I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

In the next few days, Zhao Qinyin attended various events in various districts of Tokyo as scheduled.

   To be honest, in fact, many animation producers and screenwriters from companies are quite fond of attending similar events, or that is their job. It is justified to hold fan meetings with film directors and actors in major cities before the movie is released.

   If you want to say that a work is to be successful, quality is definitely the most important thing, but these publicity activities will definitely have quite a positive effect and should not be ignored.

   Therefore, there are various news about Zhao Qinyin on the pages of Japanese island and inland animation media articles in the past few days.

   Needless to say that kind of talk show, Zhao Qinyin understands Chu Yu's temper, no matter how tricky the host asks her questions, at least she doesn't show a hint of timidity.

   When asked about her views on the October animation market in the inland and Japanese islands, Zhao Qinyin's attitude was basically not good enough to say directly, "I didn't look down on everyone, I just said that everyone in this room is hot chicken!"!

   The attitude is extremely arrogant... But there is no way.

   After all, it is the work of Lelouch who has already put down Haikou and said that it is to target the rebellious Lelouch. Even if he dare not show this attitude, it just makes everyone laugh.

   However, it is obvious that Zhao Qinyin's arrogant attitude has angered many animation professionals on the islands of Japan and inland.

  Of course, they are mainly the direct producers of the animation that will be broadcast in October, so they are enemies!

   It's just that... gt animation company is really too blatant this time! You know that Zhao Qinyin is great, but you should also respect the next generation. When you open your mouth, you only have water in your eyes. What about us?

This work has a feeling of becoming a target of public criticism, but the animation market has always spoken by quality and audience popularity. Although many people are angry, they have no choice but to wait for the results after the broadcast to condemn this in public opinion. Young genius.

   Of course, when it was about to be broadcast, Chu Yu also notified the company to release two more animated trailers.

   However, some animation plots are implicitly mentioned in the trailer this time.

   For example, the core things like Guangyu, wishes... But overall it is ambiguous! Fans are at a loss even after reading it. After looking at the entire work, they will find that there is such a foreshadowing here, but now... everyone is not paying attention at all. These ones.

   However, in the animation trailer, a short serial kicking video about Tomoyo Sakagami is inexplicably popular......

   Compared with Nagisa Furukawa, the heroine of the soft cute girl, Tomyo Sakagami seems to be more attractive to a group of viewers on the Internet.

   This situation... is basically the same as the direction of the animation in the parallel world.

   After all, there are no shortcomings like Nagisa Furukawa. As far as the dark side is concerned, the other supporting actors will be more impressive in the academy chapter.

   Like Xing, Fuzi, Tomohiro, etc., it is normal that the popularity of the academy plot surpasses Nagisa Furukawa.

   But after the as, it's time for the heroine to show off her charm, so I'm not in a hurry now...

   Although there are not many spoilers, Zhao Qinyin showed up everywhere at the time, and under Chu Yu's various bragging gestures, the popularity and reputation of this animation became more and more popular.

  In the popular survey on the islands of Japan and inland, the popularity of the animation broadcast in October was among the top three.


   In this case, August will soon pass by, and it will be the end of August in the blink of an eye.

   Fans have been waiting for a week and want to tell you that episode 34 is broadcast.

   After a whole week of the horrifying disorganization of Chapter 33.

   I haven't waited a long time to tell you that Episode 34 starts. This information has been on Weibo's hot search.

how to say? After Episode 33 started airing last week, the fans were affected by the plot, and the fans had been on the Internet for several days, so there were a lot of new and adorable fans attracted by curiosity, until after Episode 34 started airing. , I really want to tell you that the average playback volume of the tape episode has exceeded 13 million.......

   is really gratifying, and celebrate with everyone.

Of course, this is for the Japanese island animation industry. The colleagues in the industry say that gt animation company and Zhao Qinyin's jealousy and hatred, but for this kind of regional and industry achievements, everyone is the same. Very admirable, after all, facts have proved that the opening up of the animation markets in both places is obviously beneficial to companies in the Japanese island area.

   For the inland animation industry, I really want to tell you that the better the grades, the more jealous they are.

   It's my own site, but it's a company from Japan that grabs the money. It's really embarrassing and jealous.

   Driven by this kind of distress, many people support Tianxing Animation's Qingxian to find a place in the October animation market, and beat that directly.

As for I really want to tell you......even if it is Li Xiaojun, after seeing the recent results of this work, I have never said anything about the green string to hang it when I participated in the event. I want to tell you this. ....... She has self-knowledge after all.

   Even the confidence in confrontation was shaken.

However, considering the history of the Dragon Kingdom, apart from Shuixin, no animation screenwriter can break the average score of 10 million in two consecutive works. Even most animation screenwriters have broken the average score of 10 million in the previous work, and the next one will be When it was only four to five million yuan...Li Xiaojun also felt that she was doing it again. She didn't believe that Zhao Qinyin could be so great!

   But the fans are very simple. They don't care about any animation market disputes. They only know that they want to tell you that Chapter 34 will be broadcast soon.

   As soon as the time comes, a crowd of people will be seated in advance.

   "I bet a dollar, Teacher Zhao Qinyin still didn't let the male and female masters be together in these words!"

   "Is there a brother who blows me up with the dog head of the guy above, don't let him crow mouth anymore!"

   "Week after week, how many weeks are a week, Teacher Zhao Qinyin, don't be lazy, let's update two words this week!"

   "That's it, I've scheduled to update the playback mode for several episodes a week. Why do I really want to tell you or say a word a week? I really want to tell you that there is no arrangement?"

   "There are three minutes left... Attention everyone!"

   "High-energy warning, I have a gossip, I really want to tell you that the tragedy ends!"

   "The final ending is that the male and female masters misunderstand each other, and then drift away!"

"Fuck off, you idiots, come here to scare anyone? Do you think Teacher Zhao Qinyin is the pitfall of Teacher Shuixin? The last words will have a tragic twist? And I really want to tell you that the thirty-fourth is not What's the end? This animation will only end in mid-to-late September!"


   Everyone in the fan group is very noisy.

   And when the time comes, I want to tell you when Chapter 34 goes live.

   basically no sound, it is also very real.

  As soon as the animation started, I renewed the out of chapter last week......It was windy morning in the classroom.

   At the door, there is a shy and scared Kuromao......

   The door of the classroom was half open. Kuronuma hid half of his body behind the door, not daring to look directly at Fengzao's face.

   is just a scene......the atmosphere comes out~www.mtlnovel.com~ The vast majority of animation fans have already been brought into the plot!

   I really want to tell you that it's basically Chu Yu's scheduled ending plot.

It is also the last plot climax of this work... and, in the next confession plot of Heinuma Shuangzi, it can be said that Chu Yu lifted the parallel world, in the many animation works of the Dragon Kingdom plane, The most innocent and touching confession scene I have ever seen.

   The confession of those love animations in the past, compared with this......It is so weak!

   After all, this confession, including the atmosphere, plus the heroine's inner monologue and lines, lasts close to half of the content.

   The most outrageous thing is that Chu Yu didn't feel procrastinated at all when he watched this plot, and even felt that it was still unfinished.

   At this time, I want to tell your fans that they have not even noticed this, and are totally immersed in a sense of anxiety.

   In the animation, Kuronuma Shuangzi and Kaze Hayao looked at each other too much. Although it only took a few seconds, the fans couldn't stand it at all.

   speak quickly!

  A go up!

   You can't just talk about it, Teacher Zhao Qinyin!

   I don't believe you can drag a story with one confession!


   All kinds of barrage are filling the computer screen before the confession plot begins!

  :. :