I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

The Dragon Kingdom animation industry is booming, but in terms of time...December is the end of the last ten days!

During this period of time, Su Lu handled the cooperation interviews with various partners, many of Longguo's big-name snacks, and the beverage company requested that the appearance of Okazaki Shio, Furukawa and other family members be applied to the outer packaging of the goods!

Zhao Qinyin went everywhere to participate in interviews on various programs. Before the explosion, she was actually very famous both in the inland and on the islands of Japan... But now, she is even more famous. In terms of creative strength, it is hard to say what status she is in the eyes of fans, but in terms of personal popularity......definitely the first person in the animation circles in the mainland and the island of Japan!

It's not much worse than when Chu Yu was still active!

Now if you just go out on the street without wearing a mask, you will be surrounded by hundreds of fans every minute!

In participating in some publicity programs, even if the other party also invited some stars, the other party still voluntarily puts his posture at a lower level, although Zhao Qinyin, Chu Yu, and Su Lu are not very good. Pay attention to these, but in fact......it only took a year, Zhao Qinyin started from being a cartoonist on the street last year, through four successful works, and the crazy spread of fans on the Internet. , Has grown up to now, in the eyes of ordinary people, compared with the first-line stars, the animation creators and Internet celebrities who have the same appeal!

As for Chu Yu... the company is getting busy, he must not be free, but he doesn't have to run around outside!

Tired, this is a rare opportunity for the three of them to bring their first thoughts when they meet again in Chu Yu's office during this period of time.

"Speaking of, Chu Yu, were you so busy when you were in the magic city?"

Zhao Qinyin is a girl who pays attention to personal image, but now she has become Ge You lying on a recliner with tired eyes!

"Almost! The Lelouch period was also so busy, but there were no major productions like Slam Dunk and Spirited Away at that time, so I might have to relax at that time!" Chu Yu recalled. Said sighfully.

"Speaking of which, Brother Huang hasn't seen a figure for a week, he feels like an iron man!"

Su Lu mentioned the Huang Ming who was still inland, and his tone was full of admiration. After speaking, he stared straight at Chu Yu. Chu Yu looked guilty and looked away again and again.

"His words are indeed very powerful, but he is relatively strong. Although he has a lot of work, he is highly efficient. Generally speaking, he will not stay up late to work like us!" Chu Yu explained.

"So it's really over, isn't it?" Su Lu looked at Chu Yu and asked very seriously.

After all, there are too many calls on the Internet to make the third season here. The gt animation company has also dealt with this issue coldly. It is the choice to make the work the most popular at this time.

But for Su Lu, she actually thinks that the third season is a very good choice whether it is fan expectations or company interests, but it depends on whether Chu Yu has any ideas. After all... .. The real author behind this work is still him!

"The third season is indeed gone!" Chu Yu said!

"But if I have time, I can produce some plots and make some short animations, which can be regarded as satisfying the fans' requirements!" Chu Yu thought for a while, then said.

After all, in the original game, many plots were not actually produced. Those things were ignored just because they had nothing to do with the main line, but in fact... it's very interesting!

But now after the company is over, the main characters are placed on Slam Dunk and Spirited Away. Chu Yu doesn't want to let his subordinates be distracted. This matter is temporarily stranded! After all... December is about to pass, and the next year is coming... Within a few months, the slam dunk will debut in April!

Whether it is out of tribute to the classics or out of personal revenge to sniper the stars, Chu Yu is very serious now......Spirited Away, fortunately, there is more than half a year of production time. , But the slam dunk is different.....Time is also very short!

"It feels like a dream. I still remember that when Dragon and Tiger aired at the beginning of this year, no one was optimistic about us... But by the end of this year, it was only a few days before another New Year. After a year, gt animation company has become a well-known boutique animation production company in Tokyo area, and I have gone from being obscured last year... to now being watched!" Zhao Qinyin watched Chu Yu's eyes were full of light.

"It's everyone's credit!" Although Chu Yu is not a polite person, sometimes she still has emotional intelligence online.

"But you are now......Don't you feel uncomfortable? The growing popularity will definitely cause you a lot of trouble!" Chu Yu asked Zhao Qinyin back.

After all, when he was in the magic city, the most annoying thing was the restrictions on freedom brought by his reputation. Some people think that being focused on is a good thing, but for Chu Yu, Su Lu, and Zhao Qinyin, this is definitely not the case!

Just like Chu Yu, hiding his identity like this now is indeed much more comfortable than before.

"I was a little panic at the beginning, but now I am used to it!" Zhao Qinyin said after thinking about it.

When Chu Yu heard this, he felt relieved that Chu Yu was afraid that she would be under too much pressure, but now it seems that Zhao Qinyin is indeed a bit powerful, and this thing can easily adapt.

Anyway, Chu Yu Capital did not adapt to the scene of being watched by fans like monkeys in the zoo. Although he was not afraid, he did not like it.

After Chu Yu and the two continued to chat briefly, the meeting ended!

It was mainly Su Lu by the side, and Chu Yu always felt a lot of pressure in his heart!

Seeing Zhao Qinyin looking at her innocent eyes, there is an inexplicable feeling of guilty conscience!

What worked during this period of time was only to temporarily suppress these emotional problems of Chu Yu. In fact...Chu Yu clearly noticed that even though he and Su Lu hadn't said anything during this period of time. , And there is not too much time to get along.

But the relationship between the two is slipping into a dangerous place. What's more, Su Lu is in a place where Zhao Qinyin can't see, just staring at Chu Yu with a smile, staring at him so that his scalp is numb, so the three of them The talks ended early.

"Oh, yes...it will be the New Year on the island of Japan in a few days!" Su Lu suddenly mentioned such a sentence before leaving.

Japanese Islanders celebrate the New Year but the Spring Festival of the Dragon Country, but on other days, the time is from January 1 to 3 of the Gregorian calendar every year. To be honest, gt animation company belongs to the company of Japan Island, although it is almost a holiday that does not exist on weekdays. , But on this kind of holiday, Chu Yu didn't plan to let everyone work overtime anymore. This can't be solved by paying overtime! After all, the annual big day, everyone has been busy for a year, and it is over, just take the opportunity to let the people have a rest!

"Um...yes, what's the matter?" Chu Yu knew what Su Lu wanted to say.

But he deliberately pretended not to understand ~www.mtlnovel.com~ It's rare to have this kind of vacation time. How about we go there for three days together? "Su Yan said with a smile.

"I don't think it's necessary anymore. At this time there are so many people everywhere, what's the point of being crowded? Haven't you been back to your home inland for a long time? You can just go back and have a look at this time!" Chu Yu said with a smile.


"I won't go back!"

Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu said in unison.

Su Lu's expression, Chu Yu knew at a glance, it would definitely be endless urging for marriage...

And Zhao Qinyin...why is her expression like this?

Zhao Qinyin looked helpless, looked at Su Lu, Chu Yu Music felt a little bit... Maybe she, like Su Lu, is now a member of the family urging the marriage!