I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

"Hello President, someone has come to see you, and the front desk has already arranged him in the reception room!"

When Chu Yu was in the office working on the script for Slam Dunk and Spirited Away, a phone call came to Chu Yu's office! ! "

"I've talked about this kind of thing before, you can't put a ray of idle people into the company!" Chu Yu frowned, his tone a bit heavier!

"The other party said that there is a business cooperation with you to negotiate with the president, and the other party... is Matsuoka! This...I know this person, he Yes........"

The front desk staff also have a certain degree of animation literacy, and most people would definitely reject it, but after recognizing the identity of the other party, she still made such a decision!

Songgang charge?

Chu Yu was taken aback when he heard the words...

Didn't Huang Ming rush to his house to visit him today?

Why did this man come to him?

Huang Ming set off for more than an hour, shouldn't be so fast!

But no matter what doubts in his heart, since the opponent's master is here, Chu Yu definitely can't refuse the opponent!

and so......

After half a minute, Chu Yu opened the door and walked into the reception room of his company!

Chu Yu didn't have anything to hide. Although he tried his best to conceal that he was the president of gt animation company, in fact, even if Chu Yu was exposed, he would not be too nervous!

After all, even a large number of employees of their own company believe that they really want to tell you that these works must be created by a cute girl like Zhao Qinyin, but there is no doubt that Chu Yu, under the blessing of the existing impression, whether it is inland or Japan Island, basically won't think about Zhao Qinyin's vest!

The most important thing is that Chuyu's ban is inland, while the island of Japan is not under the control of the relevant departments of inland management. It forms a system of its own. The relevant personnel are suspicious, have no evidence, and have no authority to come to Japan for investigation. There is no non-compliance in the gt animation company, so...Chu Yu is not too worried about these things now!

It can only be said that the timing of Chuyu's development on the island of Japan is indeed very good. When the culture of the two places is mingled, the works produced on the island of Japan can be directly introduced inland! Unlike foreign works, Chu Yu wants to go abroad to do this. A small company that has just been established or acquired has nothing to do with personal connections. If you want to obtain a license for the introduction of the works, it is as difficult as heaven!

After all, the inland cultural circles have to guard against the works of the youngest son of Japan Island so carefully, not to mention your works abroad? It is a joke that the market is completely open, the number of foreign works imported every year is limited!

A bunch of works from big companies are queuing up. If you, a company of average strength, want to jump in?

So judging from the following facts, this ban has almost no real restraint on Chu Yu.

It's impossible for Tianxing to think that Shui Xin, this guy, went to Japan to develop, and it happened to catch up with this kind of opportunity. It only took more than a year to let this small animation company that I bought grow up to what it is now. ......, and because of this incident, Chu Yu directly smashed Skystar right now, holding the worst-case scenario, even if his work does not make money, he would make Skystar not make money, and pulled each other to each other. Blew!

If Yin Tian knew the truth, he would be furious!

But now...As long as Zhao Qinyin, Huang Ming, and Su Lu are tight-lipped, this kind of thing is your outsider's guess, but there is definitely no way to get the truth!

But there will definitely be rumors, so Chu Yu can conceal it if he can!

But obviously... the old man on the opposite side didn't know Chu Yu at all!

Because at the first glance he saw Chu Yu, he didn't recognize the expression of someone at all, but it was as if he was looking at a stranger! At the same time, a touch of surprise appeared in his eyes!

"Excuse me, are you the president of gt animation production company?" the old man asked!

"Yes, my name is Chu Yu!" Chu Yu nodded.

"Before I heard from the front desk, your name is Songgangzong, right? That famous director on the island of Japan more than ten years ago... Songgangzong?" The other party gave Chu Yu a respectful name, Chu Yu Naturally, there is something to learn.

"That......it is true!" Song Gangchong smiled awkwardly.

Since the other party knew him, he must also know his past gorgeous loss record, Songgang took a deep breath!

"You come to our company this time. Excuse me...Is there anything wrong?" Chu Yu asked curiously.

Huang Ming originally set out to look for him today, but based on the few sentences the two sides are talking to, Chu Yu is basically certain that the other party must have not met Huang Ming, otherwise the name Huang Ming must have appeared in the conversation long ago! The other party will not be so restrained!

"I saw it on the Internet. It seems that your company is planning to make a big move in the animation industry in the near future, right!"

Songgang groaned for a moment. Although he felt that his visit was indeed abrupt, the president on the opposite side was also ridiculously young. It is estimated that the heir of the big chaebol came to the animation industry to play tickets!

But no matter what, I have come, and I still have to...express my ideas!

"The purpose of my coming is actually to recommend myself!"

After all, it has been incorporated into the Dragon Kingdom, and the people on the island of Japan are still familiar with the historical allusions related to the ancient idioms of the Dragon Kingdom.

After saying a word.... Chu Yu immediately reacted, what does this mean by self-recommendation!

"I know that since your company has the idea of ​​big moves, it is even ready to invest such a huge amount of money in animation creation, but with all due respect......The production team of your company is extremely mediocre!" Song As Gangchong spoke, his tone was raised!

"Maybe your company's previous animations are all romantic animations that are not difficult to make. Ordinary people can't see the specific situation from the animation effects, but I have seen your company's work and have basically learned about the price from some details of the screen. The level of the production team of the company..... The general direction of making these, the current popular disused animation is not very stressful.... But since it costs such a large amount of money, two masterpieces are ready to be produced. Give it to these people...It's too wasteful!" Song Gangchong said, getting angry in his words.

"That is really a violent thing, a sharp waste of animation funds..."

Although what the old man said is a bit exaggerated, Chu Yu knows the level of his team, although he is not sure to see me, but it is not mediocre...

However, this kind of thing is relative. Compared with the industry level, my own team may be okay, but compared with the production team led by Song Gangzong, it is mediocre......estimate Chu Yu. The members of the subordinate production team called over, knowing that this was Songgang's evaluation of them, and they should not be unconvinced!

"So what do you mean?" Chu Yu asked rhetorically, calmly!

"So I recommend myself. I don't think that with your current strength, you can attract the old guys on the island to join. Except for those people, I think that you can not be as good as me... ."

"I want to join you... I want to make an animation!" Songgang said with excitement.

When Chu Yu heard this sentence, he remembered Mitsui Shou, he wouldn't treat me as Anzai's coach, right?

Chu Yu started to complain in his heart!

However, Chu Yu contacted Huang Ming to say ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Although this guy is currently no one in the industry, he still understands a little bit of the situation from the point of view of the situation!

It is impossible for this guy to be sure that no one wants. After all, the strength lies in this. Go to any animation company on the island of Japan as a consultant and teach employees. There is definitely someone willing to ask him to go.

But he wants to continue directing animated films... If he wants people to give him hundreds of millions to support him in making animated films, then it will definitely be out of the picture! After all, the history of losses lies there, and investors are not stupid! Even if his strength is enough, he has already been labeled as bad feng shui in the eyes of investors!

He must have seen the video of the new work he posted, and after a comprehensive analysis, he knew that his company must be short of talents now...so come over and try your luck...

Is there such a thing?

Chu Yu was also confused for a while!
