I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

"You...How do you ask this question?"

Su Lu's eyes raised, and the whole person quickly got up from the lying position and sat up, but his clothes were a little untidy, and his chest was up and down.

Chu Yu could see that he took another two deep breaths.

Does this guy really treat him as a man?

But Su Lu didn't notice the details of Chu Yu, what she thought in her heart was...

How could this guy ask such questions?

Xiaoyin confessed to him?

No, he asked if Xiaoyin had a crush on a boy, that is to say... Xiaoyin didn't do it!

Could it be that Chu Yu himself guessed something through this period of life?

Xiaoyin's mind was guessed? What about mine?

How could Chu Yu get rid of it all at once? What did he see?

Also, does Xiaoyin have a crush, why doesn't he ask Xiaoyin directly, instead he asks me?

So... he came to test me under the guise of asking Xiaoyin?

Su Lu looked at Zhao Qinyin's room.

This interview was done last week, and what Chu Yu is now watching is the content edited by Xinman.com staff.

The master Zhao Qinyin was taking a bath in his room, and Su Lu had no idea about the situation.

When Su Lu didn't speak for a long time, Chu Yu saw it inexplicably.

Especially Su Lu, even if he doesn't speak, his eyes are still staring at him, and then a blush appears when he looks at his face.....

what's going on?

Chu Yu looked dumbfounded!

"You...what are you looking at me?"

"Nothing?" Su Lu didn't know what was going on, and it was impossible to answer Chu Yu's question rashly.

Chu Yu felt the atmosphere was weird.

But still couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Well, since Zhao Qinyin has a crush on a boy, why is there nothing in the daytime? It is impossible for the other party to look down on her, right? Impossible?"

After all, no matter how second Chu Yu is, he can see Zhao Qinyin's performance in the interview, indeed, there is someone he likes.

In fact, based on Chuyu's previous character, he was completely disinterested in the gossip of his friends, but he himself did not realize his change.

"Ask me this question?" Su Lu felt strange when he heard it.

You can see the signs, and you still ask people if there is no movement? I also asked the other party if they look down on her, isn't it you?

"I don't know, I don't know all of these questions, you can ask Xiaoyin yourself!" After all, Chu Yu asked Zhao Qinyin. If she asked her Su Lu, Su Lu would not be so circumspect.

How do you see it? What's your love! Humph...

Anyway, the law does not stipulate that you cannot have a crush! When the time comes to live in this room, as long as she Su Lu is not embarrassed, then Chu Yu is the most embarrassed!

Anyway, it was Chu Yu who made the two move over, and there was no psychological pressure on her side!

However, the situation is still unclear, and Su Lu is naturally not so stupid to take the initiative to expose it.

It just so happened that Zhao Qinyin came out of the shower with some moist hair, a long-sleeved T-shirt with a bear pattern and sweatpants. The whole person seemed to have really complied with the poem. The water came out of hibiscus, and it was naturally decorated with water and spirit.

"Xiaoyin, Chu Yu has something to ask you!" Su Lu mentioned the ball directly to Zhao Qinyin.

Zhao Qinyin looked over...

Chu Yu was even more entangled.

For this kind of question, just ask Su Lu, and ask the master, it's too ridiculous!

But... Chu Yu's cheeky immediately suppressed the embarrassment that could be caused. After all, the words were said to be here, like an arrow on the string, pressing it down, it is too stupid, but it makes yourself. There seems to be something weird.

"I watched your interview on Xinman.com. The host asked you if you have a crush. Seeing your reaction is quite interesting, I just asked if Su Lu is true!" Chu Yuyi said righteously.

"Don't mind, it's just the curiosity of a good friend! If you don't want to say it, it doesn't matter! Understandable!"

As soon as Zhao Qinyin heard...

Interview..... I recalled the content of the interview a week ago in my head.......

Chu Yu...he watched it?

The heart quickly became faster, not only the face, but also the neck of the arms that had just been showered from snowy white to pale pink.

"That......the interview with me, it's all..."

It's all nonsense!

But before saying this, Zhao Qinyin held back.

When will you be too timid? Since he asked directly, then just answer him directly.

Zhao Qinyin rose up with courage.

"Yes, I have a boy who likes secret crush!" She looked straight at Chu Yu.

Su Lu sat on the sofa next to him, watching the battle between the two left and right...

Isn't it, the confession came so suddenly?

Su Lu knows Zhao Qinyin very well. She should be the most courageous in her life. As long as Chu Yu follows her words and asks...

who's that person......

Then Zhao Qinyin would definitely say, "It's you!".

But......that's normal people's thinking.

Chu Yu's curiosity about this matter is only whether Zhao Qinyin has a crush...not who it is.

After all, Zhao Qinyin is the person he values, and he is not interested in the people Zhao Qinyin likes. Anyway, it is someone from a Japanese island that he doesn't know, maybe it's a university classmate?

The school grass?

Or a certain manga artist in a comic club where he used to work, or a certain colleague with a company where he had an internship.

Anyway, first, Zhao Qinyin is single now, second, she has never dated, and third, she has a crush! Fourth, apart from herself and Su Lu, she has at most Huang Ming. There are no other friends on the island of Japan, and no one invites her out for fun.

Inferring from three factors, she should be someone she likes, and she should only be prepared to stay in the crush stage, not to confess!

Chu Yu was just suddenly curious, but wasn't ready to be a hundred thousand why?

What is that person?

Why don't you confess?

Do you want to go and find him?

With these problems, a series of troubles are dying, Chu Yu doesn't want to be disgusted by Zhao Qinyin!

Even Chu Yu even asked this question because she felt that she was too Buddhist. Although Su Lu was single, Su Lu still had a yearning and pursuit of love, but Zhao Qinyin couldn't feel it at all.

Chu Yu was once worried about Zhao Qinyin's way to orange in the future, and even guessed that Zhao Qinyin liked Su Lu...After all, the two have been inseparable!

An otaku like Chu Yu has watched a lot of otaku animations and his thoughts are a little bit rotten, but fortunately, after having a girlfriend for the past two years, he has become much more normal!

But now......It seems that she is a normal person!

not worried!

After all, Zhao Qinyin's reply is that there are boys he likes.

The focus is on boys, that's enough!

and so......

Both Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu are looking forward to Chu Yu's next question...

Whether he has a girlfriend or not, tonight is Zhao Qinyin's confession night, it's time to speak out first!

Chu Yu......withered!

Look down at the phone and go!


Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin felt that their chests were tight!

Don't ordinary people immediately ask who that person is?

Does anyone chat half-heartedly on the phone?

But......Tucao in my heart returns to Tucao!

Both of them breathed a sigh of relief, don't ask Su Lu why he was relieved.

Zhao Qinyin confessed, she was embarrassed! Maintaining the status quo like this, at least there is a comrade in arms to prove that I am not alone!

Chu Yu looked at the interview.

The next host also asked Zhao Qinyin to show off his talents.

So... when Zhao Qinyin performed a wave of Long Country Classical Dance in front of the interview camera with accompanying music in the video...

The red dress whirls, the green silk flutters, a beautiful face smiles beautifully, the whole person is really like a fairy...

Don't say let the barrage look dumbfounded.

Even Chu Yu looked stupid.

This lethality...... is too great!

Cute girls, talented animation creators, dance enthusiasts.....On the condition of Zhao Qinyin, shouldn't run the Xinmanwang dance zone to smash the beautiful faces of those dancing house dances? Those people are not as pretty as Zhao Qinyin with their beauties, and now they seem to be so talented!

"Do you still dance?" Chu Yu raised his head and looked at Zhao Qinyin, who was sitting on the sofa to his left with Su Lu.

"Well! Sister Su taught me!" Zhao Qinyin replied.

Chu Yu looked down at the video for at least ten minutes. The previous embarrassment was gone, and the two girls adjusted their mindsets.

"You... can also dance?" Chu Yu looked at Su Lu next to Zhao Qinyin, questioning his tone?

Su Lu was angry when he heard this!

When I asked Zhao Qinyin, I was surprised and surprised.

Why do you just question yourself when you ask yourself?

"What's your expression? I have been learning dance with my school dance teacher since junior high school. I didn't leave my high school. I was also the director of our school dance club at university. If I wasn't addicted to anime, I would think I would be a master of dance music. Just have fans! Are you questioning me?" Su Lu was angry!

"Don't believe it!" Chu Yu's expression was calm.


Just this guy, he lay on the sofa after he ate, was drunk and played drunken fists, the guy who talked in sleep, did Zhao Qinyin teach that dance just now?

"Is this true? Sister Su is amazing!" Zhao Qinyin said.

"I don't believe it, let me show you a split!" Su Lu was angry and wanted to prove himself!

Then came a period on the sofa...

At last......

There was a scream smoothly.

If I don't practice for a long time, the movement range is large. Although not to mention the ligament injury, the pain is inevitable.

He clutched his feet there, and the two black silk feet couldn't help twisting, but it was obvious that Chu Yu couldn't have other thoughts, after all, this situation was the case.

"This is funny!" Chu Yu raised his eyes and shook his head.

But still comforted Su Lu who screamed.

"Okay, okay, I believe you! Work hard next time, come on!"

Su Lu's eyes are red, what is this!

It **** tonight!

But fortunately, because of her feet hurting, Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin helped her to the bed in her room when she was sleeping...

All three of them had trouble sleeping this night.

Su Lu thought about the touch of his waist when Chu Yu was helping him with his arms around his waist. He was upset and irritable.

Zhao Qinyin kept thinking about the conversation with Chu Yu tonight... Only later did he react!

Sorry, I said that I have a boy I like, but I didn't say that it was Chu Yu, then Chu Yu...... I would definitely think that I liked another boy!

As for Chu Yu... it was purely angry. After all, he was a normal boy. He stayed in the same room with two beautiful women all day. Su Lu always likes to do what he likes, Heisiyu Sister pretends to be out. , Zhao Qinyin is always a little shy and cute inadvertently!

Chu Yu feels that Liu Xiahui is nothing compared to himself. Among the boys he knows, if he is determined, he is second, and no one dares to say that he is the first!

Without this concentration, he would not dare to let the two girls run here to live by himself, he still has confidence in himself!

But it is inevitable that there will be thoughts in my heart, and these thoughts have been suppressed by him again and again in the past, that is, they will come up from time to time when I sleep, and tonight... there are more.


But when the three of them turned over and over and couldn't sleep, whether it was inland or Japan, because of the content of Zhao Qinyin's interview this time, she came to the wind again.

An interview video is not copyrighted or copyrighted. Xinman.com did not announce the source of the film on the island of Japan just to ensure its ratings first, but it reflected it on its own side.

The websites of Japan Island also listed Zhao Qinyin's interview...

First of all, two points!

The first is the dance that Zhao Qinyin did in the latter part of the interview. Although the conditions are simple, but when they were studying at the university in Japan with Su Lu, they were bored after work and studied these hobbies~www.mtlnovel.com~ and Su Lu learned. Four years.

It is certainly impossible to say that students who are comparable to majors, but in terms of physical conditions, a few professional dance students are comparable to two.

Insufficient technology, the law of beauty is applicable to many industries, beautiful women buckle their noses are also beautiful, ordinary girls will only think that you are pretentious even if they act like a heart-warming gesture!

So..... Under a group of good deeds, Zhao Qinyin's red skirt classical dance was really put in the short video area of ​​Xinmanwang dance... ...

As a result, one night with the help of anime fans, the fire was in a mess, and a group of house dancers on Xinman.com were directly confused.

In terms of dance skills, amateur Zhao Qinyin is between them, but in terms of beauty, they are far behind Zhao Qinyin.....

Moreover, the height is flawed!

Zhao Qinyin, who is 169 meters in length, is in a much better shape than the ones who are in a line of 1.5 meters.....

This video is not only a new comic, but after a long time after Shuixin, there is a young talent on Weibo, an anime creator who has made the top 20 in the hot search, although it is relying on a dance...

The first is Zhao Qinyin's remark in the interview that he is similar to Shui Xin.

With the help of the media, this sentence was also accompanied by Zhao Qinyin's dance editing video to the top 20 in Weibo's hot search.

An anime creator, two hot search keywords at the same time.

Many Shuixin fans sigh... Ye Qinghui!

However, Zhao Qinyin's statement similar to Shui Xin's statement is in the ears of Shui Xin fans... it is not so simple!
