I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

In Li Xiaojun's simple thoughts.

   Her proud work Ao Xian was officially aired.

   Of course, her work must adopt the mode of changing once a week.

After the reputation of    experienced half collapse, Qing Xian's work naturally attracted many people's attention.

   And judging from the broadcast of the first episode of this work... the audience response is really good.

   In fact, Qing Xian's work is quite similar to the youth pain style, and I really want to tell you that it is a completely different style.

   The heroine looks beautiful, has a negative heart, has a slight depression, but is gentle...

   Normally, this kind of person should be very popular in anime, but in fact...she is envied by most of the girls in the entire class.

   The follow-up plot basically revolves around the second man who likes her licking dog, her favorite man with a dark belly, campus bullying, being bullied, counter-retaliation... and a series of plots.

   The plot is depressing at the beginning, but at the end, the heroine urges the male one to instigate the next wave of refreshment as the ending.

   The overall style is somewhat depressing and realistic, but inexplicably good-looking.

   I have to say that Li Xiaoyun has two brushes to mix up to now, and the Queen of Romance is not for nothing. Even if he hasn't broken through himself in the past few years, his past skills are not comparable to the generals.

   Compared with the story of the characters after the end of the first episode, Qingxian's first episode attracted a lot of fans.

   Not to mention the popularity explosion, but in terms of word-of-mouth after the first episode was broadcast, it is the best one of the more than 20 works broadcast on October 1st and 2nd.

Li Xiaojun didn't fall asleep until three o'clock in the morning that night. She slept very soundly and sweetly that night. In her dream, she dreamed that Zhao Qinyin was ruined and had no sense of animation company to invest in her work. Later, she was desperate and was signed. Tianxing, the scene of being bullied by her arbitrarily........

   Woke up the next day, Li Xiaoyun was refreshed.

  Turn on the computer and search for the keyword Qingxian.....

   Sure enough, thanks to the joint efforts of true love fans and the navy invited by Tianxing Animation Company, Qingxian scored as high as 9.1 on the authoritative website Xinman.com!

   On the other hand, although the score of 8.2 is not low, compared to Qingxian, the difference of 0.9 will be a huge difference.

   It's just a pity that Xinman.com is too strict on account reviews. Malicious negative reviews will be deemed invalid by the system, and fans can modify their previous ratings based on the subsequent plot of the work.

   Therefore, as long as the works of Xinman.com are really excellent, even if the score is low in the early stage, the fans will modify it in the later stage to avoid the situation of slow-heating works becoming dusty.

  If there is no such mechanism, then Li Xiaoyun will definitely give a low score to the mercenary navy. If this is the case, passers-by fans will definitely not think that they have too much money into this work!

   But that's enough. Xinman.com can't operate like this. Other forums can. Now basically the major animation media on the entire network are reporting on the first broadcast of Qingxianhe.

The first episodes of the two works are played around 4 million, but Qingxian is well received by the whole network, but basically it has been badly sung by all kinds of praise in the past two days... Fans are still saying that things will get better next week, but they basically can't stop the public opinion from moving forward.

   Zhao Qinyin goes to Weibo...Li Xiaoyun fans counterattack back!

   "How about? Didn't you guys be so arrogant a few days ago? You are not crazy now? So what Zhao Qinyin is a little girl who **** and sucks, do you really think she deserves the name of genius? Huh?"

   "I don't know if Teacher Zhao Qinyin is worthy of it, but you Li Xiaoyun's brain fans want to black Mr. Zhao Qinyin, wait for what kind of fart Qingxian exceeds the grade that I really want to tell you, let's talk about it!"

   "I really want to tell you? Isn't it compared to Qingxian? What are you doing with this work?"

   "Anyway, Zhao Qinyin's fans are frustrated!"

   "I said you are annoying, it seems like the plot has collapsed. Isn't it just slowing down a little bit, let Qingxian dominate the public opinion for a week, let you climax like this?"

   "One week? No, the first four episodes are so hypnotized. The next four episodes don't want me to wake up!" Jiuzhou Chinese

   "Next week, I think you are still so arrogant. I don't believe that Zhao Qinyin's confident animation works will lose to what Qingxian?"

   "That is, Qing Xian's work is to deceive children. The whole story is moaning without illness, what is the youthful pain? I think it is a neurotic story that a group of neurotic groups went to a campus to unfold!"

   The fans on both sides are noisy and can't talk about each other. In fact, everyone knows that each other's work has merits, but there is no way, Liang Zi has gotten up early, and naturally can only do his best to disgust the other party.....


   Chuyu walked into the company, and as expected, the company atmosphere was a bit bad, and everyone was in a downturn.

After all, it was born with the anticipation of countless fans of the Dragon Kingdom and colleagues in the animation industry. Naturally, no one will pay attention to the media's black comments. Passers-by may be impressed by these things, but everyone in the circle knows that if the plot improves in the later period, the popularity will be better. The possibility of a big explosion, then these people, how dark the media is now, how ruthless they will be when the time comes!

   So their downturn is not because of media public opinion, but the reaction and approval rate of the works can't deceive people.

   Although it is said that the first broadcast data is actually very good because of the attention before the broadcast, what about the next week?

   There is no bottom in anyone's heart...

   In the entire company, I am afraid that only Chu Yu and Huang Ming are expressionless and even want to laugh a little

   The source of Chu Yu's confidence is self-evident, Huang Ming, Liberty, he only looks at Chu Yu's attitude and knows that everything is under his control.

   Like Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu, both of them are uncontrollable, and they are a little anxious.

   When Su Lu often went to work, he checked the evaluation of online fans, and he returned to his hometown of Zu'an with black fans at any time, spraying in his native dialect.

   Zhao Qinyin, on the other hand, was a little worried about Chu Yu's self-confidence being frustrated, and would say something to comfort Chu Yu, so that he could relax.

   "I said, don't worry, don't you know the animation plot to be broadcast next week, why are you panic?" Chu Yu finally couldn't stand it anymore, and directly complained to the two of them.

   "However, public opinion has been doing this to our disadvantage. Even if the plot of the work improves, it may be greatly affected!" Su Lu looked worried.

   "You don't know how many good works in the animation industry are due to a slow start and a low popularity!"

Of course, Chu Yu knows that, for example, the Gate of Destiny in the Parallel World is a slow start and persuaded many passers-by. Even if the word-of-mouth rises in the later period, it still suffers a lot of influence, resulting in its popularity and the classic degree of its works , Obviously there is a big gap.

   Everyone who has finished watching said it was a masterpiece, but the number of people who have not survived the slow-heat period of the previous plot and abandoned the pit, I am afraid there are also a lot of people!

   However, the kind of Stone Gate of Destiny is slowly heated to more than a dozen words, but only the first few words, Chu Yu is not worried at all!

   "Okay~www.mtlnovel.com~ Don't worry! I have said that this work is no less than Lelouch's work. Will this kind of work become less popular because of the slow start of a few words?"

   "You are too confident, you have to consider our mortal mentality, I definitely want to believe you, but my heart is very guilty!" Su Lu vomited.

   "Don't think so much! You cooperate with Huang Ming, invite some navy from the inland side, and clean up these bad public opinions. After all, these sunspots' remarks look annoying, and passers-by's confidence in the work has disappeared!"

   "Starting next week, I believe this kind of remarks will not appear again!" Chu Yu said.

"Also, Zhao Qinyin, you spread some positive and positive comments on your social network to give fans a little confidence...Even you are like this. I guess those who are still interested in this The iron fans who have confidence in this work are all whispering in their hearts!" Chu Yu said.

   "Is this useful?" Su Lu asked suspiciously.

   "Whether it is useful or not, it won't be harmful anyway!" Chu Yu responded.

   What is the role? Naturally, it is directly proportional to the quality of the subsequent performance of the work. Anyway, Chu Yu is not short of the 50 cents of the navy. It is good to make the Internet public opinion environment that I see this week a little better, and to make myself a little more comfortable!

   Although he can do nothing this week, be a turtle.

   Let Heizi happy, after all, this is the only opportunity for these people to laugh at this work, but Chu Yu is obviously.........I don't even want to give him this opportunity!