I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

In just one night, many secondary apes on the island of Japan and inland learned the news through the Internet!

It's the same day, Slam Dunk and Spirited Away. Although no plot information and settings have been revealed, the fans' search for them has both gained popularity in the Long Kingdom and Japan Island regions. Search!

"Come on, Teacher Zhao Qinyin, you are the best!"

"Support Teacher Zhao Qinyin and kill Tianxing!"

"Since Xin Shen Shui Xin has fallen under the crab stick, Teacher Zhao Qinyin wants to make his name be deeply imprinted in the history of Longguo animation industry, so he has no choice but to start with Teacher Zhao Yongbai and Teacher Jiang Qi! "

"All of them have the surname Zhao. Maybe they can get some relatives after tracing the roots, so why bother?"

"Damn, you are stupid, if these people don't tear them up, how can we have so many good-looking anime to watch? Or wait for them to be like those graphics card manufacturers squeezing toothpaste?"

"That's right, the years when Mr. Shuixin and others were torn apart were also his most productive years. Now Mr. Zhao Qinyin is following in the footsteps of Mr. Shuixin. Come on!"

"But I really doubt that the 850 million investment is really fake? Although someone has calculated that gt animation company's income this year has exceeded this figure, the controller of the animation company is willing to take the money. come out?"

"These things will have to be reported when the time comes. The true and false are clear at a glance. The Dragon Kingdom official will not allow false propaganda, so... it is likely to be true!"

"If this is true, then it can only be said that Zhao Qinyin should be the luckiest person in the history of Longguo animation industry!"

"Yes, at the beginning of last year, she was a street cartoonist at a medium-sized manga club on the island of Japan. Then, at the beginning of this year, three works were broadcast. The explosion of these three works also made her directly popular, and fans across the Internet It is more than enough to add up to more than tens of millions. The cnnad in the middle of the year showed that her previous success is not accidental. Xiao Shuixin's name is not a fan.....and now, the end of the year. Now, gt animation company invested 850 million yuan in her works and Tian Xing smashed.......It can be said that if it is Zhao Qinyin's slam dunk and Spirited Away two works In terms of performance, there is one work that can snipe the successful star... Then she is really qualified to stand among the pinnacles of Longguo animation industry, if the two works are separately defeated by Zhao Yongbai The teacher's basket style and the teacher Jiang Qi's book level...I'm afraid that even Shui Xin is a bit inferior to her!"

"No, no, no, this is too exaggerated. Teacher Shuixin's Lu Luxiu's grades are really against the sky. The number of fans and influence far exceed the current teacher Zhao Qinyin. Even if Mr. Zhao Qinyin surpasses the two teachers such as Zhao Yongbai , It can't be said that she is better than Shui Xin, I feel that we still have to look at the level of the opponent's work! After all, no one knows the quality of the two works of Zhao Yongbai and Jiang Qi, in case the quality of the two works is very average , More than two teachers, it can't explain any problems!"

"No matter what her situation is, I am now more and more looking forward to the Dragon Kingdom animation market next year!"


Hot discussion on the Internet. At this time, Zhao Qinyin's Twitter and Weibo accounts gave her a lot of encouragement and support. Of course, some black fans spread inappropriate remarks to make Zhao Qinyin's mentality.

But anyway, at the moment Chu Yu asked Zhao Qinyin to post the video, there was no way out for everyone!

The Dragon Kingdom animation industry regards the sniper of the gt animation company on Tianxing as a first-hand attack by the Japanese island animation industry.

And the Japanese animation industry.......For this series of gt animation company, they don't know much about it. In addition to the lip service, most of them are sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight! After all, the integration of the cultural fields of the two places is a serious issue now. If the largest company makes a mistake, it may be at a disadvantage in the subsequent development of the company.

Although the big animation company on the island of Japan was afraid of the two big action animations of Skystar before, and was afraid that the other party would rely on the two works to attack the Japanese island market to disrupt the situation, no one wanted to be the leader of the inland animation industry. The company's Tianxing is very tough, and I want to wait and see first. At this time, gt animation company will come to the fore. It's perfect!

However, the wait-and-see companies in the two places have also overlooked a problem, that is.... Although the first party is risky, it also has huge benefits. Wait for you to see everything clearly. , Those companies that ended in the melee at the beginning have already occupied the market and everything, and their reputations have also been beaten out! At this time, you have a clear idea of ​​the company's development strategy.

From this point of view, although the Tianxing led by Yin Tian makes Chu Yu very annoying, in fact, this guy is also very daring to fight!

Now that he encounters the opportunity of cultural integration between the two places, Yin Tian certainly does not just want to maintain his own industry advantage in Long Country, but wants to become famous in the Japanese island, a place where the market size is not inferior to the inland area!

It's just that he didn't expect that Yin Tian was full of confidence at first, thinking that no company would be tough with him, and he could take advantage of the messy calculations of stealing chickens, and he would be confused by Chu Yuquan!

Although he doesn't think that Zhao Yongbai and Jiang Qi will lose to a little girl with their own star, but Yin Tian is actually a bit disgusted now... After all, his work is of the same type as the other party. Sniper works, even if you win the opponent, it is just a stop loss. The final result of the work will definitely decline. The specific decline depends on the quality of the opponent's work!


On the other side, on the afternoon of the second day when Zhao Qinyin released the news.

Huang Ming searched for the address, took two employees of the company, and bought some good wine and cigarettes, as well as rare and famous teas from the inland. Also put on a brand new suit, the whole person looks handsome and handsome! The fan of successful people is suddenly highlighted!

He took two employees from the company to a slightly remote place in Tokyo. Here... there is a medium-sized supermarket, but today...

This supermarket closed its doors...

"I have something to go out today, the supermarket is closed, the time is uncertain! Go out of the intersection, turn left for two hundred meters and there is another supermarket, please move!"

The bulletin board on the door is concise and concise, neither humble nor overbearing!

Huang Ming was dumbfounded when he came over and took a look!

It's closed on weekends, what kind of supermarket do you open? Are you traveling in this posture?

Of course, Huang Ming has nothing to do with it~www.mtlnovel.com~ He has already figured out how to find the phone number of Songgang Charge!

That's right, this is the location of the supermarket opened by the famous animation director Matsuoka on the island of Japan. According to Huang Ming's inquiries from friends, this old man watches anime while guarding the supermarket. When I could hear him watching the animation, I yelled at the poor quality of the production staff of the animation I watched, and insulted the art of animation.... curse the street!

From the description, he is a little old man with a little irritable personality, but he basically doesn't run around and stays here on weekdays, but how would Huang Ming know...

It's just such a coincidence that when he comes, people will close the shop and close business!

Huang Ming's expression is a little helpless...

But on the other side, downstairs in the office building where the gt animation company is located, an old man in full costume got out of the car with tobacco, alcohol, tea and other gifts.

Holding a piece of paper in his hand, it is written on it is the address of gt animation company.....
