I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

After all, the plane of the Dragon Kingdom is different from the parallel world. The game in the parallel world is an animation adaptation that only appeared after a period of time.

When    was broadcast in Parallel World again, because there were fans of the game, in fact, everyone was quite tolerant of the slow start.

   After all, this is a common problem with galgamw's adaptation of the animation.

   For example, Fate adapts the various lines of the animation. The old version is okay, but the plot is very boring at the beginning. The new version is that the animation length of the first episode is as high as one hour.

After all, you have to introduce the world view, the characters, and the main line of the story. You talk for 20 minutes and broadcast for three weeks. This is the story. Most of the passerby animation fans will be dissuaded, but you can't not introduce these things. .

   and Zhengzuo's first episodes of each line directly produced an hour's first episode. Chu Yu didn't do that. He just prepared the four episodes of the week's change, which can basically be regarded as passing the boring plot of the early stage.

   Of course, it is inevitable to be questioned by fans. After all, it is true that the end of the fourth episode has just entered the line of wind.

   Although there is a good story in suspense, fans of the Dragon Kingdom who do not have the support of the original game fans and do not know the direction of the follow-up plot will definitely feel disappointed.

   is really far behind the fun of wanting to tell you the start!

   But there is a good saying that I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Chu Yu believes that now this group of fans on the Internet will continue to watch this work, or they will come back and say it is really fragrant in a few weeks.

   Even if some impatient fans are impatient after reading the four episodes, and after abandoning the pit, these people will basically return after their works become popular.

It's just that, maybe in the past two weeks, gt animation company and Zhao Qinyin may be ridiculed by black fans and the media for a while. After all, Chu Yu has not forgotten that there is a direct enemy, Tianxing Animation's Qingxian, the other party It must have been on the Internet to invite the navy to come to the black...

   As expected, when the next day dawned, the focus of the Longguo animation industry focused on the body.

   On October 1st, two major animations were broadcasted, one is just that, and the other is the animation "Mist Ghost" invested and produced by the well-known Longguo animation company pubg.

The first episode of the foggy animation was played in the inland 24 hours in the early of 3.2 million, while on the island of Japan, it was in the early 90s...... Overall. It's quite satisfactory, and it's worthy of its investment, but it's nothing dazzling.

   The plot fight made fans look at it, but the plot turn at the end was rather blunt, but overall it was harmless, so the media did not describe it too much.

   But it's different. Before the broadcast of this work, the condensed expectations must be the highest!

   But after the broadcast...the fans also complained the most.

   Otherwise, it won't be "Zhao Qinyin's new work pulls across!" "It makes people want to sleep!" Two popular search terms will be in the top 50.

Judging from the 24-hour broadcast volume data of the animation, the first episode was played over 4 million, the second episode was 3.5 million, the third episode was 3.07 million, and the fourth episode was 3.02 million. The data of the four episodes of Japan Island has collapsed from 1.3 million in the first episode to 970,000 in the fourth episode!

  From this situation...

   Almost a quarter of the audience was persuaded by the lengthy one or two episodes...

   This situation is very bad......

   Normally, if an animation is exciting enough, the playback data will not have such a big fluctuation, not to mention the four episodes animations are still broadcast together, the playback gap should be even smaller.......

   Because of this, the Long Country Animation Media and Forum's first broadcast performances have been bad news all day long.

   "A genius has fallen? The broadcast volume has fallen off a cliff!"

   "After the broadcast, bad reviews continue! Zhao Qinyin really deserves the title of the strongest newcomer in the animation industry after Shui Xin?"

   "The strongest hypnotic animation is born! Fans have bluntly said that they will sleep until dawn when they watch this animation late at night!"

"Long Kingdom has only one water heart. I am eager to expand my influence. Zhao Qinyin, who frequently touches porcelain water heart teacher and wants to become the second water heart, finally has the bitter fruit! The animation industry is not a fan, although you are very popular, But the fans are not stupid, they will not pay for the genius girls!"


  From day to night, inland animation media, critics criticized various programs.

   Although the plots of the first four episodes are indeed slightly delayed, the overall performance is not bad, and the foreshadowing at the end of the fourth episode is also quite interesting. Maybe the animation will have a good plot reversal next week.

   But how do they care about this? Everyone sings badly now, so let's chant together, otherwise, how can you win the eye and attract the heat? Citing Zhao Qinyin's huge number of fans?

   So for a while, for those who actually watched this animation, they didn't think it was so bad, but they said it was not as good-looking as they thought.

   But this kind of atmosphere of speech has indeed persuaded many passersby fans to wait and see for this work.

At night, within Tianxing Animation Company, because the zero o'clock on the 2nd was the first broadcast time of Qingxian, Li Xiaojun and the entire animation production team dozens of people remained in the company, waiting for the broadcast of Qingxian..... ...

   "Cheers first!"

   Li Xiaoyun and Cui Wei, the producer of Qingxian, sit in the office for a drink.

  According to the regulations, it is definitely not allowed to drink in the company, but it is now off work time, and mainly...what happened today is really too exhausting.

   When Li Xiaoyun provoked Zhao Qinyin, Zhao Qinyin's popularity was not as good as it is now. At that time, she had the upper hand.

  Who knew that later I wanted to tell you that the popularity skyrocketed...Who would have thought of a love animation with an average of 14 million views?

Zhao Qinyin's popularity has also risen with the broadcast that I want to tell you. This has also led to the online public opinion battle between Li Xiaojun and Zhao Qinyin, and the offensive and defensive reversal... this short time , Li Xiaojun was ridiculed by Zhao Qinyin's fans.

   What kind of ugly monsters, no talent, no beauty, narrow-minded, jealous, and the other party did not expect to break himself when touching porcelain...

   Zhao Qinyin's comments from fans deeply hurt her......but there is no way, she can't refute it, so angry, but helpless!

Li Xiaojun was originally worried about the quality of his work, and I am afraid it will be another animation that I want to tell you... But now, the beginning is not favored by so many fans, and you can take off later. ?

  Shui Xin, the story of Madoka Magical Girl only started after three episodes, but she persuaded her to retreat. I don't know how many fans?

   Your first four words are even worse than the first three words of Magical Girl Madoka...

From a common sense, the next trend of the animation is that after the update next week, the plot is as boring as before. In that case, the iron fan will not be able to restrain the anger. After all, seeing the fifth, the time and money wasted is also considerable. Everyone might think that Zhao Qinyin came here to collect money when his fame was flourishing.

  What surpasses Lelouch? What a battle with Qingxian......This work is just a joke!

   Li Xiaoyun was thinking about it, and he was happy to bloom. After drinking, his blushing face was bright and moving.

   When the time comes, not only will you get out of anger, but the public opinion will work, maybe you can take the opportunity to increase a lot of fans...


   Let me just say~www.mtlnovel.com~ How can there be so many geniuses? Even if your three works have such excellent results, the fourth work released within a year can still explode?

  Who made you Li Xiaoyun have the element of betting, but the truth is, she bet right!

   "By the way, Producer Cui, the Internet public opinion side..." Li Xiaoyun looked at the man at the opposite table.

"Teacher Li, don't worry about that! Wait until Qingxian airs in the early hours of the morning, and get up early tomorrow morning, you will see a lot of articles praising Qingxian and degrading... Our Tianxing Animation Company has a one-stop industrial line!"

   "However, although public opinion is slandering it now, it seems that the first broadcast situation is not bad!" Li Xiaoyun nodded, and then said with some worry.

"Oh, don't worry, Teacher Li! A bad start to an animation is almost dead. You really think that Madoka Puella animation is the norm in the animation world! Even if it's our past animation works, unless it's the kind of dragon Aotian, the harem has no brains and cool animation, word of mouth basically does not affect its playback data and popularity, normal story animation works, the beginning of the word of mouth is not good, and the situation will only get worse and worse! Moreover, if we fan the flames, even if After it, the plot improved, but as long as there is not a scene like Madoka's god, it is actually that way! The animation industry of Long Country is mostly of high overall quality, but because of the poor marketing level and initial word-of-mouth, everyone's animation... ...."

   "That's right..." Li Xiaoyun nodded.

   As long as the quality of the follow-up is still at this level, I can't make any waves if I want to!