is nothing.

After all, I asked her and Shui Xin who were the best, Chu Yu, how I answered, didn't feel right, so I just said something casually.

But after she recovered from the teasing and ridiculous questioning interviewed by the host, she immediately felt that there was a problem.

Saying this to myself...Is it too disrespectful to Chu Yu?

Although Chu Yu is behind him, no one else knows it!

In the eyes of others, she is just a newcomer screenwriter who just became famous at the beginning of this year, and Shui Xin, although her age is the same, her popularity in the interior is not comparable to her.

In this way, Chu Yu's inland fans should think she is arrogant!

Zhao Qinyin was silent for two seconds...

Then his expression was relieved.

Regardless, it's pretty much the same anyway, I haven't lied!

And before coming, Chu Yu also said that to be on this kind of show is to brag, so that fans will be deeply impressed and the effect of publicity of the work will be good.

Chu Yu also said that he didn't have much confidence in the cowhide he was blowing in the last quarter, but in the end the cowhide he blew was realized, let Zhao Qinyin believe in his strength, and the cowhide was bold, he Chu Yu went to the bottom... ....

The expression of Chu Yu's words came into his mind, and Zhao Qinyin's confidence immediately rose!

On the other side, the host was a little confused.

He imagined that Zhao Qinyin's answer should be that she would work hard with Shuixin as the goal, or that although she had shortcomings, she might have a chance to compare with Shuixin in the future.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Qinyin directly said that he was almost the same as Shui Xin.

What's the same, the gap between the two is not too much!

Potential is very imaginary anyway, no one can say that it is not good, just the actual results, Zhao Qinyin really wants to tell you that there are four or five works that have started with such popularity, and none of them are unfinished..... ...

But when Zhao Qinyin said that, he naturally had no opinion. Oh, oh, it's good for young people to be confident.

The friction between the words of two geniuses obviously also makes the interview full.

"Then Teacher Zhao Qinyin, do you think your strength is enough to compare with Teacher Shuixin?" The interview host confirmed again.

"That's right!" Zhao Qinyin nodded earnestly, the hair behind him danced, and the whole person looked really beautiful and confident!

Just the animation plays on the barrage...


A group of Chu Yu's diehard fans boiled.

"Wow, this is too arrogant!"

"Compared with Teacher Shui Xin, she dare to say that?"

"Although it is very arrogant, it does not seem to be too sprayy! Although it is much worse than Teacher Shuixin, but Mr. Shuixin aside, at her age, for new creators of her generation, these three works are Now that the trend continues, it is difficult to find a person to compete with her."

"In fact, as far as her debut performance is concerned, she surprised the Japanese island and inland animation circles, but wants to achieve the achievements of Teacher Shui Xin? This is not just one or two works that have become popular. At least popular animation must be able to Let's make three, four, five or six, and there is also a unique work, not to mention that it is as exaggerated as the rebellious Lelouch, at least better than the magical girl Madoka!"

"And... the person is too cute and not so good! Everyone said if I had betrayed the Shuixin teacher's camp!"

"Similarly, although she speaks arrogantly, but looking at her expression, it is not sensationalism, but the result after serious consideration. It is not so arrogant, it is a bit of a genius who refuses to admit defeat!"


"Oh, are you so confident?" The interview host was a little excited.

But he didn't dare to get involved in this issue anymore, so he could draw a little bit, and take advantage of Shui Xin's popularity. If Zhao Qinyin later said something about kicking and punching Shui Xin, it goes without saying. This interview will definitely be necessary. Blasted by angry Shuixin fans.

"Then I can ask, what is teacher Zhao Qinyin's daily routine?"


"Then Teacher Zhao Qinyin has any thoughts about his rapid popularity on the Internet?"


"Ms. Zhao Qinyin has nothing to say to the fans?"


"favourite colour?"


"Favorite food!"


This kind of interview will certainly not be all about the work, and the daily life of the interviewee is also a highlight.

Looking at it, the barrage in the entire animation video has increased, and people from all walks of life squeezed in when they received news.

I want to see what the interview with Zhao Qinyin, an anime creator known as Xiaoshuixin, who has quickly become popular after the beginning of the new year is.

However, when I saw it later, it was like a personal interview, and there was no mention of the work.

"Then Teacher Zhao Qinyin, you also know that you are rapidly becoming popular on the inland network. What do many of your male fans say? Maybe it's just that kind of heartbeat. You are single now. Do you think you and them will be in the future? If the conditions are right, is it possible?" The interviewer began to ask this question as soon as his painting style changed.

To tell the truth about this kind of question, Chu Yu was asked too many times when he was in the magic city. Before he dropped out, he had similar questions almost every time he attended an event.

However, when Zhao Qinyin was asked this question for the first time, his expression was very cramped.

Especially what the host said, and fans?

How can it be?

"This is completely impossible!" Zhao Qin said righteously.

When a sentence was spoken, a question mark appeared on the barrage...

"Why is it impossible? When will you fall in love with me at first sight when I am at your work sale?"

"Heartache, my wife said it's impossible with me, how can I save this relationship?"

"Wow, is it so direct? At least tactfully, this will lose me!"

"Sister Zhao Qinyin, come on, just to kill these dead otaku!"

"Such a cute girl, of course, is with my sister and me. How can she develop with the otaku of hundreds of wives on the Internet?"

"Oh, it's so straightforward. I like a girl like this. I have the same personality. If I have a chance to meet, I might be a good girlfriend!"


"So sure?" The interview host was digging again.

"It seems that Teacher Zhao Qinyin has someone he likes!"

It was originally a joke, but...

Soon, Zhao Qinyin's expression turned red, his eyes dodged, his lips moved slightly, but he didn't organize the language, his expression was flustered, and for a long time, he lowered his head and squeezed out a sentence.

"Where is....... I don't like anyone!"


On the barrage...



"This...Who believes it!"

"Her expression, I really want to tell you that Kuronuma Shuangzi's shy expression feels like! Does she also have a crush on Shota Fengzao?"

"Damn~www.mtlnovel.com~ who is it? Brothers find him out and take it away!"

"Didn't the host say it before? It's Mr. Shuixin! Do you want to get rid of Mrs. Shuixin?"

"Don't be kidding, you obviously teased Teacher Zhao Qinyin before, okay, do you still believe it?"

"How about that? The whole interview, the girl was easy to do, but when the interviewer asked Mr. Shui Xin that she still had someone she liked, she looked panicked..."


On the other side, Japan Island!

Although the network operators in the two places are different, Chu Yu improved the broadband of his house and asked a technician to adjust the network. Although it was still not smooth, Chu Yu was at least normal in his own home. For image quality, take a look at the video of Inland Dragon.

Therefore, he also watched Zhao Qinyin's interview throughout.

"Su Lu, does Zhao Qinyin have a crush on the Japanese island?" Chu Yu looked at the video on the phone, and suddenly asked Su Lu, who was like lying on a sofa watching TV.

This guy had stayed in Chu Yu's house for a long time, and he became bolder and bolder. It was clear that the weather was still cold, and he was wrapped up like dumplings outside.

But as soon as I got home, I put on my shorts and a T-shirt, and a pair of black silk dangling there. Although the chest is not as big as Gu Yan, it is still significantly more than Zhao Qinyin's, and the skin on the slender neck is white. Watching the Japanese island comedy variety show on TV is smiling like a flower, lying on the sofa to the left of Chu Yu, without regard to the image at all.

Chu Yu glanced, took two deep breaths, and looked away.

However, Chu Yu's words...suddenly surprised her!
