I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Zhao Qinyin was embarrassed to say that Chu Yu said that.

   He thought that Zhao Qinyin would feel resistant to this kind of thing because of his dislike of communicating with strangers... I felt that sometimes he took the consciousness of others too simple.

   "Then this will trouble you, and I want to remind you.......This kind of publicity activities, fans are still troublesome!" Chu Yu said more.

"It's okay. Although I may not be particularly outgoing, I still have to get used to my identity and responsibilities. If I can't even do this kind of thing, I will definitely be hated by you, right? !"

"Ha, that's not the case. How could I hate you for this kind of thing... I am embarrassed to let you stand in front of the stage to be honest, because I have been in this position myself. , Knowing the pressure of being a well-known animation creator... Even if you back down, it's just normal!" Chu Yu said quickly.

   How many people in this society are afraid of the gaze of the two interviewers when they are interviewing, and they are trembling, not to mention a star creator with millions of fans like Zhao Qinyin.

   When you are on stage, when thousands of eyes are staring at you on the spot, when thousands of black fans on the Internet attack you in life, that kind of pressure cannot be adjusted by comforting yourself in your own heart.

However, because of this, Chu Yu would give her company shares as compensation. After all, even if Zhao Qinyin does not do this job in the future, the impression of serving as a nominal animation screenwriter at gt animation company may last for decades. Even a lifetime!

   The relationship with her belongs to the relationship, but there is always a reason to do anything.

   However, Zhao Qinyin's focus is very different.

"How could you hate me because of this kind of thing...? That means... maybe you hate me because of other things?" Zhao Qinyin stared at Chu Yu. , The expression is inexplicably serious.

   "Specifically......what is it?"

   "Huh? I just said it casually..." Chu Yu is inexplicable. I don't know why she cares about this, but I think about it carefully...

"It seems that the tolerance for you is still very high. After all, my friend is still in contact with a full dozen people. You and Su Lu have known each other for the longest time! I can't think of anything you can do to make me. hate!"

   "But to be honest......have you or Su Lu getting bored with me when we've been together for so long!" When it came to this topic, Chu Yu asked.


   "I can't say that there is no, right!" Zhao Qinyin spoke very firmly, but after a two-second pause, he said again.

   "It's so sad!" Chu Yu pretended to be a joke, and said while eating an orange.


"When you were dating your girlfriend... I was a junior at the time, and when I saw this news on the Internet, I felt very annoying to see your photos!" Zhao Qinyin had a look in his eyes. Inexplicable meaning.

   Chuyu, gradually feeling a bit wrong in the atmosphere, said with a smile.

   "What's so angry about this! You never say you are jealous!"

"I just feel angry. Everyone was single in high school. I thought that because of your personality, you would not be able to make a girlfriend in college. I also want to get some grades after becoming famous in Japan. Comics serialized in the comics... Who knew that you were so suddenly...... disrupted my plan!" Zhao Qinyin said as he looked at him. A trace of sadness flashed in it.

   But Chu Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out to be so, and understandable. Although Chu Yu is not of this kind of personality, in college class, if someone makes a beautiful and handsome object, friends around will definitely feel sour. After all, single dogs are not terrible, terrible. If it is a gathering of friends, I am a single dog. If I knew that Zhao Qinyin had made a boyfriend on the island of Japan at the time, I guess I would feel sore and depressed for a while! Can understand.

   "It turned out to be like this!" Chu Yu laughed twice, preparing to mix up the topic.

   Zhao Qinyin sighed when he saw Chu Yu's expression.

   Chu Yu is indeed completely different from ordinary boys! Once in college, Zhao Qinyin thanked the seniors he knew because of the sports meeting for the student union who came over to help her. The two then talked about the school sports meeting for ten minutes. After a week, the seniors would mistake her for her. Confess it to him if it's interesting!

Many boys always think that the girls smile at him are very meaningful, it is only for his gentleness, but in fact it is just.... A gentle girl is gentle to everyone, and she treats everyone equally. , But you think you have a chance.

But Chu Yu is different. Zhao Qinyin rarely talks to other boys, and basically smiles only when he gets along with Chu Yu. It is only when he gets along with Chu Yu to dress up carefully... ...

   However, Chu Yu was completely unaware of this, and felt that Zhao Qinyin was like this to everyone.

   Even if it's an obvious and profound remark like the one just now, I always think about various reasons to make it reasonable!

   From before to now, Zhao Qinyin has no idea what Chu Yu thinks of her, whether she just treats her as a simple friend, or will think she is very cute and a girl for a moment.

   "Chu Yu......"


"You said that if I went to the magic city to go to college, we would be able to come out to party and meet every week, even if you were in the magic city's comics, I was still my assistant... you said... ...Will you like me?" Zhao Qinyin suddenly turned around and asked when he was about to leave Chu Yu's office.

   Holding a stack of files, Zhao Qinyin's beautiful face is full of tension, and the fingers under the files are mixed together.

   "Cough cough cough cough cough...you...what did you just say?" Chu Yu almost didn't choke to death.

   "Are you serious? The question just now..." Chu Yu asked in shock.

   Zhao Qinyin is very wrong today!

   Is it because Huang Ming didn't get along well? So I can't think about it for a while.

In fact, Chu Yu's own subconscious has already faintly aware of the truth. After all, the various inadvertent attitudes expressed by the two girls during the year they have been with him are indeed obvious, but to him who is dull, it is obviously not enough. Now this It feels like you forget to bring your key when you go out. You will feel something wrong when you lock the door, but you can't figure out what the wrong thing is before you go home.

   inexplicably panicked.

   "This..." Chu Yu seriously considered Zhao Qinyin's hypothesis.

   What's the answer! It doesn't seem to be too unreasonable to other girls, but it doesn't feel right to say...

   If I spend four years with her in the magic city again in college, will I really like her?

   Then I like her, what should Gu Yan do?

   Chuyu didn't realize that he was actually brought into this kind of problem.

   And he didn't realize that, if he was asked by a girl like this, he would definitely answer no without hesitation.

   "I'm kidding, you are really serious!" Zhao Qinyin stared at Chu Yu. .

   "Look at you being too devoted to work today. Tell a joke to let you adjust your mood! How about it? Is the pressure swept away in an instant!"

   "Okay, I went to the production team downstairs to have a meeting with everyone, so busy yourself!"

   The door slammed shut, and Chu Yu swallowed his saliva. Zhao Qinyin's thinking was really drifting during this period, and it seemed to be a lot bolder.

   But this boldness is placed on Huang Ming!

   Although I felt something was wrong~www.mtlnovel.com~, I consciously told Chu Yu, don't think too much, otherwise it might be very troublesome.

   So Chu Yu decisively focused his thoughts on work...

  Behind the door......Zhao Qinyin stood at the door of Chuyu's office.

   Her feet are soft, and she suddenly asks such a question without asking her brain, which is too impulsive.

   But Chu Yu did not answer in the first place, no...This is already the best answer...

   Her face was very hot, Zhao Qinyin hurried to wash her face in cold water, and the scheduled meeting was postponed for 20 minutes!

   As for Su Lu, who was in the meeting together, she knew Zhao Qinyin best. She obviously felt something was wrong with her, but she couldn't think of anything.

   However, after Zhao Qinyin agreed to Chu Yu's proposal, Zhao Qinyin will participate in various publicity activities with Su Lu until the beginning of the broadcast in October.

   At the meeting, the dozens of people attending the meeting were obviously excited.

The sour and smelly emotional entanglement of the company's senior management, few employees of this company would care, but Zhao Qinyin's plan to participate in various publicity activities personally made everyone in the entire company clearly feel that the animation is coming Close at hand.

   Although the outside world is very skeptical, and even the company's internal staff are very skeptical about the possibility of Haikou, which Zhao Qinyin has praised, will be fully announced after January.


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