I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

In the reception room, Chu Yu and Song Gang were two people, and the atmosphere was a little dull for a while!

Song Gangchong himself was nervous, because he himself felt that his behavior was like a silly criticism. A rich man who could get 780 million Dragon National Coins to produce animation, he just came here rashly.... .... I also didn't say to ask an old friend in the industry to convey the news first, and then make an appointment to have a meal together to discuss the matter in detail!

Just like that, I came here with some cigarettes and alcohol. It was really impolite!

But is Matsoka full? He was able to visit a group of friends in the circle last night, but the question is... The boss of this gt animation company is in the animation industry in Tokyo, and he is not alone. Know his contact information!

Matsuoka just knows that gt animation company was acquired last year and the company is now in a state of vigorous development. Two animations produced by Slam Dunk will be broadcast in April next year, and Spirited Away will be released in July next year.. .......

The lack of people in this company is his speculation, because the company he stayed with has also experienced this period. At this time, how could there be an experienced director who can hold this kind of large-scale animation in the company!

They have money, but they lack people, and it's November now. Their production cycle is very tight. If they are short of people, they will definitely fill up the production team members this month.......

It was just a very simple reasoning. Songgang Chong judged the news based on the narration of friends in the industry and the information about this company collected on the Internet!

That's why he had such a risky move... After all, although he is now famous, no one wants to use him!

After all, Song Gangzong has never been a small-cost animation director. He is a well-known man in animation production. Although there are many examples of failures in his later work in his career, there has never been a media that sprays his works and paints. ....... The reason why his works hit the streets is very simple, because the plot of the works is obscure, and the thinking is too advanced. In the eyes of people of his age, these works have great plots!

But he neglected a questionable question back then. The investors behind him wanted to make money, and he went to make literary and animated movies. Who is the main force of anime teenagers in the mood to watch those director's self-interested works?

In recent years, many anime fans have reviewed his works, and they have commented on the fact that those smashing works of the year are actually profound, but the people at the beginning did not understand it!

Just like the Legend of Shushan and Westward Journey movies in the parallel world, when they were released, they were afraid that the box office would be dismal. Zhou Xingc went bankrupt because of the losses on Westward Journey. Even if the works were reversed with the passage of time, what's the matter? use?

Song Gangzong has now become a famous director that no one dares to use...Because investing in him is not cheap! He doesn't make small-cost movies! What if it rushes again?

No one's money comes from a strong wind... Investors are also very cautious!

However, Chu Yu is obviously not in this list. He has never been afraid of taking risks. Songgang is full of personal strength. Chu Yu is basically satisfied. He already has the script and so on. As long as he is not given the right to change the script, I can't get rid of him because of his literary and youthful illness...

"I know what you think...but this kind of thing is too sudden for me!" Chu Yu pretended to be embarrassed.

I wanted to find him, but he ran to the door on his own initiative. How could I let him run!

But now... the situation is a bit different!

If you find the other party by yourself, it is your own party to beg him, and when he finds the door, the situation is the other way around. In short, it is the negotiation of cooperation terms.

Songgangchong's past work, Chu Yu, has already been reviewed today. I don't care about the plot. From the perspective of the effect of the production, the vocal music, and the rendering of the atmosphere, it is worthy of being a master, so Chu Yu is not at all right now. Suspicious entanglement......the negotiation mode began immediately.

While talking to Songgang that he already has a very good director candidate, he hurried to the chat software to arrange for Huang Ming to come back quickly. Negotiations are not Chu Yu's strengths. What is the market price of such a person and what conditions should he discuss with him? , Huang Ming understands far better than Chu Yu......

So in the next hour, Chu Yu and Song Gang played Tai Chi all the way. They did not make a clear statement on the key questions, and continued to show their intention to replace the originally scheduled director, but they continued to show that they were right. Songgang is interested in business capabilities!

The old man opposite him was also very puzzled.......The atmosphere felt weird, but......this situation was compared to the situation where Chu Yu directly asked the security guard to cross out as he expected. It's so much better!

He clearly smelled the breath of opportunity...

He has no interest in long-form animations like Slam Dunk, but considering the investment of 400 million yuan, he can't reduce his body to be responsible for this kind of work!

But like a film director going to make a TV series, he feels very awkward, but he also knows that his current situation has no room for negotiation, as long as the other party is willing to direct himself the 450 million Spirited Away animation film. If everything is ok after reading the script, he can put it down, and even the rewards can be reduced very low!

But the question is... how do you convince the young man on the opposite side...

When both parties were thinking about how to continue the follow-up conversation, at this time, after getting out of the car, they trot all the way, panting Huang Ming finally arrived....

When Song Gang Zhengzhen came to the company and talked with Chu Yu Kan, his expression was dumbfounded!

In general, Chu Yu had already sent a message and told him about it!

The next thing... Chu Yu wiped the sweat from his forehead!

"Hello, Senior Songgang, this is the person in our company who specializes in producing this piece, and is also my partner. If you have any questions and demands next, just talk to him!" Chu Yu said quickly, and then Quickly left and the reception room.

In the room, Huang Ming and Song Gang stared at each other.......


Songgangzong collapsed, was there more than an hour before co-authoring for nothing?


Chu Yu, who returned to her office, took a break and continued to devote herself to work!

For works like Spirited Away, a good director is indispensable, but when it comes to the cost of the director, Chu Yu doesn't care too much. To save money on this, often the final effect is just counterproductive!

From three o'clock until six o'clock in the afternoon... Huang Ming and Song Gangchong had a dry chat, but they could talk for so long.......This can also explain a lot. Questionable!

"Director Huang is really young and promising, a talent!" Song Gang walked out of the reception room with a smile.

"Where, Songgang's elders are the ones who grow stronger and stronger. I have always been a fan of you. I think that the disappearance of people like you is a huge loss to the world animation industry..."

"Where and where!"

"you are welcome....."


After rejecting Huang Ming's invitation to dinner, Chu Yu and Huang Ming met.

"What's the matter? What's the situation like after talking for a long time?" Chu Yu asked curiously.

"It's nothing. I just told him about the situation of our company. The script can't be moved, and in many cases, Zhao Qinyin may make a request for the style of the work. If Songgangzong has obvious better suggestions, we will adopt it, but other than that. Besides, all production is based on us..." Huang Ming said calmly.

"Although he is very entangled, it seems that it is not unacceptable. After all, he also knows that if we miss our village, there will be no next store. He waited for twelve years to have this opportunity. I guess he has no patience to wait any longer. !"

"He said he would go back and think about it, but I think there should be news in the next two days!"

"On the premise that he agrees to join our company, what I want to talk about is that the cost of inviting him can be forced to a very low price when he is now weak, but... .If you want him to continue to cooperate with us after this cooperation, there is no need to save too much!" Huang Ming said!

"Nippon Island is like an animation director of his level. It usually costs more than 10 million yuan to direct a work. Of course, those people rarely encounter animated films with an investment of 450 million yuan, so I also decided to follow this. The standard is given to him......Of course, you can also give him a guaranteed salary and partial box office dividends, but for details, it depends on what you think?" Huang Ming said in one breath!

"Ten million? This is nothing to question!"

Chu Yu doesn't really value this money at all. After all, judging from his income this year, because the large works of the water heart flooded into the island of Japan, and the Zhao Qinyin trumpet blossomed, a bunch of income was piled up in the account. , The number of ten million seems to be very big, but in fact......less than his average two-day income!

Chu Yu is not interested in spending too much time on this. Even Chu Yu feels that the price is too low. For live-action movies, many famous directors' fees account for about one-tenth of the total investment, and international directors can even account for it. Twenty to thirty percent of the total investment, and box office dividends!

After all, the animation director is a small category in the film industry, and the salary is not so high, but in fact, if the other party is good enough, not to mention that he can make a breakthrough in the original version of Hayao Miyazaki's Spirited Away and make the quality of his work even higher!

As long as he can present this work in the world similar to the original version, or lower the requirements, if the original version has an artistic level of more than 90%, Chu Yu feels that the director's fee will increase by a little, 20-30 million. There is nothing wrong with paying the other party!

However, Huang Ming's question of division has made Chu Yu alert. With this kind of system, I definitely want the director not to fish in the production of the work, and hold the mentality of doing it casually when the money is available. After all, there is a dividend. Definitely will come up with a strength of 120%!

Although the other party is in this situation, Chu Yu doesn't think he will waste the last chance in his life by fishing, but it is always good to be careful!

Chu Yu pondered for a moment...

"You haven't discussed the director's fee with him yet!" Chu Yu said.

"No, I'm only planning this. This kind of thing will definitely be discussed only if he really intends to join our company!" Huang Ming said.

"Let's do it then. If he can accept our request after he goes back and considers it clearly, the fixed salary, the salary level of 10 million yuan can be floated upwards, and you have the authority within the total salary of 15 million yuan, and you can do it yourself. Decide, you can talk to him anyway, it is best to be low, but money is definitely no one important!"

Although Chu Yu doesn't mind spending more to hire talents, he still has to follow the market price. A director at Songgang's level now has a market price of around 10 million for a work, which may even be lower. After all, the rate of return for animated films has always been. general! This situation naturally leads to the average salary level of employees!

Chu Yu's salary cap is already above the market price. Of course, in practice, he can't find another Songgang qualified person at this price. After all, the liquidated damages for these people's contracts with the original company may be The price is the same, so finding Songgang is the most economical and the fastest option to form a production team at the moment! Otherwise, even if Chu Yu is willing to spend money to dig people, who knows how long it will take until the contract dispute between those people and the original company is settled?

"If he is interested in the dividend model... Then add 5 million to the work revenue... 3%... No, 100% Two!"

"Two models, the first one, after the talks, the upper limit does not exceed 15 million fixed salary! The second, five million fixed salary plus 2% of the box office revenue of Spirited Away, you let He chooses it himself!" Chu Yu said after thinking about it.

Hearing this, Huang Ming bowed his head and made a rough calculation.

If Matsuoka finally chooses to join the gt animation company and chooses the second income method, the total box office of Spirited Away must be as high as 2.8 billion or more, after deducting the cost, it will only be 1,500. Million or more income!

Of course, 15 million fixed income is the upper limit given by Chu Yu. If Huang Ming can talk about Songgang at the price of 10 million, and the second income method, there will be a difference of 5 million between the two. , Spirited Away only needs 2.1 billion at the box office to make Songgang's total revenue reach more than 10 million!

Reduced the dividend from 3% to 2% from the old brother... Huang Ming has already felt Chu Yu's confidence in Spirited Away's work! If he didn't really think that Spirited Away could exceed two or three billion at the final box office, he would never be entangled in this topic!

But this......too outrageous!

The highest-grossing movie of Long Kingdom's live-action movie was only 7.7 billion, and the highest grossing record of the animated film in the whole Long Kingdom was only 2.8 billion.......

In the live-action film industry, the world movie box office record is a work of the United States, converted into 8.6 billion yuan, and the box office record of animation movies is also in the United States, which is 3.6 billion yuan! After all, the U.S. in this world is not one of the top four, but one of the top four. The influence of national power is not as good as that of the parallel world, and the influence of these entertainment products naturally declines!

At least the people of Longguo and the people of Southeast Asia are not interested in film and television animation in the Omi region. Without these populous countries contributing too much box office, this is a matter of course!

This attitude of my brother was directly directed at the box office record of Spirited Away breaking the Dragon Kingdom animation movie? Do you even think you can go to the world record?

Is it self-confidence or something else?

Huang Ming didn't bother to think about it... It's not that Chu Yu didn't have confidence in Chu Yu, but Chu Yu's thinking was too jumpy. The first animated film he made had this idea... ...It is a bit hard to accept! Anyway, he thinks he is Songgang Chong, and he will not hesitate to choose a fixed salary of 10 million!

At least Huang Ming thinks that Tianxing's minimum box office requirement for Book Realm, an investment of 400 million, may also be around 600 or 700 million. This way, the box office income plus the sales of peripherals and the later online broadcast income should be irrelevant. ! As for the upper limit, Huang Ming thinks that people on the side of Tianxing may also dare to think about 1.5 billion, so that the works can make a lot of money!

In the animation industry, apart from Chu Yu's perverted position, how can there be such a high rate of return? Tianxing has performed these actions to enhance the company's reputation and expand the Japanese island market is the goal. As for making money, it is still in the future!

This concludes the conversation between Chu Yu and Huang Ming...

In the next few days, Huang Ming and Song Gangchong had several appointments!

Restaurants, bathhouses, custom venues...Of course, the two just met for drinks and entertainment, very formal! After all, although the two are romantic, they are not slutty!

However, the two people are quite similar. Although Song Gangchong is twenty years older than Huang Ming, they have been called brothers and sisters in a few days........

As for cooperation, it is easy to negotiate at the wine table. After all, a man is affectionate and a concubine is interested. The apparent hesitation is only to strive for greater benefits, it is a means of negotiation! Just tell the aunt at the vegetable market that cabbage is not sold for less than two yuan. If you really say that you are leaving, she will most likely call you back to discuss it!

Matsutaka knew his situation, and even his minimum plan in his heart was 5 million fixed salary, he was willing to join the gt animation company. He mainly wanted an opportunity. Investors like Japan who looked down on him proved that what he lost would be personally. Take it back instead of coming over to make money!

But who knows... Huang Ming gave two options of 10 million fixed salary and 5 million plus 2% of the income...

It really made him tears in his eyes for a while!

I am extremely grateful to the young man who has only met once. From the fixed salary of 10 million yuan, he feels the young man's fancy to him...

As for the dividend of 5 million plus 2% of the return, he calculated it, and the conditions are too harsh if he wants to exceed 10 million... With more than 2.1 billion works coming out, do you want to take over the other's trust in yourself?

Songgangchong was lost...

But in the end...he chose the first model, a fixed salary of 10 million...

After all, although he mainly wants this opportunity, he has nothing to do with money!

However, when the contract is finally signed, there is always a feeling in my heart that I have lost...

However, under Chu Yu's generous hand~www.mtlnovel.com~ Songgangzong also introduced a lot of senior talents in the industry to Huang Mingzuo's production team for reference.....This surprised Huang Ming. abnormal.....

After all, in addition to the lack of talents like Songgang, the company also lacks the next level of mid-to-high-end talent.....

Songgangchong's personal connections are much larger than Huang Ming's level of only two years on the island of Japan!

Although many companies are unwilling to invest in him, Songgang's apprentices and grandchildren are everywhere!

He can easily find talents that gt animation company lacks and who happen to have the idea of ​​hopping.

That's it.... A lot of help!

In the next week, gt animation company in the Tokyo animation industry, a vigorous poaching battle began.....
